Blue and Green Sensory Bin For Earth Day
The blue and green sensory bin is a simple Earth Day sensory bin that uses the colors of the Earth.
It only takes a few seconds to put this rice based sensory bin together. You can mix, sort, and play in the sensory bin. It is fun to see the colors and the sound of the rice on the acrylic rocks.
You can use the blue and green sensory bin for preschool, PreK, and Kindergarten.

The Blue and Green Sensory Bin is a great addition to the Earth Day activities and sensory bins on the site.
What is a sensory bin?
A sensory bin is typically a plastic tub or container filled with carefully selected materials and objects to stimulate the senses of children in preschool.
Sensory bins might have rice, water beads, corn, beans, or other types filled with small items.
Blue and Green Sensory Bin
This blue and green sensory bin is quick and easy to put together. The base of the sensory bin is rice. Then you have green and blue acrylic rocks mixed in the rice.
This is a great color sensory bin for Earth Day.
Earth Book to Read with the Sensory Bin
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
A great book to read is Earth! My First 4.54 Billion Years. It has lots of fun information about the Earth. It is also in a great planet series.
Stephanie Manka Schuttler also have a second book called My First Book of Earth: All About Our Planet for Kids that is also another great Earth Book. Both are great to read with kids and learn more fact and information about our planet.
What we used to make the Blue and Green Sensory Bin

You could also add cups, scoops or sensory toys if you want.
Ways to Use the Blue and Green Sensory Bin
Here are a few simple ways to lay in the blue and green sensory bin.
Play in the Sensory Bin
You can always just lay in the sensory bin. You can run hands through the rice and the colored rocks and just have fun.
The general ideas of sensory bins are for sensory play and you can do just that with these easy sensory bins.

Scoop and Pour with Hands
You can use your hands to scoop up the rice and rocks and pour it back into the bin. This is really fun sensory bin and yes it can get messy. You can put a blanket under the bin to collect the rice easlier.

You can pour the rice and rocks right back into the sensory bin. And it fun to hear the rice and rocks hit each other as they are poured back into the bin.
And it is fun so why not do it again.

Sorting the Green and Blue Colors
A fun activity is sorting the green and blue rocks in the sensory bin. You can put them on different sides of the bin.
While sorting you can talk about some of these questions:
– What is green on the Earth?
– What is blue on the Earth?
– Where would you go to see these colors?
– Do you like either of these colors?

Making Patterns with Blue and Green Rocks
After you have the rock colors sorting you have space for older kids to do a few hands-on activities with the rocks. You can make patterns with them. So use the rock and make a few simple patterns with kids.
Here are some pattern ideas:
AB: Blue green
BBA: Green green blue
BA: green blue
AAB: Blue blue green
AABB pattern: blue blue green green
Or any other patterns you want to make.

Making Letters With the Rocks
You can also take the rocks and make a few letters. You can see we did a pattern for the letter and that is fun for older kids and younger kids might use just one letter.
You can also take a pencil and trace a line in the rice for them to place the rocks on for the letter.

And just play in the Sensory Bin
But remember that just playing is fun too without anything else you might do. And kids can use this bin over and over to play in.

More Earth Day Activities for Kids
Earth Day Themed Gross Motor Dice has 6 fun Earth Day themes for kids to do gross motor with.
Earth Fine Motor Mats has an earth to color, Earth to q-tip Paint and Earth to trace. All great for Earth day or an Earth theme.
Easy To Make Finger Painted Planet Earth is a fun painting project for Earth Day. You have a great Earth painting that is fun to do.
Paper Roll Stamped Earth was a great project using paper rolls. Super fun and creative way to make an earth
Check out all the fun Sensory Bin Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –