Free 2015 Winter Calendar Printable
Winter is here and time to update the Winter Calendar Printable! Snowflakes and snowman are a great theme for winter. We really enjoyed these calendars last year. It was fun to use.
This calendar set matches up nicely with the Snow Learning Pack. Winter is a fun season for learning! Seasonal calendars make learning lots of fun. This is and update for the calendar cards from last year. There are three types of cards in this set, plus 2 single page options as well.
The non pattern set has some some snowman and snowflakes on them. This is fun to use with kids.

The snowman calendar set has an AAB pattern.

The snowflake calendar set has an AB pattern that is easier for younger kids.

Graphics from Melonheadz Illustrating and Doodles.
What you will Find in these Winter Calendar printables:
Winter Calendar set: Days of the weeks, January, February 2015, 2016, and 1 to 31 numbers (3×3).
Winter Pattern Calendar: Days of the weeks, January, February, 2015, 2016, and 1 to 31 numbers (3×3) in Snowman and Snowflake themes.
Winter Single Page Calendar:12 pages of January, February, 2015; color pattern, trace and color number in Snowman and Snowflake themes.
Things we plan on using with these calendar printables:
Be sure to check out this post on some ideas to use with the Calendar Cards:
- Hands on Math Activities using the Calendar Cards
- Different Ways to Use the Calendar Cards
- Printing Calendar Cards Smaller
- Using Calendar Cards: Making a Seasonal Number Line
If you are looking for more Winter Themed Printables Check these out:
Looking for other Winter Printables check out all the Winter Printables Available at 3 Dinosaurs.
Wow, this is such a super set of printables with companion activities. People can make an entire winter curriculum with all of these resources.
Thanks! I love having many things to work with.
This calendar is adorable. Such a cute theme!
Thanks I really loved it last year.
Thank you so much for these! My three year old loved last years set.