Free Animal Walking Themed Gross Motor Dice
Doing animal gross motor has been a staple at our house for years! We have always pulled out the gross motor printable list and use the list of animals from there.
I’m always looking for new ways to do our animal walking. Today, I’ve created fun animal-walking dice for kids to use.
You can get kids moving and having fun at the same time. Plus these are great for indoor activites.
The Animal Walking Themed Gross Motor Dice Printable is part of the 5 Days of Zoo Printables.
The Animal Walking Themed Gross Motor Dice is a great addition to the zoo printables and gross motor printables on the site.
Animal Walking Themed Gross Motor Dice
There are so many great animals walks that you can do. It was hard to just pick a few of our favorites to do. But that is what we did this time. I had my girls pick out 12 of their favorite movements and have fun with it.
Each dice set has its own fun animal gross motor activities but with the cube dice you can mix them up! The cube dice have the movement on them and the folding dice just have the name.
I have found that the cube dice tend to last longer and my girls just love throwing the dice around. All to often my girls like to throw the dice at the ceiling or not put them out of the way and step on them a few times.
I printed the cards on stardust cardstock to make them a little fancy. It is fun to have something that is not just white every now and then.

The Animal Walking Movements
There are 12 different movements that are on the dice. They can be used as the folding dice on the photo dice. We always use the photo dice so we can switch out the movements.
Bear: Walk like a bear.
Frog: Jump like a frog.
Crab: Walk like a crab.
Duck: Waddle like a duck.
Owl: Fly like an owl.
Turtle: Crawl like a turtle.
Snake: Slither like a snake.
Pig: Roll in the mud like a pig.
Kangaroo: Hop like a kangaroo.
Fish: Swim like a fish.
Horse: Gallop like a horse.
Monkey Climb like a monkey.

After you are sure of the movements you can change up the dice a bit. You can add speed & directions and how many times they do the movement. You can get the number dice here.
Or you can do a little animal tag game.

If you don’t want to mess with the dice, you can always just print them and use them as a set of cards. Mix them up and have them turn over the gross motor animal movement they will do. You can also mix in other of the gross motor dice sets as well! My girls loving using the cube dice because they can throw them in the air and mix them up as much as they want.

What you will find in the Free Animal Walking Themed Gross Motor Dice Printable
- 12 animal movements
- 3 movements: forward, backward, sideway to the right, sideways to the left, slow, fast
- Two types: cube dice or make your own die
Check out all 5 Days of the Zoo Printables.
Cassie –