Easy No-Prep Christmas Blends Find & Color Printable
There are so many different sounds work on when kids are learning to read. Words that have blends is a big part of that.
Since I’m doing Christmas printables, I thought it would be fun to have one for a blend we hear at Christmas time. That is the “tr-” for the tree. Today I have a fun free Christmas Tree Blends Find & Color printable for kids to work on their blends.
The Christmas Blends Find & Color printable is part of the 12 days of Christmas Printables.
The Christmas Blends Find & Color Printable is a great addition to the blends printables and Christmas printables on the site.
What is a blend?
A blend is when two or more consonants are blended together, but the letters in blends all make a separate sound.
TR would be an example of the consonant blend. So, the word tree has the blend of tr.
You sound out T and R sounds in the word.
Christmas Blends Find & Color Printable
These Christmas themed pages had 4 different blends: br, cr, pr and tr. It is fun to work on themed stuff every now and then. The printable has two parts the Christmas tree for coloring the ornament with the blend and a writing part.
Things to use with the Blends Coloring Page Printable
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links, we may earn a small commission.
- printer
- white copy paper
- crayons
- colored pencils
- markers
- pencil – This is our favorite pencil!
- sheet protectors
- dry erase markers
- Meet the Blends
- Stop, Drop, and Flop in the Slop: A Short Vowel Sounds Book with Consonant Blends
One thing I have used over the last few years is Meet the Phonics – Blends. I love using the video to work on the blends. We use it and other recources to work on the different blends.
Ways to use the Christmas Blends Find & Color Printable
My girls are all at different levels and have different needs. My youngest knows her blends but can’t write them out by sounding them out. I help her with the writing part.
My middle and oldest can sound out the words and write them. My middle found and wrote her words first.

Both my girls did their own way of coloring the ornaments. That is what makes this fun. There is no wrong way to color.
My middle had fun coloring the little pictures and my youngest just colored the whole ornament one color.

What you will find in the Christmas Blends Find & Color Printable
- Blends beginning sounds: br, cr, pr and tr
- Color the pictures on the ornaments and write the blend words
- 4 pages of printables
Check out all the fun Christmas Printables & Christmas Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Check out all the printables from the 12 Days of Christmas Series!
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com
thank you very much for sharing these awesome activities!
I am very thankful for your freebies. may bless you and your family!