7 Fun Dinosaur Information Bookmarks For Kids
Kids are always looking for information on their favorite subjects! One subject we do a lot with is DINOSAURS. I’m always shocked at how much they want to learn. Plus giving them fun ways to learn the information is nice as well! We have been in love with bookmarks at our house! It seems I’m always making new ones so we can have fun with them.
Now we have some fun dinosaur bookmarks with fun information on them about the dinosaurs! These are simple and easy. Plus the bookmarks make it perfect for kids to hold in their hands!
Over the last few months a new dinosaur book we found was Larry Gets Lost in Prehistoric Times: From Dinosaurs to the Stone Age. We have had tons of fun reading it. Plus there is fun dinosaur information. The bookmarks were made with the clipart I had with the hopes that it would go great with the book.
We had fun reading the book and using the bookmarks. There are two types of bookmarks. The first one has all the information all filled in. This is fun to just flip through of find the dinosaurs in books. I laminated our bookmarks and put them on a 1 inch ring
to make them easier to flip through.

The second set is one that kids get to fill in themselves! They can do it over time or just use the computer to look the information up! We looked through several books to get all the information and it was loads of fun! There are so many great rescoures out there for dinosaurs.

What you will find in these printables:
- 2 pages with 4 bookmarks per page
- 7 Different Dinosaurs Bookmarks
- Inforamtion: name, era, lenght, and eats
- Fill in option for the bookmarks
Check out these other Dinosaur themed Printables:
- Dinosaur Easy Reader Book: What Do I Eat?
- Dinosaur Themed Addition & Subtraction Mats
- Dinosaur Themed Counting Mats: Number 1 to 10 {Free}
Check out these fun dinosaur books that kids can read.
Check out all the fun Dinosaur Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Check out all the printables from the 31 Days of Free Printables October 2016!
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com