Free Earth Day Easy Reader Book
Earth Day is next week and I wanted to add something else fun this year: easy reader books. My youngest is really getting into these style of books.
We have been working on a lot of easy reader books for spring. This is one of the first ones that will be out for Earth day.
The Earth Day Easy Reader Book is a great addition to the Earth Day printables on the site.
What is Earth Day?
Earth Day is an annual celebration that honors the achievements of the environmental movement and raises awareness of the need to protect Earths natural resources for future generations. The first Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970
Earth Day Easy Reader Book
Earth Day is such a fun theme for kids to explore. We are doing lots of early reader books because kids love having their own books.
Each page of the book has something kids can do for the planet.
It will have the sight words: I can.
The Earth Day vocab words for the easy reader book are plastic, paper, can, plant, faucet, light switch, planet, recycle, and bag.

I made these Earth Day readers for her to use. We plan on using them with the Earth Day Learning Pack.
Earth Day Books to Read with the Earth Day Easy Reader Book
We love the book Recycle by Gail Gibbons. It is great to help kids understand about taking care of the Earth and what they can do.
What a Waste: Trash, Recycling, and Protecting our Planet is another great Earth Day Book. It talks about recycling and why it is important.
Things to use with the Earth Day Easy Reader Book Printable
- printer
- white copy paper
- crayons
- markers
- pencil
- pencil grips – Use if they have problems holding the pencil
- stapler
- scissors
How to Make the Earth Day Easy Reader Books
I always get asked how I make the easy reader books. Here are the simple steps that I use to make the books. I use scissors and a stapler.
Cut Down the Center of the Earth Day Easy Reader Book
You start by lining up the pages and cutting down the middle of the book. You want to make sure you hold the pages steady while you cut.

Alternate the Pages of the Earth Day Easy Reader Book
You alternate the pages of the book. The odd pages are on the top, and the even pages on the bottom. You have even and then odd until all the pages are sorted.

Staple the Left side of the Easy Reader Book
After you make sure all the pages of the book are lined up, staple the book on the left side. Then your easy reader book is ready to be used.

Ways to Use the Earth Day Easy Reader Book Printable
You will see a few ways to use this Earth Day Easy Reader Book
Underline sight words in the Earth Day Easy Reader Book
You can go through the book and underline a sight word they find in the sentence. You can do I or can for the sight word.

Color The Pictures in the Earth Day Easy Reader Book
You can also start with coloring the pictures in the book. You can do this in whatever works best for your kids. As they color the picture you can talk about what each of the pictures are.

Color The Picture and Underline a Sight Word in the Earth Day Easy Reader Book
You can also underline the sight word and color the book as you go. You can do it is stages as well. But you have fun learning new Earth Day words and actions that kids can do to help the Earth.
It would also be great to get some Earth Day handwriting with the Earth Day easy reader book.

Last Page of the Earth Day Easy Reader Book
The last page of the book is about the Earth. And that kids can help the planet. You can talk about all the ideas in the book with kids after you finish reading.

More Earth Day Easy Reader Books
If you are looking for more Earth Day easy reader books, you can check out the Earth Day Easy Reader Book Set. It has three books with vocab and ABC as well as teach print for all the books.

What is in the Earth Day Easy Reader Book Selling Set
In the Earth Day Easy Reader Book selling version, you have the free version in single print and teacher print, plus two other easy reader books, writing pages and Earth Day vocab chart. The word book has 9 Earth Day words: paper, plastic, earth, cans, tree, recycle, recycle bin, bag, and plant.

What you will find in the Selling Version of the Earth Day Word:
- 3 Books with an Earth Day Theme
- Easy Reader book has 8 pages
- Word Book has 10 pages and tracing of the word
- ABC Book has 10 pages and the letters: e, r, pl, p, tr, b, b, pl
- Earth Day Easy Reader – Single Print
- Earth Day Easy Reader – Teacher Version
- Earth Day Words – Single Print
- Earth Day Words – Teacher Version
- Earth Day Letters – Single Print
- Earth Day Letters – Teacher Print Version
- Earth Day Vocab Chart: plastic, paper, can, plant, faucet, light switch, planet, recycle, bag
- Earth Day writing activities
- Cost $3
What you will find in the Free Earth Day Easy Reader:
- 1 Books with a Earth Day Theme
- Sight Word Book with I, can
- Each book has 8 pages
- 4 pages to print
Check out these other Earth Day Activities for Kids
Earth Day No-Prep Weekly Packs are great no-prep printable packs for Earth Day. They have 5 days of printables with 4 pages for each day. You will find packs for prek, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade.
Earth Day Learning Pack is a printable learning pack with a mix of hands-on and no prep activities for kindergarten to third grade. It has over 55 pages. There is also a pack that works for tot and preschool. It has 33 pages and has a mix of activities for learning.
Sequencing: How to Recycle is a fun set with how to recycle. You have an easy reader book, clip cards and more to work on recycling.
Earth Day Writing Prompts have 7 fun questions to draw and write about. They have two line types and space to draw about the questions that are asked. These are great earth day printables for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade.
Earth Day Playdough Mats have 8 different mats for you to choose from. You can build the earth or make the oceans in this fun Earth Day playdough printables.
Check out all the fun Earth Day Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –