Hands-On Learning With Candy Number Puzzles

Puzzles are always fun to use to build skills of different types. I love when you can teach someone with puzzles. I’m always looking for new ways to make puzzles.

Today’s number puzzles use counting, number word, and number digit to help kids connect the three together.

This is a part of the 5 Days of Candy Printables.

Free Hands-On Learning With Candy Number Puzzles - numbers 0 to 10 with number digit, number word, and matching candy in a jar - 3Dinosaurs.com #freeprintable #numbers #kindergarten #prek

Each of the puzzles has the number digit, number work and a candy jar that matches. This makes it fun and easy to put them all together.

You have numbers 0 to 10 in the set. There are three pieces in each puzzle the number digit, number work, and candy jar. I recommend laminating the puzzles to help them last longer.

Free Hands-On Learning With Candy Number Puzzles - numbers 0 to 10 with number digit, number word, and matching candy in a jar - 3Dinosaurs.com #freeprintable #numbers #kindergarten #prek

How we used these printables

I will have them build one puzzle at a time at the start. So we would start with just the number one.

You can have them build on the puzzles altogether. I like doing smaller numbers but having 4 numbers and putting the number digit all together and the number word altogether and then have them match

Free Hands-On Learning With Candy Number Puzzles - numbers 0 to 10 with number digit, number word, and matching candy in a jar - 3Dinosaurs.com #freeprintable #numbers #kindergarten #prek

Something else that is fun is to grab candy themed erasers and have them match them on the puzzles. We got ours at Target.

Free Hands-On Learning With Candy Number Puzzles - numbers 0 to 10 with number digit, number word, and matching candy in a jar - 3Dinosaurs.com #freeprintable #numbers #kindergarten #prek

Another time I might have them make the puzzle and then write the number digit and word on a lined paper.

Free Hands-On Learning With Candy Number Puzzles - numbers 0 to 10 with number digit, number word, and matching candy in a jar - 3Dinosaurs.com #freeprintable #numbers #kindergarten #prek

Now if you are looking for some more number activities you can check out the Candy themed number color and trace. You will find a candy jar version and a monster with candy. But have numbers 0 to 20 with writing and tracing options for both sets.

No-Prep Candy Jar & Candy Monster Themed Number Color and Trace - easy no-prep printables with a fun candy theme 44 pages with two options for the numbers tracing or writing $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprepprintable #candyprintables #numbersforkids

Candy Jar Themed Number Color and Trace

This Candy Jar themed number color and trace set has candy themes with coloring and tracing or writing. It has numbers 0 to 20.

No-Prep Candy Jar Themed Number Color and Trace - easy no-prep printables with a fun candy theme 44 pages with two options for the numbers tracing or writing $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprepprintable #candyprintables #numbersforkids

What you will find in these printables:

  • 21 pages of coloring and tracing numbers
  • 21 pages of coloring with writing numbers
  • $3.50 for all 44 pages of printables

If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the page.

Candy Monster Themed Number Color and Trace

This candy monster themed number color and trace set has candy themes with coloring and tracing or writing. It has numbers 0 to 20.

No-Prep Candy Monster Themed Number Color and Trace - easy no-prep printables with a fun candy theme 44 pages with two options for the numbers tracing or writing $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprepprintable #candyprintables #numbersforkids

What you will find in these printables:

  • 21 pages of coloring and tracing numbers
  • 21 pages of coloring with writing numbers
  • $3.50 for all 44 pages of printables

If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the page.

What you will find in the free printable

  • 3 piece number puzzles
  • Numbers 0 to 10

Free Hands-On Learning With Candy Number Puzzles - number puzzles from 0 to 10 - 3Dinosaurs.com #puzzlesforkids #numbers #kindergarten #prek #freeprintable

Be sure to check out all 5 Days of the Candy Themed Printables.

5 Days of the Candy Themed Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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