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Dr Seuss’s ABCs – Gross Motor

We love Gross motor and book activities and this is one of our favorite ways to get moving!

Plus is is a fun Dr. Seuss Activity as well.

So get up and get moving with reading the ABCs! You get more than 26 gross motor ideas for kids to do! Each page is loads of fun for everyone.

ABC Gross Motor - 26 gross motor ideas for the book Dr Seuss ABCs - 3Dinosaurs.com

For the Virtual Book Club we read Dr. Seuss’s ABC .

We did something different this time. We are doing gross motor for our activity. It was something we did for the Gross Motor Challenge. It turned into a full workout for the girls and me!

Here are all the Dr Seuss ABC Gross Motor Movements

Gross Motor for A:
Alligator: Have them walk around and use their arms and snapping jaws.
Aunt Annie: have them pretend how they would be riding on an alligator.

Gross Motor for A

Gross Motor for B:
Bee: Tuck Arms under and flap your wings around quickly.

Gross Motor for C:
Camel: Walk with legs spread out and straight.

Gross Motor for C

Gross Motor for D:
Duckdog: I had them pretend crawling on the floor what a duck would walk like and then a dog and made them think of how it would be together.

Gross Motor for E:

Elephant: Swinging the arms in front together they did an elephant walk.
Egg: The rolled around on the floor.

Gross Motor for E

Gross Motor for F:
Feathers: I had them put their arms up in the air the wave them around like a feather would in the wind. We waved high, low, and to each side.

Gross Motor for G:
Goat: The girls crawled around the room pretending to eat everything.

Gross Motor for H:
Hen: we flapped our small wings and moved around.
Horse: we crawled around and started eating lots of hay.

Gross Motor for H

Gross Motor for I:
Itchy: Have them do great big movements trying to itch all over their body.

Gross Motor for J:
Jelly Jar: We pretended to open the jar and then do big movements scoping out the jam.

Gross Motor for K:
Kick: We did some kicking drills.
Kitten: We crawled around like a kitten.

Gross Motor for L:
Lion Licking Lolly Pops: We did big movements for the lollypop.
Left Leg: We lifted our left leg in the air. We also did it for the right leg as well.

Gross Motor for L

Gross Motor for M:
Mice: We skittered around like mice on the floor.
Moon: We made big circles with our arms and made the moon rise up from one side and go down on the other side.

Gross Motor for N:
Neckties: We put on 9 BIG neckties and did huge movements for it.

Gross Motor for N

Gross Motor for O:
Ostrich: We walked around on our toes.

Gross Motor for P:
Painting Pajamas Pink: We did some exaggerated painting: up and down and side to side.
Pail: Had them put their feet together and jump around the room.

Gross Motor for P

Gross Motor for Q:
Quick Queen of Quincy: We ran around the room really fast.
Quacking Quacker-oo: We did toe walking and flapped our arms and said quack.

Gross Motor for R:
Rosy: We pretended we were riding the rhino.
Rhinoceros: We crawled around on the floor pretending to do the rhino.

Gross Motor for S:
Sipping Soda: We looked at the straw and saw it was curved. We pretended to be the soda rising up from the cup through the straw. So you wiggled every direction as you came up.

Gross Motor for S

Gross Motor for T:
Turtles: The girls were tired by this time. So we took our turtle rest.

Gross Motor for T

Gross Motor for U:

Umbrella: We walked around holding up our umbrella. We used both arms.

Gross Motor for V:
Violin: We did big movements for putting the bow across the violin.

Gross Motor for W:
Washing: We washed each other’s backs.

Gross Motor for X:
X-ray: We made Xs with our bodies and then jumped to a stick and repeated. So we did some jumping jacks. We counted the X’s on the page and did that many. We rested for the same count and then repeated the activity for X again.

Gross Motor for X

Gross Motor for Y:
Yawn: We did some Big stretching yawns.

Gross Motor for Z:
Zizzer Zazzer Zuzz: We did zig zags across the floor.

This was a great activity as well. It was so much fun we all enjoyed it! It was a great way to also review our ABCs! The girls love to repeat this activity often. They create new gross motor ideas each time.

Here are some of the great books you can read by Dr. Seuss.

Check out these other Dr. Seuss Activities:

6 Fun Dr Seuss Activities - with gross motor, sensory bin, and crafts  - 3Dinosaurs.com
ABC Gross Motor - Dr Seuss

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com


  1. What fun ideas! We are using this same book in our therapeutic kids yoga class here at the JD McCarty Center for Children with Developmental Disabilities tomorrow. I’m planning on doing a blog post for kids yoga to go along with the book and will add it to the blog hop when I have it ready 🙂

  2. I smiled the whole time I read this post – what a great way to celebrate this book and exert some energy 🙂 I just noticed that the header picture has changed from the girls/dinosaurs being in the snow – gives me hope that spring is coming!

    1. I was my hope that spring is coming. 🙂 It was just a perfect picture of the girls at the butterfly place. I could not pass it up.

  3. I found you on the Bloggy Mom FB Hop — This is one of my son’s favorite books! He just got it for Christmas. We have made it into a song with clapping, but we have never done anything like this. My daughter will love it too…thanks for the great idea!

  4. This is such a great post! What better way to teach kids than by pairing a concept with movement! We’ve featured you today on our Movement Monday post! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  5. What wonderful activities for a Dr. Seuss party! For older ones it could be adapted to a Simon Says “Cat in the Hat says” game.

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