Beach Themed Gross Motor Dice For Summer Fun
There are times during the summer that is is just hot, and we can’t always get outside to run around. My girls always want some way to get their wiggles out.
The Beach Themed Gross Motor Dice is a perfect summer gross motor activity! You can get your wiggles out with some beach themed movements.
It is perfect for summer or maybe a cold winter day when you want to remember the warm beach.
This post is part of the 5 Days of Beach Printables.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
This is a great addition to the beach printables and gross motor printables on the site.
We did a beach themed gross motor for the book There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Shell!. But my girls wanted a new one to do. So I made this set to match other othe gross motor dice we have done.
Each dice set has their own fun gross motor activities, but with the cube dice you can mix them up! The cube dice have the movement on them and the folding dice just have the name.
I have found that the cube dice tend to last longer and my girls just love throwing the dice around. All to often my girls like to throw the dice at the ceiling.

Things to use with the Beach Gross Motor Dice Printable
These are all items we used with the Beach Gross Motor Dice.
The Beach Gross Motor Dice Movements
Here is a look at the six different movements. Each of them is slightly different in what they do. I always review the movements first before we do the dice. It allows them and me to make sure we know what they are doing.
I also check to make sure they have space around each other for the movements. I call it my “space check.” If space is an issue, they might do a movement one at a time.
Seagull: Flap your arms and fly like a seagull.
Crab: You crab walk around the room.
Wave: You wave your arms back and forth. You could also roll your arms to mimic the waves rolling in.
Digging: You pretend to dig up or pick up seashells off the beach.
Swim: You pretend to swim in the ocean.
Surf: You pretend to surf on a surfboard.

The Beach Gross Motor Dice Speed and Number Dice
We are always changing up how we do the activities. My girls love adding the extra dice for how many times to do a movement or how long to hold a movement. You can find the Beach number dice here. The beach dice work so well with this activity.

If you don’t want to mess with the dice, you can always just print them and use them as a set of cards. Mix them up and have them turn over the gross motor they will do. You can also mix in other of the gross motor dice as well!
What you will find in the Free Beach Themed Gross Motor Dice printables:
- Beach themed movements for kids to do
- Two dice for Beach movements: seagull, crab, wave, digging, swimming, surfing
- Dice for different speeds: slow, fast, normal
- Two types: cube dice or make your own die
- 4 pages of gross motor printables
What you will find in the Beach Gross Motor Set
This is a full set with gross motor dice, gross motor chart, rolling games, and gross motor task cards. Loads of fun ways to explore the beach themed movements that can work for many different settings.

What is in the Beach Gross Motor Set
- Gross motor movement dice with folding and two cube dice options
- Speed dice with folding and two cube dice options
- Number dice with 1 to 12 options with folding and two cube dice options
- Beach Gross Motor Movement Chart
- Beach Gross Motor Spinning Mat
- Beach Gross Motor Movement Task Cards with 6 cards total
- Rolling Beach Gross Motor – Single Movement
- Rolling Beach Gross Motor – Two movements to match each die roll
- 22 pages
- Price: $3.00
More Beach & Ocean Gross Motor For Kids
A Fun Crab Walking Gross Motor Dice is great to get kids moving in different directions.
Ocean Themed Gross Motor Dice has 6 ocean animal movements you can do with kids.
Rainbow Fish Themed Gross Motor is a great book and gross motor activity to do.
Check out all printables from the 5 Days of Beach Printables.
Looking for more Beach and Ocean Printables and Activities check out all of them!
Check out all the fun Ocean & Beaches Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –