CVC Rhyming Word Matching Game
We love to play games with my flashcards. There are so many different ways you can do this. We took the cards we made in the CVC Word Sorting by Vowel and made a fun game with them.
This makes another fun and easy way to review the words that you are working on.
This is a great addition to the CVC word activities on the site.
What are CVC words?
CVC words are words that have a consonant vowel consonant pattern. They have easy to sound out consonants with a short vowel sound in the middle. They don’t have any tricky blends or digraphs for kids to work around.
CVC Rhyming Game
The CVC Rhyming Game is a simple and easy way to review the CVC words you are working on. I use words that have similar endings to make it fun and easy for when you are starting out.
We used the word family endings: -at, -et, -it, -ot, & -ut. We had made some flashcards in the sorting by vowel activity. It was simple and easy to pull out 4 cards from each word family and make this game. Plus she really liked to use the cards that she made.
I like to keep the number of cards simple for matching. I don’t want to overwhelm her while she reviews the words.
What you need for the CVC Rhyming Word Matching Game activity
- CVC Word Family Color by Letter Cards for -at, -et, -it, -ot, & -ut colored or not colored.

How to play the CVC Rhyming Game
Making the CVC Rhyming Game
We put all the CVC cards into a grid and she starts turning two cards over to see if they rhyme. Every time she turned over a cards I have her say the cards she has turned over.
You could also put the CVC word cards in a pocket chart as well.

Finding a CVC Rhyming Match
Once she has a match we review the words starting and ending sounds on the card. The color code does make it easier when you are starting out to find the rhyming words.

Sounding out the CVC Words
While playing, if she is having a problem with sounding out the CVC word. I have her pick it up and sound out each letter. Then we put the sounds all together.

Reivew the CVC Words
At the end we review the 5 sets of each of the word families. This is an easy game that can be changed up for any set of words CVC or CVCC word family words. This is about having fun!
Check out these other CVC Word Family Activities & Printables
CVC Short A Puzzles has 16 short a puzzles for kids to work on short a words. You have puzzles for the following short a endings: -ad, -ab, -ag, -am, -an, -ap, -ar, and -at.
CVC Word Sorting by Vowel Sound lets kids sort CVC words by the vowel sounds that they make.
CVC Word Family Playdough Mats has a great collection of mats to use to build words. You have a mat with the CVC endings for kids to build the beginning sounds on each CVC word.
CVC Word Family Wall Cards has 20 CVC word family endings for kids to see the different words. You have CVC words list for each word ending in the set.
Check out all the fun CVC Word Family Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –
my almost 5 year old enjoys match games and since we are smack in the middle of learning CVC words, this game should be fun. Pinning!