Animals in Winter Themed Packs
There are always so many great activities you can do in the winter. Animals in winter have always been one of my favorite. Today I have two new themed packs.
You have a Preschool and Tot Pack and PreK & Kindergarten Pack. Both are full of fun activities with a mix of hands-on and no-prep activities.
I have put a wide range of activities for each of the packs. Plus some of our favorite parts of the packs to have.
The Preschool and Tot pack has a collection of beginning activities for kids. There is a mix of hands-on and no-prep that match up. You have prewriting, matching, which is different, ABCs, numbers, shapes and more.
The PreK and Kindergarten pack has activities for kids that are slightly older and working on different learning skills. You have different prewriting, matching, patterns, ABCs, numbers, addition, subtraction, CVC words and more.
Here are some of the Activities from the Animals in Winter Preschool & Tot Pack
You are going to find sets of prewriting pages. Each of the pages has a solid line or a thin line that you only trace one type of line on each page. There is also a shape tracing page that comes in the same solid or thin line.

You will find some matching worksheets and clip cards for ideas like which is different and big & small. This allows you to pick the needs of what you are looking for.

There are two types of puzzles in the set 2 piece puzzles and 9 piece puzzles. The 9 piece puzzles also come with a mat to build the puzzle on.

There are two different books in the set. You can color the bird different colors and read about the shapes that the owl is in.

There is a mix of ABC sorting, dot marker, and tracing in the set.

You will also find a few number no-prep pages for kids to work on. They work on numbers 1 to 10.

These are just a few of the 130 pages in the set!
Here are some of the Activities from the Animals in Winter PreK & Kindergarten Pack
The pack has some of the favorites like prewriting with animals, which is different, and work on patterns!

There are a few fun ABC activities you can do with puzzles, cut and paste, beginning sound clip cards and coloring pages.

You have animals word cards with writing, tracing and reading. You can also find those words in an easy reader book about seeing winter animals.
This set has some CVC activities with a hands-on paw print matching with a matching worksheet and no-prep printables that work on -at, -et, -it, -ot, and -ut.

You will find some fun addition and subtraction printables. There are single pages and a hands-on matching activity for addition.

There are several counting activities you can do that work from 1 to 10. You also have missing numbers, skip counting for 5 & 10, puzzles and more!

These are just a few of 145 the pages in the set!
Animals In Winter Pack for PreK & Kindergarten
The Animals In Winter Pack for PreK & Kindergarten has loads of activities for PreK and Kindergarten age kids. There are ABCs, numbers, shapes, puzzles, easy reader book, CVC, addition, and more. It has activities that all work well together for different types of learning.
There is a mix of different activities for kids to do. I wanted to have a fun mix of no-prep with hands-on activities.
What you will find in these printables
- Winter Animals Prewriting Pages
- Winter Animals 3 part Cards
- Winter Animals Pocket Chart Cards
- Winter Animals Tracing Word Strips
- Winter Animals Beginning Sound Tracing Strips
- Winter Animals Beginning Sound Uppercase & Lowercase Tracing strips
- Winter Animals Write the Word Strips
- Winter Animals Word Reading
- Winter Animals Word Tracing
- Winter Animals Word Writing
- Beginning Soun
- Clip Cards
- Begging Sounds Cut and Paste
- Letter Mazes for: C, D, F, R, O
- ABC Cut and Past Matching
- ABC Color and Trace for: C, D, F, R, O
- Winter Animals Beginning Sound Puzzles
- What Comes Next Cut and Paste
- Which One Is Different
- Color the Pattern with AB or ABC with crayons for color patterns
- Winter Animals pattern cards with Patterns to use
- Matching Cards
- Number Clip Cards 1 to 20
- 4 Piece Puzzles
- 10 piece puzzles with mat
- Winter Animals Dice for Roll & Graph
- Winter Animals Roll & Graph 1 to 5 and 1 to 10
- Paw Print Color by Size
- Counting color 1 to 5 and 6 to 10
- Count and color 1 to 4
- Count and color 6 to 9
- Roll and Color Paw Prints
- Fill in the Missing Numbers: random, by 5s and by 10s
- Skip Counting by 5 & 10 Paw Prints
- Skip Counting by 5 & 10 Cut and Paste
- Color the CVC Paw Prints: at, et, it, ot, ut
- CVC Paw Print Words: Short a, Short e, short I, short o, short u
- CVC Fox and Paw Matching with recording sheet
- Ten Frame Addition
- Addition with a Number Line
- Adding Doubles with a Number Line
- Picture addition with a number Line
- Subtraction with a number Line
- Subtraction Cross
- Roll & Color With or Without Number Line
- Ways To Add to 10
- Addition Matching 1 to 10 with Recording Sheet
- Write a sentence about the animals
- Describe the Animals in Winter
- Mixed-Up Sentences Cut, Paste and Write
- Winter Animals Sentences Reading
- Winter Animals Sentences Tracing
- Winter Animals Sentences Writing
- Winter Animals Easy Reader Book Single Print
- Winter Animals Easy Reader Book Teacher Print
- 162 pages
- Price: $10
Animals In Winter Pack for Preschool & Tot
The Animals In Winter Pack for Preschool & Tot has loads of activities for PreK and Kindergarten age kids. There are prewriting pages, shapes, numbers, ABCs, counting, lacing cards, and more. It has activities that all work well together for different types of learning.
The pack has activities that are no-prep and hands-on. It is a fun mix that works well together.
What you will find in these printables
- Animals in Winter Prewriting Solid Line (no-prep)
- Animals in Winter Prewriting Dashed Line (no-prep)
- Which one is different (no-prep)
- Which is Different Clip Cards
- Color the Small Pictures (no-prep)
- Color the Big Pictures (no-prep)
- Big and Small Clip Cards
- Big and Small sorting mat and cards
- 2 Piece Puzzles
- Matching Cards
- Matching Page (no-prep)
- Color the Bird Book Single Print
- Color the Bird Book Teacher Print
- Owl in the Shape Book Single Print
- Owl in the Shape Book Teacher Print
- Shape Tracing Solid Line or Dashed Line
- 9 Piece Puzzles
- 9 Pieces Puzzle Mat
- Winter Animals Dice & Dice Inserts
- Roll & Graph
- Sorting Uppercase and lowercase Letter Rr
- Sorting Uppercase and lowercase Letter Cc
- Sorting Uppercase and lowercase Letter Dd
- Sorting Uppercase and lowercase Letter Oo
- Sorting Uppercase and lowercase Letter Ff
- Lowercase Dot the Letter and trace the word: d, r, c, f, o
- Uppercase Dot the Letter and trace the word: D, R, C, F, O
- Uppercase Trace the Letter: D, R, C, F, O
- Lowercase Trace the Letter: d, r, c, f, o
- 3 Winter Animal Lacing Cards
- 1 to 10 Dot Marker Pages
- Trace the Number and color
- 130 pages
- Price: $8
Check out these other Winter Packs
Check out all the fun Winter & Snow Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –