Daily Visual School Schedule for School or At Home Learning

I know that this year is going to be different for kids of all ages and I wanted to share something we used this past spring to help with our learning at home.

It is a daily visual schedule that has a mix of uses. We really did enjoy having it to look at and see what was happening.

It is simple to use with different options for kids, parents, and teachers.

Free Daily Visual School Schedule for Remote, Hybrid, or At Home Learning - with three schedules, visual cards and time cards to use with the sets with a mix of ways to use the schedules - 3Dinosaurs.com

This printable is a part of my subscriber library. You can click here to subscribe to get access to the page. You will find the printable in the school section on the subscriber freebie page.

Each of these schedules is made to help kids know what they are to be doing. They are also flexible so that you can use it in many different ways.

There is no one way to use these.

You have a daily to do list, schedule with time, and schedule with space to add time. There is also time cards for every 5 minutes plus 33 school subjects or activities you can use.

The daily to do list is a set where you have to do and done on the list. You can see we printed this on a color cardstock(I color code for each of my girls) and laminated it.

Free Daily Visual School Schedule for Remote, Hybrid, or At Home Learning - with three schedules, visual cards and time cards to use with the sets with a mix of ways to use the schedules - 3Dinosaurs.com

This is a simple schedule with an activity every thirty minutes. This is for those that are using this to keep track of what kids are doing. It might also be a fun summer schedule you could set up to let kids know when you are doing something. I printed them on a different color cardstock for morning and afternoon.

Free Daily Visual School Schedule for Remote, Hybrid, or At Home Learning - with three schedules, visual cards and time cards to use with the sets with a mix of ways to use the schedules - 3Dinosaurs.com

Now I know that not everyone has the same schedule and every 30 minutes might not work so there is a calendar with the time blanks. This allows you to write your own time or use the time cards below to fill in the time.

Free Daily Visual School Schedule for Remote, Hybrid, or At Home Learning - with three schedules, visual cards and time cards to use with the sets with a mix of ways to use the schedules - 3Dinosaurs.com

There are two pages of visual cards that you can use with any of the mats. They are classroom meeting, math, reading, writing, science, social studies, math facts, independent reading, history, art, technology, library, music, physical education, journal, speech, spelling, vocabulary, geography, health, bible study, OT, copy work, screen break, lunch, snack, toys, opening, closing, online class.

I am willing to add additional subjects if you let me know what they are.

Free Daily Visual School Schedule for Remote, Hybrid, or At Home Learning - with three schedules, visual cards and time cards to use with the sets with a mix of ways to use the schedules - 3Dinosaurs.com

There are several time cards in the set. They start at 7:30 and have every 5 minutes until 4:25. This gives you a wide range of times to use with the schedule.

Free Daily Visual School Schedule for Remote, Hybrid, or At Home Learning - with three schedules, visual cards and time cards to use with the sets with a mix of ways to use the schedules- 3Dinosaurs.com

Things to use with the Visual School Schedule

I often get asked what materials I used with the printable or to prepare the printables. Here is a list of everything that I used.

How to use the Visual School Schedule Cards

First, know that I laminate all the schedules and cards. This makes it easy to switch around as we need to.

Then I cut up the schedule and time cards.

Free Daily Visual School Schedule for Remote, Hybrid, or At Home Learning - with three schedules, visual cards and time cards to use with the sets with a mix of ways to use the schedules- 3Dinosaurs.com

Finally, I put wall putty on the back of the cards. This allows me to move then around and means I don’t have to use or find velcro for it.

Free Daily Visual School Schedule for Remote, Hybrid, or At Home Learning - with three schedules, visual cards and time cards to use with the sets with a mix of ways to use the schedules- 3Dinosaurs.com

You can see how they stay on even with holding the schedule up right. If they ever seem like they are not sticking anymore. Take the wall putty off and play with it for a second and put right back on and it will keep working.

We have been using the same putty for 3 years now with different activities!

Free Daily Visual School Schedule for Remote, Hybrid, or At Home Learning - with three schedules, visual cards and time cards to use with the sets with a mix of ways to use the schedules- 3Dinosaurs.com

Ways to use the Visual Scheudles

There are three types but you can use which one fits best for your needs. I will show you all three and how each visual schedule could be used.

How to use the To-Do List Schedule

Last year we used the to-do list in two different ways. One way was to show classes or activities they needed to complete online in order to get the work done for the day.

Another way is to use this for homework that kids have. You can put their homework subjects on the page and then they move the picture to done when they are done. It gives them and me a quick check to see if they still have something to do.

Free Daily Visual School Schedule for Remote, Hybrid, or At Home Learning - with three schedules, visual cards and time cards to use with the sets with a mix of ways to use the schedules- 3Dinosaurs.com

How to use the Morning and Afternoon Schedule with Time Cards

This one allows for custom times for the schedule. I know that my three girls will be doing remote and all have different schedules. So having a chart I can mix up the times each day works wonders.

You can see the time on the left and the class or section on the right.

Free Daily Visual School Schedule for Remote, Hybrid, or At Home Learning - with three schedules, visual cards and time cards to use with the sets with a mix of ways to use the schedules- 3Dinosaurs.com

How to use the Morning and Afternoon Schedule with 30 minutes time slots

This is great for younger kids that don’t know all the time but know the hour and half hour. You can put the time the activities might happen. This allows for fixed times to help kids learn times.

Free Daily Visual School Schedule for Remote, Hybrid, or At Home Learning - with three schedules, visual cards and time cards to use with the sets with a mix of ways to use the schedules- 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Free Visual Schedule

  • Three version: To do, Morning & Afternoon with Time, Morning and Afternoon with Time blank
  • Time cards every 5 minutes from 7:30 to 4:25
  • Visual Subject Cards including: classroom meeting, math, reading, writing, science, social studies, math facts, independent reading, history, art, technology, library, music, physical education, journal, speech, spelling, vocabulary, geography, health, bible study, OT, copy work, screen break, lunch, snack, toys, opening, closing, online class
  • 13 pages of printables
Free Daily Visual School Schedule for Remote, Hybrid, or At Home Learning - with three schedules, visual cards and time cards to use with the sets with a mix of ways to use the schedules- 3Dinosaurs.com

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Be sure to check out all the School Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Fun School activities and Printables on 3 Dinosaurs - 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

Free Daily Visual School Schedule for Remote, Hybrid, or At Home Learning - with three schedules, visual cards and time cards to use with the sets with a mix of ways to use the schedules - 3Dinosaurs.com


  1. Thank-you SO MUCH for this visual schedule. I am new to homeschooling and have been looking for a way to help my kiddos become more independent with their learning. I think this will really help me while I bounce between the 3 different grades in our house!

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