CVCe Word Family Matching Cards

The next set of rhyming cards is the CVCe Word Family Cards. I like having a mix of things that you can learn with. I’m always working toward different types of learning.

I know that some kids need to see and hold something to learn it. I also know that matching a picture you can say with a rhyming card is a great way to work on reading.

Free CVCe Word Family Matching Cards - 32 sets of cards for matching picture and rhyming word plus see ways to use them -

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These cards are great for working on matching pictures and words. The pictures help you say the words and then find the matching rhyming word. You can change up the letters to make the word on the picture card.

Each of the cards has a picture and matching word card with the same ending. I recommend printing on white cardstock and laminating the cards so that they last longer.

Free CVCe Word Family Matching Cards - 32 sets of cards for matching picture and rhyming word plus see ways to use them -

Ways to use the CVCe Word Family Matching Cards

You can always just match the cards. But you can change up how you do that.

I love laying out a set of cards for them to match. I lay out the word cards and give them the pictures to match. They put the matching picture on time.

Free CVCe Word Family Matching Cards - 32 sets of cards for matching picture and rhyming word plus see ways to use them -

You can give them a set of words with one vowel at a time like the CVCe “a” words below and the matching CVCe Word Family Ladders. There is a set that has just the vowels. Then you can fill in the letters. We use the lacing lettersto form the words.

They build the words on the cards on the ladder. It is simple and easy to use and works great for spelling. You could also build several words for each of the word endings with the other ladders. This is a great way to work on spelling

Free CVCe Word Family Matching Cards - 32 sets of cards for matching picture and rhyming word plus see ways to use them -

I love that these cards also work great towards writing. We use them a lot with writing out the words. I print off a blank paper and let them write the words that they matched.

Free CVCe Word Family Matching Cards - 32 sets of cards for matching picture and rhyming word plus see ways to use them -

Another fun activity is putting the cards on rings. I like to put the same vowels together. So they can flip through and match the different words and pictures.

Free CVCe Word Family Matching Cards - 32 sets of cards for matching picture and rhyming word plus see ways to use them -

What you will find in the CVCe Word Family Rhyming Matching Cards

  • 1 CVCe picture and 1 CVCe word matching card per ending
  • 32 sets of cards to match
  • CVCe word endings: ace, age, ake, ale, ame, ane, ape, ase, ate, ave, ade, ice, ide, ike, ile, ime, ine, ipe, ire, ite, ive, obe, ode, oke, ole, ome one, ose, otem ube une, ute
CVCe Word Family Rhyming Matching Cards with 32 sets of cards to match -

Check out these other CVCe printables:

Cassie –

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