
9+ Fire Safety Printables & Activities

Fire Safety is a great theme for the fall and October which is fire safety month.

There are so many ways for kids to learn about fire safety and it is great that they have a chance to do just that.

Here is a collection of all the fire safety printables and activities on 3 Dinosaurs. This is a growing list and more will be added!

9+ Fire Safety Printables & Activities - with printables packs fire safety abcs, fire safety numbers, fire safety math and more - 3Dinosaurs.com

The Fire Safety Printables & Activities is a great addition to the fall printables on the site.

Season of Fall Printables

Things to use with the Fire Safety Printables & Activities

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Fire Safety Printables & Activities Menu

A jump to the fire safety printables and activities you are looking for. These are all the sections you will find below.

Fire Safety Printables
Fire Safety Printable Packs
Fire Safety ABC Printable
Fire Safety Number Printable
Fire Safety Math Printable
Fire Safety Other Printable
Fires Safety Activities & Crafts

Fire Safety Printables

You will find all our fire safety printables here. This, like all the parts of the site, is a growing section of printables. As more are added to the site, they will be added below.

Fire Safety Printable Packs

1. Fire Safety Weekly Pack Printables

No-Prep Fire Safety Weekly Packs are an easy set of no-prep worksheets for kids to learn with. It has a firefighter and fire safety theme. You will find Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade levels. They have 5 pages of printables for each day for one week.

2. Community Helpers Pack Printables

Firefighter puzzles from the Community Helpers Pack - just one of the firefighter printables in the pack. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Community Helpers Pack has over 190 pages in a prek and kindergarten pack and a 47 page tot pack to use with kids. You have 9 different community helpers for kids to learn about. You will find lots of firefighter pages that you can use. It has a mix of hands-on and no-prep printables.

3. Community Helpers Weekly Packs Printables

Community Helpers Weekly Packs are an easy set of no-prep worksheets for kids to learn with. Each day has a new community helper for the theme. There is one day in the page that has a firefighter theme. You will find Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade levels. They have 5 pages of printables for each day for one week.

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Fire Safety ABC Printables

4. Firefighter ABC Easy Reader Book Printables

Free Firefighter ABC Easy Reader Book - with tracing lowercase letters and  7 firefighter themes in the book for kids to use in kindergarten and prek  - 3Dinosaurs.com

Firefighter ABC Easy Reader Book works on tracing lowercase letters with firefighter themes in an simple 10 page easy reader book.

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Fire Safety Number Printables

5. Firefighter Ten Frames Printable Numbers 1 to 10 Printables

Free Firefighter Ten Frames Numbers 1 to 10 - with two sets of ten frames to work on counting from 1 to 10 with filled in ten frames to match the numbers and blank ten frames - 3Dinosaurs.com

Firefighter Ten Frames Printable Numbers 1 to 10 works on numbers 1 to 10 with counting for kids. A super fun way to work on numbers with two versions.

6. Fire Truck Dot Marker Number & Count the Dots Printables

Fire Truck Dot the Number & Counting -  Numbers 1 to 20 : has a fire truck with dots for kids to count and a dot marker number that kids can dot. The dot marker printable comes in color and black and white. It has numbers 0 to 20. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Fire Truck Dot Marker Number & Count the Dots is a fun ywa to work on counting the dots on the fire truck and then dotting the number on the page. They come in color and black and white.

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Fire Safety Math Printables

7. Fire Safety Roll And Graph Printables

 Free Fire Safety Roll & Graph Printable dice and graphing worksheets with coloring graphing and graphing with tracing numbers 1 to 6 and 7 to 12.- 3Dinosaurs.com

Fire Safety Roll And Graph Printable has a graping page, a nubmer 1 to 6 and 7 to 12 graphing pages, and two dice options.

8. Fire Safety Roll And Graph Set Printables

Fire Safety Graphing Set - with graphing, tracing numbers, tracing letters, tracing shapes for kids with a fire safety theme with 45 pages of printable worksheets and dice - 3Dinosaurs.com

Fire Safety Roll And Graph Set has several types of graphing with graphing page, number tracing (1 to 30), letters (uppercase, lowercase and by letter), and shapes for kids.

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Fire Safety Other Printables

Fire Hydrant Fine Motor Mat Printables

Free Fire Hydrant Fine Motor Mats - you have two templates, one tracing page and one dot marker page. These are great for fire safety week or a community help theme for firefighters. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Fire Hydrant Fine Motor Mat Printables has 3 different fine motor mats. You have fire hydrant templates, fine hydrant tracing, and fire hydrant dot marker page. Each is great for working on fine motor.

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Other Fire Safety printables you can check out for other Bloggers
Fireman and Fire Truck Printables is a great pack you can use for a fire safety theme by Royal Baloo.

Fireman Math Counting Game has numbers from 1 to 20 for counting by Royal Baloo.

Community Helpers Activities for Kindergarten Featuring Firefighters goes with a poem and shows several ways to use them by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Fire House Place Value Chart is a super fun math printable that works on place value and is great for fire safety week by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Fire Safety Worksheets for Kindergarten is a great set of worksheets for kids to learn more about fire safety by Living, Life & Learning.

Fire Safety printables that work on stop drop and roll and a fire safety items for kids. by Affordable Homeschooling.

Fires Safety Activities & Crafts

A fun fire safety activities and crafts you can do.

9. Fire Safety Cookie Cutter Watercolor Painting

Fire Safety Cookie Cutter Watercolor Painting - a super simple painting activity you can do with kids of different ages. It is a great way to explore the different shapes that are in the cookie cutter sets - 3Dinosaurs.com

Fire Safety Cookie Cutter Watercolor Painting is a fun way to use cookie cutters to paint and show all the fun firefighter themes.

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Other fire safety activities you can check out.
Climbing Firefighter STEAM Activity for Kids is a fun STEM activity you can do to make the firefighter go up the ladder by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Egg Carton Fire Truck is a great fire safety themed craft you can make with kids by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Fire Truck Activity for Kids is a great craft and activity together that kids can do by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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