A Fun Crab Walking Gross Motor Dice
Gross motor at my house is a must. We are always doing something gross motor. It provides an outlet for my girls to get their wiggles out without feeling like it is a big huge chore to do it.
And we LOVE that gross motor dice. We have used them inside and outside of our house and it makes it loads of fun.
We had so much fun with the bear walking dice, I thought a crab walking one with directions would be loads of fun to do.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
This is a great addition to the gross motor printables and ocean printables on the site.
I like that you can take a simple movement and change it up. By changing directions you work different muscles and make it loads of fun to do!
Crab walking has always been a favorite activity at our house. I’m always using it as a good way to calm down. Now I have a fun dice activity to do with it.
Each dice set has their own fun gross motor activities, but with the cube dice you can mix them up! The cube dice have the movement on them and the folding dice just have the direction.
I have found that the cube dice tend to last longer and my girls just love throwing the dice around. All to often my girls like to throw the dice at the ceiling. Plus they roll nicely in the grass outside.

The Crab Walk Movements
Crab walks are great for kids that love deep impact movements. They are fun and easy to do in even small areas. A lot of kids know how to crab walk but if they don’t review crab walking before changing it up with the dice movements.
I always review the movements first before we do anything. I like to join my girls while doing the review. I’ll make sure they are walking correctly and then change to the next movement.
Crab Walk Forward is just doing the movement forward.
Crab Walk Backward is going backward with the bear movement.
Crab Walk Sideways is getting in the bear walking post and moving sideways.

After you are sure of the movements you can change up the dice a bit. You can add speed and how many times they do the movement. You can get the number dice here.

If you don’t want to mess with the dice, you can always just print them and use them as a set of cards. Mix them up and have them turn over the gross motor they will do. You can also mix in other of the gross motor dice as well! My girls loving using the cube dice because they can throw them in the air!

What you will find in this printable
- 3 movements: forward, backward, sideways
- Dice for different speeds: slow, fast, normal
- Two types: cube dice or make your own die
Check out all the fun Ocean & Beaches Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Check out all the fun Gross Motor Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com