CVCC Word Family Dot Marker: ANK, INK, ONK, & UNK
I love mixing hands-on with learning to read. It is a fun way to do it. And Dot maker printables have always been a favorite for us. We always use the markers for one project all the time.
Today I have more dot marker words for the CVCC words. This is a great way to change up spelling and help those that might need spelling in a different way.
I love that they are flexible and there is never just one way to use them.
Each of the pages has the word written out with several dots on the word for kids to use. The printable works great for a learning center. And how to use those dots is up to you.
You can see below one of the basic ways that we can help the words. I get them a dot markers and the page printed out. This is great if your goal is a one time use.

Another fun way we use these printables is to give them glass gems in two colors and have them place the gems in the circles. We pick one color for vowels and one for consonants. We used blue and green

You can also be creative and think outside of the box. We have been doing loads of watercolor activities. So we did some of our words with watercolor!

Don’t let the basic ways limit you how you use them. You could abc stamps matching letters in the circles, use playdough
, or lacing letters
. There are so many ways to use them.
Things we have used with these printables:
What you will find in these printables:
- 1 word per page
- CVCC Word Family Words -ank, -ink, -onk, unk
- -ANK words: bank, dank, hank, lank, rank, sank, tank, yank
- -INK words: fink, jink, kink, link, mink, pink, rink, sink, wink
- -ONK words: bonk, conk, honk, monk, wonk
- -UNK words: bunk, dunk, funk, gunk, hunk, junk, punk, sunk
Click here to get the -ink CVCC Word Family Dot Marker Printables
Click here to get the -onk CVCC Word Family Dot Marker Printables
Click here to get the -unk CVCC Word Family Dot Marker Printables
What you will find in the CVCC Word Family Dot Marker Pages Selling Set
Don’t want to download the pdfs one at time? Then grab the CVCC Word Family Dot Marker Selling Set. This has all the CVCC Word Family Dot Marker words in one pdf that is easy to use.

- 29 different word endings
- ACK Words, ALL Words, AMP Words, AND Words, ANG Words, ANK Words, AST Words, ECK Words, ELL Words, END Words, EST Words, ICK Words, ILL Words, IND Words, ING Words, INK Words, IST Words, OCK Words, OLL Words, OND Words, ONG Words, ONK Words, OST Words, UCK Words, ULL Words, UMP Words, UNG Words, UNK Words, UST Words
- 232 pages
- Price: $8
Check out these other CVCC Word Family Printables:
Cassie –