5 Days of Free Preschool Printables
There are so many great preschool themes and it is fun to have lots of different printables for kids to use.
This fun series has 5 printables that work great for preschool all year long.
There will be five printables in this series: an ABC printable, a number printable, a shape printable, a prewriting printable, and a gross motor printable.
Each of these is a great way to give back to those who teach and help others learn.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
The series will have preschool printables that you can use with kids. These can work for preschool, prek and some kindergarten as well.
Be sure to sign up for my newsletter to make sure you get notice of every printable and post that comes out on the site.
Preschool Week Printables For Kids
You will see my printables below plus JDaniel4’s Mom is joining me for this fun Preschool week with fun preschool tracing worksheets.
Preschool Printables Day 1
Alphabet Coloring Easy Reader Book Printable

Alphabet Coloring Easy Reader Book Printable has a letter on each page with a matching picture for kids to color. A fun ABC activity for kids with all 26 letters of the alphabet.
Fine Motor Practice- Animal Tracing Page Printables

Fine Motor Practice- Animal Tracing Pages are super fun for kids working on fine motor skills by JDaniel4’s Mom.
Preschool Printables Day 2
Funky Prewriting Tracing Strip Printables

Funky Prewriting Tracing Strips has 12 fun prewriting strips that you can use with kids working on prewriting that has different and fun lines for kids to trace.
Butterfly Letter Tracing Activity Printables

Butterfly Letter Tracing Activities has all the letters of the alphabet with tracing for the letters and the butterfly. A fun fine motor activity for kids by JDaniel4’s Mom.
Preschool Printables Day 3
Number Playdough Mats with Counting Printable

Number Playdough Mats with Counting Printable is a great printable for working numerical numbers and counting. A fun way to change up working on numbers.
Star-Themed Alphabet Tracing Mat Printables
Star-Themed Alphabet Tracing Mats has all 26 letters of the alphabet and has tracing the star and tracing the letters. A fun fine motor mat activity for kids.
Preschool Printables Day 4
Shape Tracing Printable with Coloring Printable

Shape Tracing Printable with Coloring Printable has 12 shapes with tracing three shapes in different sizes and a shape to color and the shape word below.
Tracing Lines on a Turkey Printable
Tracing Lines on a Turkey is a fun way to work on fine motor during the fall. You can have fun tracing different lines on the turkey’s feathers.
Preschool Printables Day 5
Gross Motor Movement Dice Printable

Gross Motor Movement Dice Printable has 6 movements to keep kids activity with simple gross movements. These are great for brain break and more.
Turkey Line Tracing Page Printables
Turkey Line Tracing Pages is a great fine motor prewriting printable that you can use with kids. It is great for kids who need extra practice with handwriting.
A Few Other Great Free Series Printables
20 Free Printables for September with apples, scarecrow, farm and forest animals.
20 Fun Free Printables for October with monsters, pumpkins, Bats & Spider, and Candy.
20 Free Printables for January with snowman, winter, arctic animals, and space
20 Fun Free Printables for April with rain, birds, frogs, and bugs & insects.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com