Fun New ABC Interactive Letter Books
I’m always ask being asked if I’m making more ABC themed easy reader books. I’ve been a few seasonal books, and everyone has loved them.
I thought it would be fun to have ABC books that could be used all year. The letters we learn are always in different orders and different styles.
The books are a fun, interactive ABC books that allow kids to trace letters, find the letter and easy to read sentences.
The books sets have several different parts. It allows you to use what you might want in the series. It has the following: interactive easy reader book, matching reading strips and no-prep matching worksheet.
A look at the Pages in the ABC Interactive Letter Books
The easy reader books have different parts to them. The first part is tracing pages for uppercase and lowercase. There is also matching kid holding the same letter they can color as well.

The next page in the book has a color or dot the letter. We like to use the dot markers with this page. It has both uppercase and lowercase letters they can find.

The next two pages in the book have a letter to color that is uppercase and then lowercase. It has a sentence they can read with a picture that matches the word.

The last two pages in the book have a letter to trace that is uppercase and then lowercase. It also has a sentence they can read with matching the picture.

The set has reader strips that match up to the sentences in the easy reader book. You have an option of color or black & white. On the reader strips, it has a dot below each word to help them point to where they are reading. I like to print and laminate the reader strips.
You could print the black and white reader strips and have things cut them out to make their own flip book.

The set also includes two no prep pages. The first page has tracing for all the letters. The second page has write in the letters.

What is included in each ABC Interactive Letter Books:
- 2 different ABC Worksheets with tracing the letter or writing the letter, and coloring the letters – No Prep
- Reading Strips – Color & Black & White
- ABC Interactive Letter Books: Single Print – Black & White
- ABC Interactive Letter Books: Teacher Print – Black & White
- Price: $15
You can check out a sample of the ABC Interactive Letter Books here.
What is included in each ABC Letter Worksheets:
- ABC Worksheets with tracing the letter or writing the letter, and coloring the letters
- No-Prep
- Price: $5
You can check out a sample of the ABC Interactive Letter Books here.
Cassie –
I love 90% of your printables. If you would have a D’Nealian/Modern print version that would make it 100%. The schools where I live do not use Zaner Bloser and haven’t in years.
I’m glad that you like what I make. I used a font called ABCPrint. The other fonts you mentioned don’t have all the options for the combinations that I used in the book.
I have not ever had any requests for other fonts other than the fonts they use in Australia. I might have one version of the font for D’Nealian, but as I said it does not have all the options that I have used in the book.
I might consider looking into them but it is a lot of work to change up the fonts when I only have one request for it.
I would also have to rework the clip art in the books as kids holding the letters would not match the font you are looking at. I do make changes to printables but at a set hourly rate for the time it takes for me to make the changes. You can contact me on the email listed on the contact page for more information about that.