Dinosaur Themed Addition & Subtraction Mats {Free}
Kids always need tons of practice when learning their math facts. I’m always looking for fun ideas and sometimes taking something we loved like the apple set. Then change it to a favorite theme of Dinosaurs! Yes, I have three girls that love dinosaurs.
These mats are fun to use plus they make learning as much hands-on as I can. You can spin and work on different ways to add and subtract. This is a great progression from the dinosaur counting mats. Plus you have several options for the counting objects. They are a great addition to the 31 days of printables for October this year!
Each of my girls has progressed differently through their learning. I like changing something they love at a different learning level and making it. The counting mats in themes they like during the year makes learning tons of fun! Dinosaurs are a favorite and have been for years. I’m so excited for the week of dinosaur themed printables.
Each of the mats has two ten frames for doing some hands-on math. Plus an are to put the dinosaurs on with the total number of dinosaurs added or subtracted.

Here are some things we have used with the Dinosaur Addition & Subtraction mat Printalbes
- printer
- white cardstock
- laminator
- laminating pouches
- Learning Resources Back In Time Dinosaur Counters
- glass gems
- Safari LTD Dinos Toob
- playdough
- clear counting chips
- sheet protectors
- unifix cubes
- pencil
- paperclips
- spinners
Here is a look at how we used the mats
We used unifix cubes for the ten frames and dinosaur counters
on the mats as well. There are numbers you can cut out and use on the equation or you can put the page in a sheet protectors
or laminate
them and use dry eraser markers
to write in the equations.

There is a fun volcano spinner with the set. You use a paperclip and pencil to make the spinner. When we use this on the subtraction mat, we use the bigger of the two numbers of our spins for the first number in our equation. I make sure they understand which number spun is larger. But if you want to change it up you can always use dice instead.

What you will find in these printables:
- Addition Math with 10 Frames
- Subtraction Math with 10 Frames
- 1 to 10 volcano spinner to use with mats
- 20 dinosaurs for using with the mats
- 2 sets of numbers 1 through 20

You might also want to check out these dinosaur activities & printables
- Dinosaur Themed Counting Mats: Number 1 to 10
- Dinosaur Pack Update!
- Dinosaur Dot Markers!
- Dinosaur Shirts Using Stencils
Check out all the printables from the 31 Days of Free Printables October 2016!

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com