Easy To Do Sight Word Evaluation
My youngest has just entered kindergarten. We have been not been learning sight words yet, but she has learned some in BOB Books prinables and by learning with her sisters.
At the start of the year, I like to run through what sight words she knows and does not know. This evaluation will give me a good idea of what words to start on. I thought I would show you an easy way we are doing that this year.
I’ve made loads of printables over the last three years. I’m showing you today an easy way to keep track of what your child does or does not know. I’m using two different printables for this: Preprimer Sight Word List and Preprimer Sight Word Wall Cards. They are both on the site and easy to use.
I’ve printed the Preprimer Sight Word Wall Cards two page per page, laminated them and put them on a ring
. This makes it flip through the cards for smaller hands.

I make sure before we do the evaluation that if she does not know the word that is okay. She can just move to the next word or card. There is no pressure on her at all.

As she goes through the wall cards, I check them off on the Preprimer Sight Word List I have printed. I put a check in each of the boxes as we go.

At the end of the evaluation, I total up the words or she totals them up for me. Then we look at the list of words together. I have her pick out a word; that is not checked she wants to work on learning.

This is simple and easy to do. Plus I always let her know there is no pressure to have to learn more. I might see a word she hesitated on and work on that sight word.
She is going to be doing the Romping & Roaring Preprimer Sight Word Packs to work on her words. I’ll pick out the pages that work best for her learning style and use those. We are also going to be doing the Bob Books Sight Words: Kindergartenwith the Printables. These are both easy ways to learn the sight words.
If you are looking for more sight word printables and activities check these out:
- Romping & Roaring Preprimer Sight Words Packs
- Free Sight Word Dolch Cards
- Free Dolch Preprimer Sight Words Playdough Mats with Tracing
- Free Preprimer Sight Word Trace & Find the Word
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com
What a great system! Thank you for linking your post to the Thoughtful Spot Blog Hop! 🙂