Free 1 to 15 Number Printables for PreK & Kindergarten
There are always loads of activities you can use to learn numbers. And today I have a few of our favorites in numbers 1 to 15. These free printables are a great way for kids to work on writing, counting and more!

You are going to find some of the following Number 1 to 15 Activities including Missing Numbers, Writing Pages, Number Puzzles, 1 to 15 Number Cards, 3 Part Number Cards, Number Coloring, and Number Matching.
Number Wall Cards 1 to 15
- 2 cards per page
- Numbers 1 to 15
- Number digit and number word on card
- Pictures matching numbers

Number 3 Part Cards 1 to 15
- 9 cards per page
- Numbers 1 to 15
- Number digit and number word one set
- Number digit one set

Number Pocket Chart Cards 1 to 15
- 9 cards per page
- Numbers 1 to 15
- Number digit and number word one set
- Number digit one set

Number Handwriting Printable 1 to 15
- Dotted numbers on lined paper
- Number word and number digit on the same page
- Numbers 1 to 15
- No-prep printable

Number Tracing Strips
- Tracing Strips with numbers
- Tracing Strips with number digit and number word
- Tracing Strips with blank for writing
- Numbers 1 to 15

Number Tracing Charts
- Tracing numbers all on one page
- Numbers 1 to 15 & 1 to 20
- No-prep printable

Number Matching 1 to 15
- 5 numbers per page matching
- 5 numbers per page matching with tracing
- All 15 numbers per page matching

Number Matching with Pictures 1 to 15
- 5 numbers per page matching number digit to pictures
- 5 numbers per page matching number word to pictures

Missing Numbers Chart 1 to 15
- Numbers 1 to 15
- No-prep printable
- Tracing and writing in missing numbers with some numbers filled in
- Tracing Numbers & writing missing
- Writing in missing numbers

Missing Numbers 1 to 15
- Numbers 1 to 15
- Missing in the middle – 1 number missing
- Missing int he middle 2 nubmers missing

Number Coloring 10 Piece Puzzles 1 to 15
- Numbers 1 to 15
- Number coloring puzzles 1 to 10
- Number coloring puzzles 1 to 150

Number Dot Marker Printables
What you will find in the free number dot marke printables
- No-prep printable to use dot marker
- Numbers 1 to 20
- 20 pages

Number 2 Piece Puzzles 1 to 15
- Numbers 1 to 15
- 2 peice puzzles
- Pictures, number digit and number word

Number 4 Piece Puzzles 1 to 15
- Numbers 1 to 15
- 4 peice puzzles
- Pictures, number digit and number word

Number 10 Piece Puzzles 1 to 15
- Numbers 1 to 15
- 10 peice puzzles
- Pictures, number digit and number word

Cassie –
These are neat. Is there any chance you can put them all on one pdf file? It would be much easier to download that way.
No I wont put them on one PDF file. It is to big and most people are just looking for one part not all of it.
And it is free.
Congrats on 5 months! I must have found you fairly soon after your started and I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed your printables and other info! I am a SAM to a 3 year old and as much as I want to have well rounded activities, curriculum, lesson plans etc for her, I’ll be honest, I just feel like I’m drowning most of the time! Your printables have given me a little floatie to hold on to and I can’t thank you enough – even if my ideas and plans are the greatest I know I’ll have something from 3 Dinosaurs to fall back on to make me look good to her LOL
I’m so glad that you found me. Your comments have made my day!
Ok – drowning mom meant SAHM not SAM (What is a SAM? LOL) sigh . . . off to clean something . . .
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you sharing these with us and all of your hard work. These are really going to come in handy with my little guy over the next couple of years!
I’m glad that you took the time to comment!
Thank you a hundred times for all the work you put into these and having them all up for free! I am homeschooling my 4 youngest and they are just what I need for my preK and Kindergartner! Thanks again!
Thanks for the comments. I love to hear that people are using them!
Thank you so much for the printables. They will help solidify what my 2 and 3 year olds have already learned. I am planning to let my children go to school but still teach them at home as well. I also appreciate you showing the tools you have used along the way. I have used a lot of the same. My videos have been the teacher and I am the teacher’s aide. I don’t have a set plan for teaching my children and feel like the drowning mom above most of the time. The fact that my children show me everyday that they are learning helps me know I am doing okay. Your blog will definitely help me put some organization to their learning experience.
I’m glad that my blog will help you out!
These are wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing. I truly love your blog and appreciate all the hard work you do to put into these printables and share them for free. Thank you! My daughter and son will be using these for quite some time! Congratulations on reaching 5 months…you are doing a terrific job!
Thanks so much!
i just love your learning packs! pinned it to my learning pack and math boards. thanks for linking this up to tip-toe thru tuesday!
This number activities are great thank you for all your hard work and then sharing them with all of us for free. My daughter loves it when I bring out your “games”
I have one thing I downloaded the number puzzles 2 parts and only the number 1 and 2 are missing pictures. Just thought you would like to know. Of course it could just be just my computer too.
Love your website.
Not you. Seems to have been an error when it was put to pdf. It has been fixed.
You’ve been busy again =-) It’s funny, great minds think alike. I didn’t put together near this mega pack, but I just made some counting sheep number flashcards. Excited to look through all these resources!
Yeah I have. But this will be the last for a while. I’m going to take a break.
It’s amazing how much you’ve done in 5 months … congratulations, Cassie!!! Your printables are always fabulous! I featured your 1-15 number printables as the Free Printable of the Day at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:
Thanks for the feature! It means a lot to me!
You’ve only been around 5 months???? Wow, I found you about a week ago or so via a post on Money Saving Mom and figured you’d been around for years!
I have no idea how you do it, but I love your stuff and will be using them throughout our preschool year.
Thanks so much and Congrats on five months!
Thanks! Yes only 5 months. And I hope to keep going. We shall see what happens. 🙂
what a great pack!!! thanks for sharing at The Sunday Showcase! Can’t wait to use these. And guess what? i went to get printer ink at Costco today and OF COURSE! mine was the one they didn’t have. 🙁
So glad you like it! I worked really hard on it! I am almost out of ink myself. So I know the feeling! My colors are starting to be all off.
Oh, how neat!! Congrats on the 5 month mark. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!
I’ve been trying to decide what to do with my three year old for math this year – she doesn’t really need structured schooling yet but she’s learning her numbers and she loves to trace. These will be PERFECT to keep her occupied while I’m working with her older sister. Thank you!
I’m glad that these will work for you! My youngest loves to trace as well.
So excited for this. My son currently has an obsession with the number 2, and while he can recognize other numbers, he doesn’t comprehend the actual number of items to the number. I’m trying to work on it with him so hopefully these will help. He does so well with his colors and shapes, I want him to get better with the lower numbers (I’m thinking just 1-5 at the moment) before we start to think of preschool.
There are lots of 2 activities for him! 1 through 5 is a great way to start. Start with teaching him the number before and after 2. Good luck!
Love, Love, Love your site!
I have a mixed group of 2’s, 3’s and 4’s and your Romping and & Roaring ABC packs are brilliant.
When will the remaining set become available? I’m a planner 🙂
The sets are being released every 2 weeks until all 35 packs are out. If you don’t want to wait you can buy them all in advance plus 6 extras. Each pack is one easy download for the set that is sold.
Thanks Cassie, shows I should pay attention!
I didn’t any options to buy (shaking my head).