
33+ Counting Easy Reader Books For PreK & Kindergarten

I have always loved easy reader books. They are fun and kids can get their own personal book to read. I have several on the site but some of my favorites are the number counting books!

I love having seasonal and non-seasonal books for kids. They are great because you can change with each season, and they are a great way to get kids to count and see numbers.

I have a huge mix of books for you to pick from. These are great counting books for kindergarten.

32+ Counting Easy Reader Books - a mix of easy reader books for counting that you can use throughout the year. Numbers from 1 to 10 and 0 to 10 for the books- 3Dinosaurs.com

What is an easy reader book?

Easy reader books are an easy way to great way to get learning tools into small hands. They can re-read them and call the book their own.

Number Counting Book Printables

These Number Counting Books all work on numbers from 1 to 10. And some work on 0 to 10. They are all easy to print and use. Plus, kids love having their own book to color and count with!

These are great number books kindergarten (ages 5 to 6). A fun way to work on counting for all year.

Items we use the most with these number counting books

There are several items we use over and over with these books. I thought I would share a few of them with you.

Counting Easy Reader Books Menu

A jump to the counting books you are looking for. These are all the sections you will find below.

I have divided up the books below for seasons and non-seasonal. And as more books are added to the site this post will get updated!

How to Make the Counting Books
Non-Seasonal Counting Easy Reader Book Printables
Fall Counting Easy Reader Books
Winter Counting Easy Reader Books
Spring Counting Easy Reader Books
Summer Counting Easy Reader Books

How to Make the Easy Reader Books

I always get asked how I make the easy reader books. Here are the simple steps that I use to make the books. I use scissors and a stapler.

Cut Down the Center of the Easy Reader Book

You start by lining up the pages and cutting down the middle of the book. You want to make sure you hold the pages steady while you cut.

Alternate the Pages of the Easy Reader Book

You alternate the pages of the book. The odd pages are on the top and the even pages on the bottom. You have even and then odd until all the pages are sorted.

Staple the Left side of the Easy Reader Book

After you make sure all the pages of the book are lined up, staple the book on the left side. Then your easy reader book is ready to be used.

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Non-Seasonal Counting Easy Reader Books

These are books that can be used all year with kids.

1. Dinosaur Number Counting Book Printable

FREE Dinosaur Number Counting Book For Kids - work on numbers 0 to 10 with a dinosaur theme - 3Dinosaurs.com

Dinosaur Number Counting Book has different dinosaur themes to count. You have a different dinosaur theme on each page and count from 0 to 10.

2. Olympics Gold Medal Counting Easy Reader Book Printable

FREE Olympics Gold Medal Counting Book: Numbers 0 to 10 - has 6 pages with number 0 to 10 with gold medal counting themes - 3Dinosaurs.com

Olympics Gold Medal Counting Easy Reader Book is a great easy reader book with numbers 0 to 10 counting gold medals. This books works for the summer Olympics and the winter Olympics.

3. Dragon Counting Easy Reader Book Printable

Free Dragon Counting Easy Reader Book Printable - with numbers 0 to 10 with counting different dragons on each page. A great counting book for kids in prek and kindergarten. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Dragon Counting Easy Reader Book is a great counting book with different dragons on each page. You have numbers from 0 to 10 in the dragon counting book.

4. Balloon Number Word Counting 0 to 10 Book Printable

Free Balloon Number Word Counting Book Printable - with numbers from - to 10 for tracing, coloring, and counting balloon - 3Dinosaurs.com

Balloon Number Word Counting Book has numbers from 0 to 10 with counting balloon with number word to color and trace on each page.

5. Hand Counting Book Printable

Free Hand Counting Book - 0 to 10 - a fun 12-page counting book with numbers 0 to 10 with counting fingers on each page. You have a number to trace and a simple sentence on each page to read. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Hand Counting Book has counting fingers from 0 to 10 for kids with counting fingers on the hand.

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Fall Counting Easy Reader Books

This includes apples, pencils crayons, pumpkins, and more.

6. Pencil Counting Book with Chart Printables

Free Pencil Number Counting Book & Chart - numbers 0 to 10 with matching number chart - 3Dinosaurs.com

Pencil Counting Book with Chart has a fun chart to follow along with your book. You have numbers from 0 to 10.

7. Pencil Number Word Counting Book Printable

Free Pencil Number Word Counting Book Printable - with numbers from 0 to 10 with coloring number color and tracing number word in the sentence - 3Dinosaurs.com

Pencil Number Word Counting Book has counting from 0 to 10 with fun pencils. You also have number word to trace and color.

8. Crayon Color and Number Word Counting Book Printable

Free Crayon Count & Color - with numbers 0 to 10 with 10 color words in the easy reader book. You can count and then color the crayons with the color for the page. -  3Dinosaurs.com

Crayon Color and Number Word Counting Book has numbers from 0 to 10. It also has two sentences on each page and the second sentence lets you know the colors of the crayons you are counting.

9. Apple Tree Counting Easy Reader Book Printable

Free Apple Number Counting Book - numbers 0 to 10 in an easy to print easy reader book for kids - 3Dinosaurs.com

Apple Tree Counting Easy Reader Book has apple trees to count form 0 to 10. You have tracing the number and counting and coloring the apples on the tree.

10. Apple Counting Book Set Printable

Apple Tree Counting Easy Reader Book Set - numbers 0 to 10 with two books, hands-on activities, clip cards and charts to watch the two book options - 3Dinosaurs.com

The Apple Counting Book Set has not counting options and works a lot of counting up to 10 in different ways. It also includes counting mats and hands on activities to do with the counting book.

11. Pumpkin Number Counting Book Printable

FREE Pumpkin Number Counting Book For Kids - numbers 0 to 10 - 3Dinosaurs.com

Pumpkin Counting Book has some fun pumpkin in wagon for kids to count. You have numbers from 0 to 10 in the book.

12. Pumpkin Number Counting Book Printable

Free Pumpkin Number Word Counting Book Printable - with numbers from - to 10 for tracing, coloring and counting pumpkins- 3Dinosaurs.com

Pumpkin Number Word Counting Book has numbers from 0 to 10 with pumpkins matching the number on each page. You also have the number words to color and trace.

13. Candy Corn Counting Easy Reader Book Printable

Free Candy Corn Counting Easy Reader Book - 2 sets of cards with a recording sheet and sorting mat for hands-on learning - 3Dinosaurs.com #printablesforkids  #freeprintable #3dinosaurs #easyreaderbook #3dinosaurs #kindergarten

Candy Corn Counting Easy Reader Book has counting from 0 to 10 with candy corns going up on each page.

14. Turkey Number Word Counting Book Printable

Free Turkey Number Word Counting Book- with numbers from 0 to 10 with coloring number color and tracing number word in the sentence - 3Dinosaurs.com

Turkey Number Word Counting Book has numbers from 0 to 10. You also have coloring and tracing the number word on each page.

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Winter Counting Easy Reader Books

15. Animals in Winter Counting Easy Reader Book Printable

Free Animals in Winter Counting Easy Reader Book - work on numbers 1 to 10 with this simple easy reader book - 3Dinosaurs.com

Animals in Winter Counting Easy Reader Book counts all the fun animals you see in winter. You have numbers 0 to 10 in the book

16. Counting Snowflake Number Easy Reader Book Printable

Free Counting Snowflake Number Easy Reader Book - numbers 1 to 10 in a fun easy to use book - 3Dinosaurs.com

Counting Snowflake Number Easy Reader Book is a fun winter theme with several different snowflakes. You have numbers 0 to 10 in the book.

17. Snowflake Number Word Counting Book Printable

Free Snowflake Number Word Counting Book Printable - with numbers from - to 10 for tracing, coloring and counting snowflake - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowflake Number Word Counting Book has numbers from 0 to 10 counting snowflake in the book. Plus you can work number word with tracing and coloring the number word.

18. Christmas Coloring Counting Book Printable

Free Christmas Coloring Counting Book by 3Dinosaurs.com

Christmas Coloring Counting Book is a fun Christmas themed counting book with different Christmas themes on each page.

19. Counting Christmas Ornaments Book Printable

Counting Christmas Ornaments Book has counting ornaments on the Christmas on each page. They go from 1 to 10.

20. Hanukkah Counting Candle Book Printable

Free Hanukkah Counting Candle Book - 10 page book with counting candles for the night with a boy or girl ending - 3Dinosaurs.com

Hanukkah Counting Candle Book is great for counting the candles each night. This is the only book that goes to 8 since it matching the 8 nights of Hanukkah.

21. Counting Groundhog Easy Reader Book Printable

Free Counting Groundhogs Easy Reader Book - work on numbers 1 to 10 with this simple easy reader book - 3Dinosaurs.com

Counting Groundhog Easy Reader Book has fun groundhog and shadows to count. You have numbers from 1 to 10.

22. Heart Number Word Counting Book Printable

Free Heart Number Word Counting Book Printable - with numbers from - to 10 for tracing, coloring and counting hearts - 3Dinosaurs.com

Heart Number Word Counting Book has numbers from 0 to 10 with counting hearts on the pages. You also have number words to color and trace.

23. Horseshoe Number Counting Book Printable

Free Horseshoe Number Counting Book For Kids - easy number book that counts from 0 to 10 - 3Dinosaurs.com

Horseshoe Number Counting Book is a great St. Patrick’s Day Counting Book. You have numbers from 0 to 10 with a girl holding horse shoes on each page.

24. Clover Number Word Counting Book Printable

Free Clover Number Word Counting Book Printable - with numbers from - to 10 for tracing, coloring and counting clover - 3Dinosaurs.com

Clover Number Word Counting Book has numbers from 0 to 10 with counting and then working on the number word on each page with tracing the number word and coloring the number word.

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Spring Counting Easy Reader Books

25. Spring Counting Easy Reader Book Printable

Free Spring Counting Easy Reader Book - numbers 1 to 10 with tracing of the number in the book with things you seen in spring  - 3Dinosaurs.com

Spring Counting Easy Reader Book has spring items with number counting and tracing. You have a different spring theme to count on each page.

26. Easter Egg Number Word Counting Book Printable

Free Easter Egg Number Word Counting Book Printable - with numbers from - to 10 for tracing, coloring and counting easter eggs - 3Dinosaurs.com

Easter Egg Number Word Counting Book has numbers from 0 to 10 with Easter eggs on each page. You have tracing the number word and coloring the number word alone with the counting on each page.

27. Passover Counting Easy Reader Book Printable

Free Passover Counting Easy Reader Book 1 to 10 - with different parts of the Seder for kids to count and learn numbers with parts of the Seder. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Passover Counting Easy Reader Book counts different themes from Passover with kids. And you have numbers from 1 to 10

28. Ladybug Number Counting Book & Chart Printable

Free Ladybug Number Counting Book & Chart - numbers 0 to 10 with matching number chart - 3Dinosaurs.com

Ladybug Number Counting Book & Chart has ladybugs in a jar and a cute chart to matching the book. You have numbers 1 to 10 and a matching counting chart for the book.

29. Ladybug Number Word Counting Book Printable

Free Ladybug Counting Book - with numbers - 0 to 10 for tracing and coloring the number word. A 12 page easy reader book - 3Dinosaurs.com

Ladybug Number Word Counting Book has ladybugs on each page with counting from 0 to 10. You also have the number word to color and trace.

30. Frog Number Word Counting 0 to 10 Book Printable

Free Frog Number Word Counting Book Printable - a simple look at one of the pages from the frog number counting book - 3Dinosaurs.com

Frog Number Word Counting 0 to 10 Book has numbers form 0 to 10 with counting frogs on each page. You also have coloring the number word and tracing the number word.

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Summer Counting Easy Reader Books

31. Summer Kids Counting Easy Reader Book Printable

Free Summer Kids Counting Easy Reader Book - 12 page book with numbers 0 to 10 for kids to work on with tracing the number - 3Dinosaurs.com

Summer Kids Counting Easy Reader Book has kids doing summer activities with counting and tracing the number. You have a a different kid on each page.

32. Pirate Coin Counting Easy Reader Book Printable

Free Pirate Coin Counting Easy Reader Book - a fun way to count from 0 to 10  with pirate and coins - 3Dinosaurs.com

Pirate Coin Counting Easy Reader Book has a pirate with coins you can count. You have a number to trace and counting from 0 to 10.

33. Fireworks Counting & Color Word Easy Reader Book Printable

Free Fireworks Themed Counting & Color Word Easy Reader Book - numbers 0 to 10 with 10 colors words for kids to work on  - 3Dinosaurs.com

Fireworks Counting & Color Word Easy Reader Book has color and counting in this set. You have counting on each page and the color the fireworks based on the color in the sentence.

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You can also check out these great counting books by Imagination Soup.

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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