Easy Reader Pilgrim Books for Thanksgiving
Easy reader books for different seasons are for kids to have. They are always trying to learn and try new things. Thanksgiving has many different themes for the holiday. Today we have a fun Pilgrims Easy Reader Books.
These pilgrim-themed books have several version to match up to the level of your kids reading levels.
We enjoyed all the parts of the Pumpking Easy Reader Set. I thought it would be fun to have something for the pilgrims and Thanksgiving. It is a fun set with books and extras to help learn some of the words in the books.
Included in the set is a word chart. It comes in color and black & white. It is an easy way to look at the words that you will find in the books.

There are several version of the book. You have just the word, trace just the word, I see a/the, simple sight word the and a version with simple sentences about the pictures. It allows you to use the book that meets that needs of your students of the child. Plus it is one that can grow with kids as well.

We have loved the different reading strips. We had a fun time with them in the pumpkin set. I thought it would be fun to one some for this set as well. I put our cards on a 1 inch ring.

Each of the strips has a simple sentence on them. It has a dot below each word. This gives them something they can point to as they read the words. There are two version the strips for the sight word: the and the sight words: I, see, a. We use pointers or glass gems to cover each dot as my daughter reads the words.

What you will find in the Easy Reader Pilgrim Books printable:
- Pilgrim Words Word Charts (Color and Black & White)
- Easy Reader Strips for I, see, a/the (Color and Black & White)
- The Pilgrims Easy Reader Book with I, see, a/the – Single Print
- The Pilgrims Easy Reader Book with I, see, a/the – Teacher Print
- Easy Reader Strips for the (Color and Black & White)
- The Pilgrims Easy Reader Book with the – Single Print
- The Pilgrims Easy Reader Book with the – Teacher Print
- Pilgrim Words Book – Single Print
- Pilgrim Words Book – Teacher Print
- Pilgrim Words Book with Tracing – Single Print
- Pilgrim Words Book with Tracing – Teacher Print
- The Pilgrims Journey Easy Reader book with various sentences – Single Print
- The Pilgrims Journey Easy Reader Book with various sentences – Teacher Print
- 72 pages
- $3.50
What you will find in the Free Pilgrims Easy Reader:
- Easy Reader Book with: the – Single Print
- 8 pages per book
- 4 pages to print
You can find the free version plus 4 other books and teacher print versions at my Teachers Pay Teachers for $3.50.
Check out all the fun Thanksgiving Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com
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