Easter Themed Number Color & Trace
Easter is almost here and it is fun to have new number sheets to use. I love the number color and trace because it gives kids a set pattern they can get used to.
Easter has some themes like eggs, baskets, bunnies, and jellybeans. I could not pick just one theme to do so I did a mix and two themed sets.
These are a great addition to the Easter Printables on the site.
The new Easter Number color and trace are out. These have been added to the Spring Number Color and Trace Bundle. The Easter sets have three fun themes: general easter, bunnies, and jellybeans.
There are two sets of these number coloring and tracing printable. The first set has a number to color and objects that count up to that number. They have number and number word to trace. The second set has the numbers that you write in.
The first set is perfect for those in PreK and Kindergarten because they can work on the number formation of the digit and word together. You can see that there are numbers to color and matching objects for the number. You can see the page below has number 9 and a basket with 9 jelly beans.

The second set is ideal for those in late kindergarten and early first grade to work on writing their numbers. It has the same numbers that match up to the coloring and writing. You can see the number 10 and a bunny with 10 carrots.

I like how flexible the sets are. You can work on the numbers with different groups of kids together. And you can change up the worksheets as the kid’s progress. These also make great number books.
Spring Number Color and Trace Bundle
The Spring Number Color and Trace Bundle have general spring themes, ducks, rain, butterflies, and birds. It has numbers 0 to 20.
What you will find in these printables:
- General spring, rain, ducks, butterflies, birds, general Easter, bunnies, and jellybeans – with more to come
- 21 pages of coloring and tracing numbers for each theme
- 21 pages of coloring with writing numbers for each theme
- $17 for all 528 pages of printables
If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the page.
Easter Themed Number Color and Trace
This themed number color and trace set has a general Easter theme with coloring and tracing or writing. It has numbers 0 to 20.
What you will find in the Easter Themed Number Color and Trace printables:
- 21 pages of coloring and tracing numbers
- 21 pages of coloring with writing numbers
- $3.50 for all 44 pages of printables
If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the page.
Bunny Themed Number Color and Trace
This bunny themed number color and trace set has a bunny with carrots with coloring and tracing or writing. It has numbers 0 to 20.
What you will find in these printables:
- 21 pages of coloring and tracing numbers
- 21 pages of coloring with writing numbers
- $3.50 for all 44 pages of printables
If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the page.
Jelly Bean Themed Number Color and Trace
This themed number color and trace set has a basket with jellybeans in a basket with coloring and tracing or writing. It has numbers 0 to 20.
What you will find in these printables:
- 21 pages of coloring and tracing numbers
- 21 pages of coloring with writing numbers
- $3.50 for all 44 pages of printables
Click here to buy your copy of the Jellybean Themed Number Color and Trace at Teachers Pay Teachers.
If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the page.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com