Christmas Books & Reading Charts
With December just around the corner, I thought some new reading charts would be fun to have!
With these charts, I thought it would be fun to tell you about some of our favorite books Christmas. We try and read one Christmas book every day. There is always new books to find and read. I can’t wait to see what new books we find out this year. If you have a favorite Christmas book please let me know.
The Birds of Bethlehem is a favorite book that we got last year. It was so much fun to read the story of the nativity and have it told by the birds. It was a fun read last year and one we will be reading this year.
Home for Christmas, The Wild Christmas Reindeer
, The Twelve Days of Christmas
and Gingerbread Baby
are my favorite books from Jan Brett at Christmas time! I love that you look through the books and she has so many different things to find in the books. We read them over and over. I know she has a lot at this season but these are my favorite for Christmas.
The Polar Express is one of my favorite. I love to tell the story and have the girls in a pretend train. They love it. I love the first gift of Christmas idea. I love the bell part the best. This also has a pack made to go with it. You can check out the Polar Express Pack here.
The Elf on the Shelf A Christmas Tradition with Blue Eyed North Pole has been a favorite the last two years. The girls are looking forward to our elf coming back! They keep asking when she will be coming. This is a fun tradition and fun book for us to read.
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bell! is a fun book. I just love these books because they build on what you are learning. You can read it leave out a word and they can fill it in. Plus even when you know the end of the book it is still fun to see all that she swallows. I also made a pack that goes with this book here. You can get the Christmas Pack Here.
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer) (Little Golden Book) is a classic story. I love it no matter how many times I see it. I love that being different is okay and that you can follow your dreams. I have a fun Reindeer Pack that goes with this. We love to sing the song over and over. It is fun.
What you will find in these Reading Charts:
Santa: 1-200 Sticker Chart and Author, Title, Ficton or Non Fiction, Month
Shelf Elf: 1-200 Sticker Chart and Author, Title, Ficton or Non Fiction, Month
Christmas Mice: 1-200 Sticker Chart and Author, Title, Ficton or Non Fiction, Month
Do you have a favorite Christmas book?
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Cassie –
Great list. We share some of the favorites. Advent Storybook and The Nutcracker Ballet (that’s the name of the book) are two books that we read every year + many others, some old, some new.