Flower Water Bead Sensory Bin
I love sensory bin! They are simple easy to use and are fun sensory play for kids. We always have a sensory bin up. We have repeated a love of the sensory bins we have done. It is fun to set them up and just let my girls have fun with them.
Kid have fun scooping, pouring and running their hands through the water beads. I’m always looking for new things to put in the water beads and this time we are doing flowers.
Water bead sensory bins have to be one of our favorite types of bins. Yes, they do take a little prep work to get the beads inflated. But we do at least 4 or 5 a year and always keep them around for a month. We work hard to keep them clean and store them so we can use them for a long time. Plus a lot of the items we put in I store away and my girls can ask me to remake a bin they loved.
We have rules for the water bead sensory bins.
– They must water their hands before and after playing in them.
– They must put the lib back on the bin after they are done playing.
– And they much use a flashlight to search for any stray beads.
The rules are simple and easy that let us have loads of fun with the beads. Plus use them for a long time
What you need for this sensory bin:
- bin
- clear wate beads
- green transparent acrylic leaves
- acrylic beads frosted lily flower beads
- cup (sometimes we use it)

How we have played with this sensory bin
My girls just love mixing up the water beads and the items they are going to play with. They had a blast mixing in the flowers and leaves.

One of their favorite activities is scooping up a hand full of the items we put in the sensory bin. They like to count how many of what they got.

I always challenge them to sort out different items. They started with leaves. And the leaves seemed to stick really well to their hands. So they put them on the back of their hands.

I had them sort out the flower. And the flower that we are using they found were fund to stack. When they made their stack they put a water bead at the top.

They searched for flowers based on color. We found there were different shades of blue but other flowers only had one color shade.

One thing I love about sensory bins is how creative kids can be playing in them. And that is what we do most of the time is play. They do like ideas to do in the bin every now and then. But mostly we just play. They love doing scooping and pouring.

And every now and then I see them do something creative like this! It is amazing what kids can come up with on their own and just have fun with. I love how the beads bounced off their hands into the bin. A little STEM in their play. And yes we did have to gather up water beads off the floor after this!

Check out these other flower sensory bins:
Check out all the fun Flower Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com