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5 Day of Stomping, Romping and Roaring Dinosaur Printables

I have a very fun week planned. It is going to be a Dinosaur themed week! Yup loads of fun for celebrating my 6 year Anniversary on 3 Dinosaurs. You voted and Dinosaurs was the theme you picked.

I’m very excited to put this fun week together. I have some fun things planned and it will be loads of fun!

5 Days of Dinosaur Printables from 3Dinosaurs.com

The series will have math, language, and more! I can’t wait for you to see what the week has in store! It is always fun to create new and fun ideas.

Be sure to sign up for my newsletter to make sure you get notice of every printable and post that comes out on the site.

Day 1:
Easy to Use Dinosaur ABC Find And Tracing Center

Day 2:
Dinosaur Number Counting Book For Kids

Day 3:
Fun Hands-On Dinosaur Shape Mats

Day 4:
Dinosaur Ten Frame Addition Cards

Day 5:
Hands-On Dinosaur Bones Sorting: Even and Odd

You can check out a past Dinosaur week in the 31 Days of Printables. It has 7 fun days of additional printables you can check out.

You might also like the Dinosaur Pack.

Dinosaur themed pack - 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com


  1. Hello Cassie!
    I would love to download your 5 Days of Dinosaurs package but I cannot find the link to download it. When I click on Day one for instance I see what the package is but then the only link I can find takes me back to the 5 Days of Dinosaur page. Same thing if I click on day 2, 3, 4, or 5, when I click on the day I cannot find the link to download, instead I get turned around and sent back to the original 5 Days of Dinosaur page.

    If you could help me in finding the links I would be quite grateful. I’ve also checked on your teachers pay teachers site and I cannot find your 5 days of dinosaurs package.

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi,

      There is no package of these printables together.

      Each printables link on this page takes you to the blog post. On each of the blog posts there is a link that says “Click here to get your copy of the Dinosaur Bones Sorting: Even and Odd.” This is normally after the screenshot of what is in the printable.

      That link takes you to a download page for that printable. Each page has its own download based on the type of printable. My free printables are not in my Teacher pay teachers stores.

      IF you have problems download the printables you can read the Printables Help and Errors here: http://www.3dinosaurs.com/wordpress/index.php/printables-help-and-errors/

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