Dreidel Sensory Bin with Rice
Sensory bins are loads of fun for kids. This dreidel rice sensory bin is super easy for kids to play in.
You have bright colors dreidels in with white rice.
You can have loads of fun just playing in this simple sensory bin for Hanukkah. It would be fun to use for all 8 nights of Hanukkah.

The Dreidel Sensory Bin is a great addition to the Hanukkah Activities and sensory bins on the site.
What is a sensory bin?
A sensory bin is typically a plastic tub or container filled with carefully selected materials and objects to stimulate the senses of children in preschool.
Sensory bins might have rice, water beads, corn, beans, or other types filled with small items.
Dreidel Sensory Bin
The dreidel sensory bin is a very simple Hanukkah sensory bin with just rice and colored dreidels. It is simple to put together and use.
And it is easy to clean up afterward.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
Hanukkah Books to Use With the Dreidel Sensory Bin
Here are a few book suggestions to use with the sensory bin.
I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Dreidel is a super fun Hanukkah book that is silly but has all the themes from Hanukkah.
The Story of Hanukkah is a great book about the history of Hanukkah and has dreidel game information at the end of the book and things you can do for Hanukkah.
The 9 Candles Of Hanukkah Tell The Tale is another great book that tells the story of Hanukkah in a very fun and unique way.
My First Chanukah has different symbols of Hanukkah for kids to learn about.
What we used to make the Dreidel Sensory Bin

Ways to Use the Dreidel Sensory Bin
You will see a few ways to use the dreidel sensory bin but remember they can be just for play.
Play in the Dreidel Sensory Bin
You can just play in the sensory bin and do nothing else. It is fun to play in the rice and dreidels. And if this is all you do it is just fine.

Scoop and Pour in the Sensory bin
We love to scoop and pour in every sensory bin. You can see how much fun it is for kids to just play this way. You can take big handfuls and then dump it right back into the bin.

Scoop and Count Dreidels
You can scoop up rice and dreidels and then count how many dreidels you have in your hands. You can also dump this in a small bowel and count out the dreidels and then put it all back in the sensory bin.

Sort the Dreidel Colors
Since we are using colored dreidels you can sort the dreidels in the bin by color. You can search for just one color or sort all the colors.

Make letters with the Dreidels
You can also work on making letters or numbers with the dreidels. The dreidels let kids work on how the letter is formed in a fun hands-on way.
You can give them letter cards or just tell them letters for older kids.

Make Patterns with the Dreidels
Another fun thing about these dreidels being in color is that they work great for patterns. You can work on any pattern you want. You can start one in the bin and they finish.
Or you can use the dot marker pattern cards for the patterns they are making. The cards have AB and ABC patterns.

More Hanukkah Sensory Bins & Activities for Kids
A fun and easy Hanukkah Sensory Bin with book activity put in with it. Loads of fun for kids to learn and play with.
Hanukkah Dreidel & Candle Sensory Bin is a variation on our sensory bin that we have done before.
Hanukkah Rice Sensory Bin is easy to put together and fun to play in. It has coins and dreidels for kids.
It is always fun to read books. Check out these 10+ Hanukkah Books. Each of the books has a fun Hanukkah theme and are great to read during Hanukkah.
Check out all the fun Sensory Bin Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com