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Free Easter Egg Spin and Trace Shapes Printable

Every now and then I just love having a no-prep worksheet that I don’t have to prep or do anything with. I just print and use!

That is what I have today. It is a free Easter Egg themed spin and trace shapes. We did a Christmas Tree shape tracing and loved it. And I thought It would be a fun one to have for Easter.

This is a great addition to the Easter Printables on the site.

Free Easter Egg Spin and Trace Shapes - 2 pages of printables with 8 different shapes - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprep #easterprintablesforkids #printablesforkids

The Easter Egg Spin and Trace Shapes Printable is a great addition to the Easter printables and shape printables on the site.

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Easter Egg Spin and Trace Shapes Printable

The spinning activities are a fun way to work on skills. You don’t always get the same thing each time. Plus, when you change up how to use the activity, it is fun as well.

Each of the Easter egg shape pages has 4 shapes on them with a spinner at the top. There are several of each of the shapes they can trace on each of the pages. They are arranged in around the egg to make it fun.

You have a printable with circle, oval, square, and rectangle. The second shape printable has star, heart, diamond/rhombus, and triangle.

Free Easter Egg Spin and Trace Shapes - 2 pages of printables with 8 different shapes - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprep #easterprintablesforkids #printablesforkids

Things to use with the Easter Egg Spin and Trace Shapes Printable

Ways to use the Easter Egg Shape Tracing Printable

You will see a few ways to use these easter shape tracing printables.

Making a Pencil and Paperclip Spinner

You use a pencil and paperclip to make the spinner. Put the paperclip down and put the pencil point in the middle of the spinner.

You flick the paperclip and when it stops trace the shape it lands on. It is simple and easy to do.

If you have a clear spinner, you can use that in place of the paperclip and pencil.

Free Easter Egg Spin and Trace Shapes - 2 pages of printables with 8 different shapes - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprep #easterprintablesforkids #printablesforkids

Spin and Trace all the Shape on the Easter Egg

You spin and color all the shapes on the easter egg. You can trace all the shapes in different colors or the same color. You can let kids be creative when tracing their shapes.

Free Easter Egg Spin and Trace Shapes - 2 pages of printables with 8 different shapes - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprep #easterprintablesforkids #printablesforkids

Color the Egg After Tracing the Shapes

We traced out shapes with crayons. They colored the shapes after tracing. When you are all done you can color in the Easter Egg! It makes a fun coloring project at the end.

Free Easter Egg Spin and Trace Shapes - 2 pages of printables with 8 different shapes - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprep #easterprintablesforkids #printablesforkids

Reusing the Easter Egg Shape Printable

If you want to reuse the shape tracing printable you can put it in a sheet protector and use dry erase markers on it. Then just wipe clean and use it again.

Looking for more Easter Shape Printable

If you are looking for more Easter shape printables then check out the Easter Activity Pack. It has a full set of shape printables and other activities in the pack that work great together.

Easter Activities Pack with Prewriting, Shapes, ABCs, and Numbers - 191 pages of activities with no-prep pages, clip cards and tracing strips to help with learning skills with cute Easter Egg - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Free Easter Egg Spin and Trace Shapes printables

  • Easter Egg Themed shape printable
  • No-prep shape printable with tracing
  • 2 pages of printables
  • Shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus/diamond, oval, heart, star
Free Easter Egg Spin & Trace Shapes - 2 pages of no-prep printables for kids to work on tracing shapes - 3Dinosaurs.com #freeprintable #shapesforkids #easterprintables

More Easter printables

Easter Activities Pack: Prewriting, Shapes, ABCs & Numbers has no-prep pages, tracing strips, easy reader books, and clip cards to help with learning. It is a super fun set. These are great Easter printables for Prek and Kindergarten.

Easter Egg Roll & Graph with Letters, Numbers and Shapes. You have a graphing worksheet, a graphing worksheet with tracing letters, numbers or shapes. With two dice options to use with kids.

Easter No-Prep Weekly Packs has 5 day of printables for each pack with 4 pages for day. You have easy no-prep packs to help with homework, morning work, and distance learning. You have Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade.

Easter Shape Find has 11 shapes for kids to trace and find with shape words and geometric shapes.

Easter Egg Shape Sorting has four shape to sort into the Easter Basket. You have different color eggs and the eggs have the shapes on them.

Easter Egg ABC Letter Find is a fun way to review ABCs. There is uppercase and lowercase. This is a great Easter printable for Prek and kindergarten.

I am not the Easter Bunny easy reader book is a great book for kids to read about what the bunny is. This is a great easy reader book for kindergarten.

Easter Ten Frame Addition Cards are easy addition cards that kids can use to work on addtion from 1 to 10. Plus there is a recording sheet.

Check out all the fun Easter Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Easter Activities & Printables on 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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