Fun Hands-On Baseball Double LL Sorting
When kids are learning to read there are so many fun ways to go about it. I know that my girls have always enjoyed hands-on learning as well as worksheets. We do like to mix it up.
Double consonant words are often called CVCC words. They are words that end with two consonants together. There are many of these words. There are some that have the same consonant together.
Today I have an activity for the double ll ending. It is a free baseball themed double ll sorting activity with a matching worksheet.
This is printable is a part of the Baseball Themed Week.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
This is a great addition to the CVCC Printables, double consonants printables and baseball printables on the site.
There are loads of activities you can do with a set of cards and worksheets. You can always mix up how you do them. Today’s printable has 15 sorting cards and a matching recording worksheet. This allows you to meet the needs of different kids.
There are 15 cards for kids to sort. They each end in the double “ll”. All the pictures are on baseballs.

There are 5 sorting mats with a catcher on each of the mats. The mats have the word ending the catch is looking for.

Ways to Use the Baseball Double LL Sorting Printable
You are set up the sorting area like this. I put the mats at the top and the sorting cards at the bottom.

When all the cards are sorted each mat will have three cards. I like having them sort the cards before we do other things. We always say the word that we are sorting. So you would say fall when sorting the fall card.

After the cards are all sorting we record the words on the matching worksheet. The worksheet has 3 spaces to write in the three words for each double ll ending.

If you don’t want to use the mats and worksheets you can just play rhyming games with the cards. This is loads of fun to do.

Here are some additional ideas you can do with the cards:
- Get the CVCC Word ladders and make the words on the cards.
- Paste the picture on a writing paper and have them write a sentence using the word.
- Turn the cards over and play a matching game where you match all three word endings
- Put the cards on a ring
and flip through and say the words.
- Play Old Maid with the cards
What you will find in the Free Baseball Double LL Sorting printables:
- 5 sorting mats
- 15 baseballs for sorting
- A double ll recording sheet
- 7 pages of printables
Click here to see 5 days from the Baseball Themed Week
Cassie –