Free Easter Gross Motor Dice
I love the gross motor and the gross motor dice make it fun!
The free Easter Gross motor dice is an easy way to get kids moving and having a great time. Plus while they are moving around they are enjoying the fun they are having.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
Thi sis a great addition to the gross motor printable and Easter printables on the site.
What is Gross Motor?
It is big movements using parts of the body like legs, arms, and torso. This can include running, jumping, moving arms or legs, crawling, and more!.
Gross motor can be loads of fun!
Why use gross motor dice?
I like the gross motor dice because it is different from other gross motor. It changes how you do the movement with a roll of a dice.
Plus kids get movement in just by rolling the dice. And they are apart of picking what they are doing next.
Then you can add speed and numbers to the movement as well. The speed dice allow them to be a little silly with the movements.
Also great when you only have a short amount of time and want to get those wiggles out! And it is fun!
The gross motor dice have two parts the movements and the speed dice. You can use either or both together.
Your movements are bunny, two Easter Eggs, chick, painting, and jellybeans.
And the speeds are normal, slow and fast.

Things to use with the Easter Gross Motor Dice Printable
These are all items we used with the Easter Gross Motor Dice.
How to use the Easter Gross Motor Dice Inserts
I use the cube dice instead of the folding dice because they are easy to put in and out of the dice. And I find that the dice last a lot longer than one time.
Plus you can switch them out easily between sets. There are several gross motor dice sets that you can mix and match the as well.
You can see how easy it is to switch them out. They just slide right in and out of the dice.

Another reason that we use the cube dice is that my girls love to throw them up in the air. They are soft and don’t hurt if they throw them silly. And they stay together for a lot longer than the folding dice when we throw them.

How to use the Easter Gross Motor Dice Printable
Before we start rolling the gross motor dice. I make sure that they know the movements. I like to review them to make sure they have enough space.
Plus knowing the movements helps to avoid injury.
And while you are doing the movements kids can come you with their own version as well.

Easter Gross Motor Dice Movements
Easter Bunny: You hop like an Easter Bunny around the room.
Easter Egg in Grass: You bend over and pick up the Easter Eggs in the grass.
Easter Egg: You roll like an Easter egg on the ground.
Chick: You walk like a baby chick.
Paint the Egg: You want to paint a really big egg with lots of big arm movements.
Jellybeans: You want to shake your body while pretending to be jellybeans in a box.

After they have the Easter gross motor movements and you want that challenge then add the speed die. You can also add a number die. You can get the number die here. We have a blast doing this during breaks.

What you will find in the Free Easter Gross Motor Dice
- Dice for Easter themed movements
- Dice for different speeds: slow, fast, normal
- Two types: cube dice or make your own die
- 4 pages
What you will find in the Easter Day Gross Motor Set
This is a full set with gross motor dice, gross motor chart, rolling games, and gross motor task cards. Loads of fun ways to explore the Easter themed movements that can work for many different settings.
What is in the Eastery Gross Motor Set
- Gross motor movement dice with folding and two cube dice options
- Speed dice with folding and two cube dice options
- Number dice with 1 to 12 options with folding and two cube dice options
- Easter Gross Motor Movement Chart
- Easter Motor Spinning Mat
- Easter Motor Movement Task Cards with 8 cards total
- Rolling Easter Gross Motor – Single Movement
- Rolling Easter Motor – Two movements to match each die roll
- 22 pages
- Price: $3.00
Check out these other Spring Gross Motor Dice
Earth Day Themed Gross Motor Dice
Spring Themed Gross Motor Dice
Check out all the fun Easter Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Check out all the fun Gross Motor Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –