20 Free Printables for January
There are so many great winter themes. And it is fun to make and create for the winter themes every year!
These are fun themed weeks to help make January and winter loads of fun.
You are going to find a mix of different types of math and activities that you can do with kids for the winter.
And each week will have something different and new.
This is a great addition to the Winter printables on the site.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
The series will have math, language, and more! I can’t wait for you to see what the week has in store! It is always fun to create new and fun ideas.
Be sure to sign up for my newsletter to make sure you get notice of every printable and post that comes out on the site.
20 Free Printables for January Menu
A jump to the free week you are looking for. These are all the sections you will find below.
Week 1 Snowman Week Printables
Week 2 Winter Week Printables
Week 3 Polar Animals Week Printables
Week 4 Space Week Week Printables
Week 1 Snowman Week Printables
You will have five fun snowman printables. There will be a mix of math and language and other fun activities to do with kids.
I’m also joined by JDaniel4’s Mom who is also doing a few snowman printables this week.
Snowman Printables Day 1
Snowman Subitizing Number Sense

Snowman Subitizing Number Sense For Numbers 1 to 20 has snowmen with numerical numbers on them from 1 to 20 with matching snowballs with tally marks, dominos, number words, ten frames, and tens and ones. A great number sense activity for kids.
I Spy Snowman Number Activity Pages

I Spy Snowman Number Activity Pages is a great number activity you can do with kids. You can find the snowman numbers and the tally mark each time you find the number by JDaniel4’s Mom.
Snowman Printables Day 2
Snowman Shape Tracing Printable

Snowman Shape Tracing Printable has 9 fun shapes for kids to work on tracing with a shape for the snowman’s head. It is a great no-prep shape printable for kids.
Snowman Cup Stacking STEM Challenge Cards

Snowman Cup Stacking STEM Challenge Cards is a great STEM idea you can do with kids and make a great activity center for the winter by JDaniel4’s Mom.
Snowman Printables Day 3
Snowman Repeat Addition

Snowman Repeat Addition Printable is s fun way to introduce some of the early steps of multiplication with kids with a fun snowman with mittens repeat addition.
How to Build a Snowman Algorithm Game Boards

How to Build a Snowman Algorithm Game Boards is a great activity to follow the sequencing of building the snowman with kids by JDaniel4’s Mom.
Snowman Printables Day 4
Snowman Addition Matching Puzzles Printables – Addition from 1 to 20

Snowman Addition Matching Puzzles Printables with addition from 1 to 20. You have a puzzle for each number from 1 to 20 with a snowman in the middle. These are super cute and a great way to work on addition facts.
Snowman Addition Matching Puzzles Printables – Addition from 1 to 20

Snowman Color Sorting Cards has 6 fun color words for kids to work on learning and sorting by JDaniel4’s Mom.
Snowman Printables Day 5
Snowman Diphthong Game for AU, AW, EW and OI Word

Snowman Diphthong Game for AU, AW, EW and OI Word has a diphthong game, writing diphthongs and matching diphthongs.
Drawing a Snowman with an Algorithm

Drawing a Snowman with an Algorithm is a great way to work on drawing a snowman and following steps in order by JDaniel4’s Mom.
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Week 2 Winter Week Printables
You will have five fun winter printables there will be a mix of math and language and other fun activities to do with kids.
I’m also joined by JDaniel4’s Mom who is also doing a few snowflake printables this week.
Winter Printables Day 1
Winter Addition Flashcards

Winter Addition Flashcards have addition from 1 to 10 for kids to work on. You can a flashcard for all the different ways to add to 10. A great kindergarten and first grade flashcard printable
Snowflake Building Mats- Exploring Shapes

Snowflake Building Mats- Exploring Shapes is a great way to work on shape with kids during the winter. You have several shapes to explore in the set by JDaniel4’s Mom.
Winter Printables Day 2
Mittens Rhyming Matching CVC Words

Mittens Rhyming Matching CVC Words – You have 12 rhyming matching CVC words for kids to match. With three short a, two short e, two short i, three short o, and two short u words. Plus this is cute for winter!
I Spy Snowflake Shapes Worksheets

I Spy Snowflake Shapes Worksheets is a great way to find and count as the same time! Plus there are so many different snowflakes to look at by JDaniel4’s Mom.
Winter Printables Day 3
Snowflake ABC Tracing Cards Printable

Snowflake ABC Tracing Cards Printable has all 26 letters of the alphabet. You have uppercase letters and lowercase letters on the same card ina 3 by 3 cards style that works great for doing tic tac toe or just tracing the letters.
Drawing a Snowflake Based on an Algorithm Printable
Drawing a Snowflake Based on an Algorithm is a great way to follow steps to make a snowflake by JDaniel4’s Mom.
Winter Printables Day 4
Mitten Elapsed Telling Time Matching Printable

Mitten Elapsed Telling Time Matching Printable is a great way to work on having a starting time and matching the ending time with telling time questions and answer cards to match. Plus there is a worksheet you can use to fill out the answers for the time cards.
Snowflake Feelings Patterning Worksheets for Kids

Snowflake Feelings Patterning Worksheets for Kids is a great way to work on ABC type patterns with kids by JDaniel4’s Mom.
Winter Printables Day 5
Winter Skip Counting By 6 Easy Reader Book Printable

Winter Skip Counting By 6 Easy Reader Book is a fun easy reader book for working skip counting by 6 twelve times. You have repeat addition, skip counting numbers and visual of the numbers going up on each page.
Color By Code Snowflake Coloring Pages

Color By Code Snowflake Coloring Pages is a great number activities and a way to follow directions by coloring the numbers by JDaniel4’s Mom.
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Week 3 Polar Animals Week Printables
You will have five fun polar animals printables there will be a mix of math and language and other fun activities to do with kids. I’m also joined by JDaniel4’s Mom.
Polar Animals Printables Day 1
Polar Bear Ending CVC Word Sounds Sorting Printable

Polar Bear Ending CVC Word Sounds Sorting Printable works on CVC ending sounds for g, t, n, and p. You have four fish to sort for each polar bear with a recording sheet.
Narwhals Explore Words in Binary Code Printable

Narwhals Explore Words in Binary Code is a great coding activity to work on words. It is a super fun STEM idea by JDaniel4’s Mom.
Polar Animals Printables Day 2
Penguin Shape Sorting Printable

Penguin Shape Sorting Printable has four shape for kids to sort. It has circle, square, rectangle and triangle. This is a great preschool, prek and kindergarten printable for kids.
Polar Animal STEM Challenges – Build Pattern Block Animals

Polar Animal STEM Challenges is a great way to build animals with pattern blocks and learn different shapes and the animals at the same time by JDaniel4’s Mom.
Polar Animals Printables Day 3
Penguin Counting Mat Printables – Numbers 1 to 10

Penguin Counting Mat Printables – Numbers 1 to 10 has a counting mat for each nubmer that work great with one to one correspondence. And can be used with fun penguin counters.
Polar Animal Shape Challenge Cards

Polar Animal Shape Challenge Cards are fun polar animals in shapes that kids can work on making by JDaniel4’s Mom.
Polar Animals Printables Day 4
Arctic Animals Multiplication Clip Cards

Arctic Animals Multiplication Clip Cards has 4 clip cards for each multiplication from 1 to 12. You can see some fun ways to use these clip cards as well.
Code and Color Polar Animals

Code and Color Polar Animals are fun color by number activity that have an order in which you color the numbers by JDaniel4’s Mom.
Polar Animals Printables Day 5
Penguin Skip Counting by 12 Puzzle Printables

Penguin Skip Counting by 12 Puzzle Printables has two fun puzzles for skip counting by 12 with 11 to 120 and 132 to 240. A great way to work on counting.
I Spy Feelings on Penguins Activity Pages Printables

I Spy Feelings on Penguins Activity Pages Printables is a fun way to work on feelings and counting with penguins by JDaniel4’s Mom.
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Week 5 Space Week Printables
You will have five fun snowman printables there will be a mix of math and language and other fun activities to do with kids.
Space Printables Day 1
Space Number Find And Tracing Printables with 1 to 30 Numbers

Space Number Find And Tracing Printables with 1 to 30 Numbers has 30 number cards and 2 nubmer worksheets for kids to use with a number center. You pull a number and find the number on the worksheet.
STEM Challenge- Build an Earth Shape

STEM Challenge- Build an Earth Shape is a great activity for working on shape and building them with kids by JDaniel4’s Mom.
Space Printables Day 2
Planet Pattern Cards for Working AB and ABC Patterns

Planet Pattern Cards for Working AB and ABC Patterns is a fun set that work s on AB patterns and ABC patterns with kids. It has worksheets, pattern cards, pattern strips and more.
Space Rocket Cup Stacking STEM Challenge Cards

Space Rocket Cup Stacking STEM Challenge Cards is a great STEM idea for kids to build with cups and fun space cards to use with it by JDaniel4’s Mom.
Space Printables Day 3
Planet Addition Matching

Planet Addition Matching – Adding from 1 to 10 is a great activity to work on sorting addition equations to the solution.
Traveling Across the Solar System Algorithm Game Boards

Traveling Across the Solar System Algorithm Game Boards is a great order of the planet activity for kids. You can find all the plants in order as you go across the board by JDaniel4’s Mom.
Space Printables Day 4
Phases of the Moon Fine Motor Mat Printables

Phases of the Moon Fine Motor Mat Printables has all 8 phase of the moon with templates, tracing and dot marker for kids to use. You can use the phase of the moon mats that work best for you.
Outer Space STEM Challenge Cards

Outer Space STEM Challenge Cards is a fun way to build things for space. You can build a rocket, build a planet, and more by JDaniel4’s Mom.
Space Printables Day 5
Space ABC Planet and Moon Matching Printable

Space ABC Planet and Moon Matching Printable is a great way to match letters that is the same. You have planets with a letter and four matching moons with the same letter. A great hands-on ABC matching activity.
Rocket Ship Skip Counting Strips

Rocket Ship Skip Counting Strips has a few skip counting strips that come in color and black and white. They are a great space math printable for kids.
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A Few Other Great Fun Free Months Printables
20 Free Printables for September with apples, scarecrow, farm and forest animals.
20 Fun Free Printables for October with monsters, pumpkins, Bats & Spider, and Candy
20 Fun Free Printables for April with rain, birds, frogs, and bugs & insects.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com