Apple Daily Number & Math For the Fall
After the Ocean daily numbers and math were so much fun we decided we would do a few more sets of these for the different seasons and our favorite themes.
These are a great way to work on one number a day while going through a calendar month. Each page just focuses on one number. These work great with the Apple Calendar.
These printables give us daily sheets for the day of the month or whatever number you need to be working on. It is an easy way to work on math or numbers any time you want. Plus the whole set matches up together.
The first set of printables is the Apple Daily Number. The numbers go from 1 to 31. I set up the printables with the apple themed number wall cards, a crayon and a dot marker
for her to use on the page.

She loves to use the dot markers on her number part. Plus it is easy to color as well. If you want to reuse the pages a few times put them sheet protectors
in a binder
. We use dry erase markers
on them and just wipe off.

My middle loves the daily math. She has fun coloring and working through all the numbers as we do them. I’ve pulled these out when we want to work on a certain number for the day. It lets her work through all the different ways to work on a single number.

There are tons of printables in the set and we love using them. My girls have tons of fun with these and love them. The set has flashcards 1 to 31 for addition and subtraction. There are and apple themed number wall cards. Plus there is a math fact house mat for it as well. There is a lot of fun printables in the set! You can see additional ways you can use the set in the Ocean Daily Numbers & Math
Here is how to get your copy of the daily apple themed printables!
Apple Daily Themed Number Selling Set contains 48 pages:
- Numbers 1 to 31
- Trace the Number
- A Number to Color
- Dot the Number
- Find the Number on the Number Line
- Count & Color the Apples
- Number Wall Cards 1 to 31
- Price $4.00
You can check out a sample of the Apple Daily Number Printable here.
Apple Daily Themed Math Selling Set contains 175 pages:
- Numbers 1 to 31
- Math Addition & Subtraction
- Ten Frames
- Math Facts
- Tally Markers
- Place Value
- Addition Flashcards for numbers 1 to 31
- Subtraction Flashcards for numbers 1 to 31
- Math Fact House for Addition & Subtraction and Multiplication & Division
- Price $6.00
You can check out a sample of the Apple Daily Math Printable here.
Cassie –