Free Addition 1 to 10 Playdough Mat Printables
Adding numbers for addition is one math that some kids need help with. There are so many different ways to work on learning it.
I love it when you have put many different learning ideas together. These free addition playdough mats are perfect working on addition with playdough.
You have several different ways to work on addition on one addition mat printable.
These addition playdough mats are great for kids in kindergarten learning addition and first grade for reviewing addition.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
The addition playdough math printable is part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the addition section on the subscriber freebie page.
What are Playdough Mats?
Playdough mats are a great way for kids to build fine motor skills while teaching skills like ABCs, numbers, and shapes.
But you can also use playdough mats to work on addition and subtraction. This playdough mat works on learning addition.
Addition Playdough Mat Printable
These are simple addition mats to help people start learning addition. You have an addition mat for each number. You have addition from 1 to 10. So there are 10 addition playdough mats. This allows them to build up as they go.
The addition mats have circles matching the number of the page, a number line up to the number under the circles, and an addition equation for them to fill out on the bottom of the playdough mat.
These addition mat printables are great for kids in kindergarten and first grade that are visual learners.
If you plan to use the mats a lot I recommend printing on cardstock and laminating

Black And White Addition Playdough Mat Printable
The addition mats are also a black and white version. This works great for when you need to save money on ink.

Things to use with the Addition 1 to 10 Playdough Mat Printables
- printer
- copy paper
- white cardstock
- playdough
- unifix cubes
- clear counters
- sheet protectors
- laminator
- laminating pouches
- Addition Flash Cards
Ways to use the Addition Playdough Mat Printables
Setting up and storing the Addition Playdough Mats
These addition play dough mats are super simple to use. I keep dry erase markers around to write in the numbers. I have put our copies in sheet protectors
and had them stored in a binder
and pulled them out when we need to use them.
Using Playdough With Addition Playdough Mats
One of the easy way to use the addition mats is just using playdough. You can have loads of fun doing this. They put the playdough in two colors in the circles and then use a small playdough snake for the number line and then write in the equation.

Using Clear Counters With Addition Playdough Mats
Another hands-on item you can use with the addition playdough mats is clear counters. These are super simple and easy to use. You can pick two colors to use for the equations. Then have enough of each color to make the mat you are working on.
So we are working on 4 so we had at least 4 blue and 4 red. And sometimes extras in case one or two get lost.

Using Unifix Cubes With Addition Playdough Mats
I love using unifix cubes on the addition mats as well. Use they are not a circle shape but you can use any hands-on items for the places. You can pick two colors and use them on the mats. Plus they are easy to make sure you have at least ten of them.

Using Addition Flashcards With Addition Playdough Mats
Now you might be totally new to addition and say my child is not ready to do this. Well, start them off with a set of addition flashcards that match the mat. This gives them the equations they are working on. So they can build the addition on the mat.
They can see how they work through every way to add up to 6. Or really any addiition mat number you want. So they are not trying to pick numbers but just matching the equation on the card. This is a great way to use the addition mats for kids in kindergarten.

What you will find in these free Addition 1 to 10 Playdough Mat Printables
- Addition 1 to 10
- Addition Playdough Mats in color and black and white optoins
- Playdough area circles, number line and place to write the addition equation
- Adding to 1 Mat, Adding to 2 Mat, Adding to 3 Mat, Adding to 4 Mat, Adding to 5 Mat, Adding to 6 Mat, Adding to 7 Mat, Adding to 8 Mat, Adding to 9 Mat, and Adding to 10 Mat.
- 20 pages of printables
Check out these other addition printables:
Bear Themed Addition, & Subtraction Clip Cards also work on addition up to 10. They are a great hands-on addition pintable.
Addition Bookmarks are great at showing all the ways you can add up to a numbers in one spot.
Hands on Number Bond Mats: Addition could also be used as addition playdough mats
Ways To Add Up To 20 is another addition mat that works on show the addition equations that add up to the number.
Check out all the fun Addition Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –