Crayon Themed Subtraction Sorting
There are loads of match themes for kids to work on during back to school. I know that we review loads of math once school is back and I wanted to add something fun for that.
Today I have a fun and simple subtraction sorting activity to help with that! It provides a fun and simple review for kids to do
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
I know that when we do review I love to have hands-on with an option to record the results. And this set has both.
There are three crayons that are sorted to the crayon boxes. The subtraction works on numbers from 20 to 1. You will have answers from 1 to 10. I recommend laminating the crayons and boxes to help them last longer.
Y0u can see an the crayon boxes below.

There are three crayons for each crayon box. You can see an example of the crayons below.

The set also has a recording sheet for them to record their finds. I like having both options for kids that work on math that might need to do some writing at the same time.
How we used these printables
The most basic way to use this is just the sorting activity. You will find the three crayons that match the number. I tried to mix up the equations a little bit.

The second way is to just use the crayons with the recording sheet. You can give them the crayons and then have them fill in the equations that match the correct line.

If you are looking for more subtraction with a school theme you can check out the School No-Prep for Adition and Subtraction.
What in the No-Prep School Themed Math Printables Addition & Subtraction
It is a collection of 30 pages on no-prep activities for addition and subtraction. It also includes great math center activities of roll and graph and a math fact sheet.
What you will find in these printables:
- 30 pages of no-prep printables for addition and subtraction
- School Themed Math Fact Review Page
- Roll & Graph Addition for 1 to 6 and 1 to 10
- Spinner to use with Roll & Graph and math fact page
- Price: $4
You can check out a sample of the pages here.
What you will find the Crayon Subtraction Sorting
- 1 Recording Sheet
- Subtraction sorting numbers 1 to 10
- Crayon boxes 1 to 10
- 3 crayons for each crayon box
Check out all the school themed printables and activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –