Spinning and Prancing Christmas Gross Motor Dice
As we enter the holiday season, it gets colder outside, and my girls just love to be moving around. Every year we do different types of gross motor activities. I love to change up what we do.
These dice are an easy way to let them get some gross motor in when they need to get their wiggles out. After how much fun we had with the dinosaur version I thought Christmas ones would be fun.
The Christmas Gross Motor Dice is a great addition to the Christmas printables and gross motor printables on the site.
What is Gross Motor?
Gross Motor is big movements using parts of the body like legs, arms, and torso. This can include running, jumping, moving arms or legs, crawling, and more!
Gross motor can be loads of fun!
Why use theme gross motor activities?
I like themed gross motor activities because it is different from other gross motor activities. It changes how you do the movement, and kids can have fun relating to the themes in the set.
I do love to change up our gross motor all the time. We are always doing some gross motor activity and my girls love it. Many years ago I got my degree in Physical education and I love coming up with new ideas to use it!
Christmas Gross Motor Dice
My girls have loved the different dice I have made and this is the great addition to the growing gross motor activities.
There are two dice in the Christmas Gross motor dice printables. There is one for the Christmas movements. The other die is for the speed you do the movements. I always start by reviewing the movements before we make any changes or add the speed dice.
The cube version of the dice has instructions on them. The version you can make just has the Christmas Themed name. I like the cube dice because they last a little longer than the one you make. My girls can be crazy rolling the dice.
Christmas movement activities can be lads of fun during December.

Things to use with the Christmas Gross Motor Dice Printables
These are all items we used with the gross motor dice.
Christmas Gross Motor Dice Movements
Santa: You climb out of the Chimney. You move your arms and legs like you are climbing a ladder.
Nutcracker: You march in place or walking. You can do high or low knees to mix it up.
Christmas Tree: You spin around in place. This one can be fun when you go slow and fast.
Reindeer: You Prance, skip or leap around the room.
Gingerbread: You run around the room or in place. How fast is your gingerbread man?
Present: You jump from a crouched position on the floor. We loved how creative you had to be with slow on the jump.

After you have all the movements add changes to it by adding the speed die! This makes it fun because you might roll Santa twice but the speed might be different. You climb one time fast and the next slow. It is fun to mix things up! After you finish you can keep the dice around all season and pull them out to do with your kids or class.

What you will find in the Free Christmas Gross Motor Dice
- Dice for Christmas themed movements
- Dice for different speeds: slow, fast, normal
- Two types: cube dice or make your own die
What you will find in the Christmas Gross Motor Set
This is a full set with gross motor dice, gross motor chart, rolling games, and gross motor task cards. Loads of fun ways to explore the winter movements that can work for many different settings.

What is in the Christmas Gross Motor Set
- Gross motor movement dice with folding and two cube dice options
- Speed dice with folding and two cube dice options
- Number dice with 1 to 12 options with folding and two cube dice options
- Christmas Gross Motor Movement Chart
- Christmas Gross Motor Spinning Mat
- Christmas Gross Motor Movement Task Cards with 8 cards total
- Rolling Christmas Gross Motor – Single Movement
- Rolling Christmas Gross Motor – Two movements to match each die roll
- 22 pages
- Price: $3.00
Check out all the fun Christmas Printables & Christmas Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com
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