Easy To Use No-Prep Free Christmas Place Value Printable Worksheet
Today, I have something fun to work on place value by learning the different ways to write it! This is a fun free Christmas Place Value Printable.
There are so many math skills that kids learn. I know that my girls are always struggling with something. Place value has been something that every now and then they struggle with. Plus free Christmas worksheets are always fun to use.
The Christmas Place Value printables is a part of the 5 Days of Christmas Printables.

The Christmas Place Value Printables are a great addition to the Christmas printables and place value printables on the site.
What is Place Value?
The dictionary says that place value is the numerical value that a digit has by virtue of its position in a number.
That sounds really complicated but it is not. Each number digit has a value based on where it is. So if I have the number 24. Then the 2 is in the tens place and the 4 is in the ones place. It is super easy once you understand what each place value is.
There are several terms used in place value: standard, value, expanded, and picture
Take the same number above standard is 24.
Expanded would be 20+4.
The value would be 2 tens, 4 ones.
And the picture would be drawing a picture to represent the numbers. So you have 2 groups of 10s and the 4 small individual groups.
Christmas Place Value Printable Worksheet
The Christmas Place Value Printable worksheet is simple place value worksheets to help kids review their tens and ones or hundreds, tens, and ones.
Each place value worksheet has a number on a present. Then you have three other places to fill in for the number. You work on place value, expanded, and picture of the place value. Each all working towards the number you see on the present.
This place value worksheet is a great for first grade (ages 6 to 7) and second grade (ages 7 to 8). And maybe review for third grade.
Tens & Ones Christmas Place Value Printable Worksheet
You can see the row on presents with numbers that have two digits. This lets kids work on place value with tens and ones. There are two tens and ones place value worksheets.

Hundreds, Tens & Ones Christmas Place Value Printable Worksheet
You can see the row on presents with numbers that have three digits. This lets kids work on place value with hundreds, tens, and ones. There are two hundreds, tens, and ones place value worksheets.

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
Ways to use the Christmas Place Value Printable
As they fill the place value worksheet you can see how they are doing. You make sure you matched the correct numbers and did the drawing correctly.
Review the numbers on the Place Value Worksheet
You can start by reviewing the place value numbers types on the worksheet. You can talk about standard, the value of teach numbers nad the place it is in. What an expanded number is and what the draw for the pictures.

Use Markers to Fill Out the Place Value Worksheet
It is fun to change up how you do the place value worksheets and it is fun to use markers to see the numbers. You can see how fun it is to fill out the different parts of the value place numbers.

The place value math printable worksheets are an easy no-prep way to work on number place value. The tens and ones works great for first grade and the hundreds, tens, and ones work great for second grade.
You could also use the Christmas Place Value arrow cards to with this worksheet. A fun way to build the numbers after doing the worksheet or while doing the worksheet in a math center.
What you will find in the Free Christmas Place Value Printable Printables:
- 2 Level of place value
- Place Value for: tens & ones and hundreds, tens & ones
- You have two pages for each level of place value
- 4 pages of printables

Check out these other Christmas Printables & Activities
Christmas No-Prep Themed Weekly Packs have loads of Christmas themed with 5 days of printables and 4 pages for each day. You have PreK, Kindergarten. First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade options.
Christmas Themed Finds: ABCs, Numbers, Shapes, Sight Words and Math! are great seasonal finds.
Making Words: Merry Christmas Printable is a great spelling activity for kids to do.
Fun Christmas Themed ABC Tracing With Print & Cursive is a nice way to work on letters.
Easy No-Prep Christmas Blends Find & Color is an fun learning to read blends activity.
Check out the Roll a Christmas tree, a fun match activity for various levels of learning Prek through 3rd grade. it has addition, counting, and multiplication.
Hands on Addition & Subtraction Mats are a fun way to work on learning math with ten frames.
Be sure to check out all the printables from the 5 Days of Christmas Printables week!
Check out all the fun Christmas Printables & Christmas Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Check out all the fun Place Value Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com
Place Value is so important. I love how creative these are! I started making Packs for my son, too; we can use all the extra practice we can find in this area. Yours will compliment them well. Thank you for sharing!