December 2013 Book Finds
December at our house is a fun time. It is the time we get lots of new books. The girls look forward to it! We have been learning lots of new things and enjoying the time! Did you get or find any fun books this month?

This month was a lot of different finds for us. We found some in stores and some at the library. There are always fun books to find. I’m always excited when I find a new ABC Book.
Once Upon a Memory is a great book about looking back at things. You can do lots of reading through the book to see what it and the look back to where it started. I like that it shows many different types of remembering. The girls like looking at the many different pictures in a before and after looking back.
Lifetime: The Amazing Numbers in Animal Lives is a fun look at numbers and how many times an animal might do something. How many nest will it build? How many times will it grow antlers? Plus after you get done reading the book there is full information about each of the animals. We have really enjoyed looking at all the different numbers.
Almost An Animal Alphabet is a new addition to our ABC learning library. I love that it is animals. Our house loves animals and this book is great for seeing animals and learning letters as well. Another nice part about the books is when a letter is like F is for Fox, they show you different kinds of foxes. We loved that.
If Dinosaurs Lived in My Town is a great dinosaur book. One part that I like about this book is that it is real pictures of kids with dinosaurs mixed in. There is a small text you can read about each page for a quick read, but if you are looking for more reading time you have details about each dinosaur on the page. It is fun to mix in the details and quick read together. We have been reading it over the last few weeks. This book was a major library find of the month.

Did you find a book that you are looking forward to getting?
Here are some other book finds you might like to check out:
Cassie –
We got a lot of new books this month too! It’s so fun to have new stories. I’m glad my kiddo, at 8, still just loves them. The dinosaur one sounds fun. Have you ever read When Everything Came With Dinosaurs? It’s a fun book. Happy New Year, stopping by from Moms Library!
We have read that one! WE loved it and I featured it August 2012. 🙂
My boys received tons of new books for Christmas, I just love sneaking in some library additions as gifts. Lifetime and Almost An Animal Alphabet look like really fun books, I’m adding them to our list right now. Thanks for sharing
Hi Cassie,
Thanks for liking our book IF DINOSAURS LIVED IN MY TOWN. 😀 Just wanted to let you know that there are downloadable activity sheets/coloring-in pages on our Facebook page to go with the book. 😀 I make a new one every so often and post it in the Educational photo album.
I hope you don’t mind that I posted a link to your blog post.
Whoops. Link to our Facebook page….