Free Bat & Spider Pack For Tot, Preschool, Kindergarten & First Grade
There are so many great themes to explore in October and some of our favorites has always been spiders and bats. They are one you can use year-round if you want.
So I have a fun free bat and spider pack for kids to work on learning with these two fun themes. You will find a mix of hands-on and no-prep activities for many different ages.
You will find activities for Tot, Preschool, Kindergarten and First Grade.

The Bat & Spider Pack is a fun addition to the Halloween printables and free printable packs on the site.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
Free Bat & Spider Pack Printable Packs
The Bat & Spider pack was made for tot (ages 2 to 3), preschool (ages 3 to 4), PreK (ages 4 to 5), kindergarten (ages 5 to 6), and first grade (ages 6 to 7).
These have a mix of activities in the bat and spider pack. You will find hands-on activities and no-prep activitie.s You can use the one that work best for your needs.
You can find the full details below with more information about all the pages.
Books to use with the Bat & Spider Pack Printable Pack
This was made to go with the following books National Geographic Readers: Spiders and National Geographic Readers: Bats. These are two themes we study at this time of year and always fun to have more material to go with it.
Here is a list of items to use with the Bat & Spider Pack Printables
I always get requests of items needs or things that can be used with packs. And here are just a few of the items we have used.
- printer
- white copy paper
- white cardstock
- crayons
- colored pencils
- dot marker
- laminator
- laminating pouches
- sheet protectors
- dry erase markers
- clear glass gems
- mini bat and spider
- CVC Word Family Bookmarks
- clothespins
- lacing letters
How to use the printables from the Bat & Spider Pack for Prek, Kindergarten and First Grade
There are so many great activities you can do in the pack. I thought I would highlight a few of our favorites from it.
Spider and Bat Vocab Cards
You have four vocab cards in the printable pack. You have spider, web, bat and moon. Just simple vocab cards and these are four cards on one page.
Spider and Bat 3 Part Card Printables
The three part cards are similar to the vocab cards but they have a line to cut off the word. This helps kids match the word and picture and use you can use the vocab cards as the example for kids.
Bat and Spider Which one is Different Worksheet
You have five rows of images. And each row has 5 pictures. And one of the pictures is different. Kids are to look at the pictures and circle or cover the image that is different. This is a fun visual look and find activity for kids.
What Comes Next Worksheet
The bat and spider what comes next printable works on AB patterns for kids. They can look at the patter and they cut and paste the picture that comes next for the pattern.
Spider Prewriting Printable
There are two prek and kindergarten age prewriting pages. They have a mix of levels and lines for kids to use. You can trace them with pencils, fine line markers, or crayons. You could also laminate the page and reuse it with dry erase markers.

Bat and Moon ABC Pattern Cards
One of my favorites is the pattern cards. There are three cards you can use to make patterns. There are no suggested patterns in the set but you can come up with some with your kids. These make a great hand on pattern learning center. I recommend printing two of the pages so you have enough to repeat the pattern several times. We printed ours on white cardstock. I also recommend laminating them if you plan to use them often.

Spider and Web ABC Pattern Cards
The spider and web pattern cards are just like the bat and moon. Just with a spider, web and the word spider. A fun chagne from the bat and moon but work the same way.
Bat and Spider Matching Cards
You have six bat themed cards and six spider theme cards. You have two sets of the cards. You print off the cards and cut them out to match the same picture.
You can cut them all out and match the cards face up or turn them face down and match and cards. You could also keep one page together and use it as a matching page with the cut up cards. You can do which works best for your kids.
Spider Size Sequencing
You can several different sizes of spiders to sort. You can put the in order from smallest to biggest or biggest to smallest.
Another fun activity is to give them random spiders and ask which is bigger and which is smaller. And it is a great hands on look at the spiders.
Sorting Bats by Size Printable
Another fun hands-on activity is sorting by size. You can work on sorting bats by different sizes: small, medium and large. You can also find in the set a size sequencing set to work on additional sizes. I recommend printing on white cardstock> and laminating them to help them last longer.
And coffee filter bats would be perfect to make with the bat and spider pack.

Bat and Spider Writing Pages
You have four bat and spider writing pages. You have a picture, the word for the picture and then writing section with guidelines for kids to write about each theme. These match the vocab cards in the pack
Bat and Spider Trace & Color
You have an uppercase and lowercase letter for kids to color, a picture that starts with the letter, and a simple sentence to trace. This is a great way to work on beginning sounds of words. And you have the same pictures as the vocab cards for these coloring and tracing worksheets.
Bat and Spider Cutting Practice
You have two bat and spider cutting worksheets. You have an option of a thin dashed line or a thick solid line. You can use the one that works best for you. You have cutting from the left side of the paper to the right side of the paper.
Bats & Spider Sorting Worksheet
There is a fun cut and paste worksheet for sorting bat themes and spider themes. And it is a fun way to work on cutting and sorting things that are a similar theme.
4 Piece Puzzles with Bats & Spiders Printables
You have puzzle pieces for the pictures of bat and spiders that are in four pieces. You print off the puzzles on cardstock and cut them out. And kids can build the puzzles.
Another way to use these is to print off the pages. Cut out the rectangle around the puzzles pieces and let kids cut and paste the puzzle on a piece of paper.
10 Piece Puzzles with Bats & Spiders Printables
You have two sets of ten piece puzzles. You have 1 to 10 and 11 to 20. You can see one of the puzzles below.It has 11 to 20 on it. A great way to use these is to laminate them and put wall putty
on the back on the pieces so the puzzles. They can then press the puzzle to a table or desk and have it stay.

Spider Math Worksheets
You can find some no-prep math pages in the set. But these could also be turned into clip card math pages as well. You can see one way we used them below. We put the pages in the sheet protector and use dry erase markers
on the math part and covered the answer with clear glass gems

Even and Odd Moons Worksheet
One of the fun no-prep math pages is an even and odd page. This is a late first grade and even a second grade math page you can use with kids. We used dot marker on the moons. You could also use glass gems or any clear counters>.

Beginning Sound Printable
You have a worksheet or clip cards that work on the beginning sounds of the vocab cards in the printable pack. You have the picture and three uppercase letter to pick from. Kid can circle or cover the letters that match the picture. Now you can print and cardstock and use it is clip cards. Or just print the page and use it as a beginning sound worksheet.
Vocab Pocket Chart Cards
You have the four vocab cards in a pocket chart size that you can display on the wall. You could also add them to a writing center for kids to use for vocab cards.
Tracing Beginning Sounds Strips
You have the sound four pictures on the beginning sound tracing strips but with the beginning of each letter for kids tot trace. A fun way to work on letter handwriting and beginning sounds.
You have a lowercase letter only and a uppercase and lowercase letter together tracing option.
Bat and Spider Tracing Words Strips
You have the same images again but this time you have tracing of the words. You have the word in dashed font with guidelines to help form the letters of the words. This is another great handwriting activity for kids.
Bat and Spider Writing Word Strips
You have another writing strips but this time you have the picture and a blank writing space for kids to write the bat and spider words. You can use the pocket chart cards to help kids with the words.
Matching Mixed Up Words Worksheet
You have pictures on the left side and words on the right side. The letters are mixed up and kids are to look the words and then write the word correctly in the writing space. Then kids are to match the picture tot he correct word.
Color the Same Worksheets
You have two version of the color the same. You have a bat worksheet and a spider worksheet.
Kids are to look at the pictures on the left side and then find and color the picture that is the same. There are four different pictures for them to find and four rows of the pictures.
Bat Color By Size Worksheet
The bat color by size worksheet has three different sizes of bats. This works great with the size sorting activity above. You are going to color the bats based on the color code on the top left hand side of the paper. You have large, medium and small for the sizes.
Bat Color by Size Question Worksheet
After you finish the color by size worksheet. You can graph the coloring and answers questions about the bats. You are going to see which had the most. Which had more and how many are there together. It is a fun worksheet to add to this fun activity.
Count & Color Spider Worksheet
The count and color worksheet has a number and a color. Then you color the spiders base on that color and number. You have five rows of spiders and numbers for kids to work on.
Bat Math (Addition, Subtraction, Greater Than/Less Than, Counting)
There are several hands-on math pages. There is a counting mat, addition, subtraction and greater than/less than page. You can see the counting page below. It is simple and easy to use. We use mini bat erasers on them. The mats last longer if they are laminated
. As a hit most of packs have these pages and the number cards can be reused.

Spider Letter Find and Bat Letter Find
You have some fun spider and bat ABC finds. They work on the letters s and b. We love using dot marker on these pages. But you could use anything to color the letters. If you wanted to reuse the pages put them in a sheet protectors
and use hands-on items like clear glass gems
to cover the letters. You can find tracing strips in the set that match up to the ABC finds.

Math Matching Worksheet
You have addition equations on the page. There is a column of addition on the right and left side of the paper. You solve the equations on the page and then match the ones with the same answers. This is a fun worksheet for kids in first grade.
Bat and Spider Roll & Count Printable
You have a folding die that has different bat and spider themes. You can print and cut out the die to use with the printables.
You have a roll and count worksheet for 1 to 5 and 1 to 10. These are great ways to work on graphing with kids. You roll and then graph until one column reaches the top.
Roll & Count Questions Worksheet
You have a bat and spider roll and count worksheet. You use the roll and graph worksheet from above to fill out the match questions. You have a space to record all the rolls and then fill out the worksheet based on the numbers. A fun way to change up working on greater that / less than and addition.
Label Beginning Sound
You have a cut and paste worksheet for the beginning sounds that matches the other beginning sound activities in the pack. Kids cut out the letters and paste them to the correct picture.
Math Word Problems Worksheet
You have two pages of math word problems. Each page has two word problems. Kids are to read the sentences and then solve the problem and draw a picture for the math problem as well. This is a great way to work how they work on addition and subtraction.
Bat Reading, Tracing and Writing Sentences Worksheet
You have a worksheet that has a sentence to read, trace and then write. You have four fun sentences about bats on this worksheet. A great way to work in reading with handwriting.
Spider Fix the Sentence Worksheetz
There are a few learn to read pages in the set. You can do the ones that work best for your child ages.
There is a fix the sentence for spiders. This works on capitals and periods for each of the sentences. They look at the sentence and then fix it below.

B & S Letter Tracing
The handwriting pages has letter s and letter b. You have a row of uppercase letters, a row of lowercase letters and a row and uppercase and lowercase letters for kids to trace. You can use the handwriting letter page you need.
Spider Shape Tracing Printable
Another fun tracing page is the spider web shape pages! These are great for kids that want some fun fine motor work. There are three shapes for them to work on: circle, square and triangle. You can put them in sheet protectors and trace them with dry erase markers
over and over!

Spider Color the Pattern Worksheet
You have a color the pattern worksheet. You have spider in a row and then you have pattern above for kids to color the spiders. You have AB and ABC patterns for kids to color.
Fill in the Missing Pattern
You have three rows of patterns. There are two parts of each pattern missing. Kids can to cut out the pictures below and cut and paste them into the pattern above to make the pattern complete. These have AB and ABC patterns.
You have a bat worksheet and a spider worksheet.
Letter Tiles Spider & Bats
You have a fun spelling activity with letters on square to make the words. You can use lacing letters to match the letters to spell the words. There is a version with the letters in the square and a set blank for kids to fill in the letters.
Roll & Cover Addition
You have a six sided die with this roll and cover. You have kids roll the die twice and add the two numbers together. They then color the number on the the spider web. A great addition center for kids.
Spider Writing CVC words
You can also have writing CVC words. There are a page with spiders and loads of CVC endings. This is a great way to work on writing words with the same ending. If they need help with making words you can grab the CVC Word Family Bookmarks to help!

Bat & Spider Tot Pack for Tot and Preschool
You will find information about all the Tot and Preschool printables in the tot pack.
Spider Beginner Prewriting Printables: Solid Like and Dashed Line
There are simple prewriting pages that can be used for prewriting or they can be used for placing items on the lines. You can find great seasonal erasers to use on the lines. These are thick solid lines or thin dashed lines for kids to trace. Each page has three of the same line.
We used some spiders and webs on the lines instead of writing on them. You can also make these playdough lines as well.

Which One is Different Worksheet
The which one is different worksheet has three pictures in each row. Kids are to find the picture that is different. And it is a fun way to word on a visual look on each row. You can talk about how they are different.
You have a bat worksheet and a spider worksheet.
Spider Web Cutting Practice
You have a simple cutting practice page. It has cutting from the bottom of the paper up to the webs A great way to get in some scissor practice with kids.
Bat and Spider 2 Piece Puzzles
You have eight two piece puzzles to use with kids. You have four bat and four spider puzzle. It is a fun way to work on matching the same. Younger kids will love these hands-on puzzles.
Spider Coloring Book Printable
I thought I would also share a few pages from the Tot Pack. These pages work great for kids that are 2 to 4. It all depends on the level of the child. Plus you can have some fun with them.
In a lot of the tot packs, there is a coloring book. It works on color words and simple sentences. This set has a spider book.

Bat and Spider Matching Cards
These are the same matching cards from the main pack. You can print the cards off twice and do a matching game. For younger kids keep one set of the cards to match and have them match the same picture.
Spider and Bat 9 Piece Puzzles Printable
There are two types of puzzles in the tot pack: 2 pieces and 9 pieces. I have an example of one of the 9 piece below. You can see how cute they are. I recommend using two puzzles one cut out and one altogether to help younger children match the pieces. I recommend printing on white cardstock and laminating the pieces to help them last longer.

Bat and Spider Matching Worksheets
You have two worksheets one for spider and one for bat. Where kids match the pictures on both sides of the paper. They draw a line from the left side to the right side of the paper. It is a fun matching activity.
You can change this up by taping yarn on the left side nad have them place the yarn that marches the picture
Spider and Bat Roll & Count: 1 to 5
You have a spider and bat roll and count. This version has from 1 to 5. This is a simple graphing worksheet for younger kids. You have a die with the worksheet. kids roll the dice and mark the square above the picture they rolled. They roll until one column reaches the top.
Spider and Bat Shape Tracing Printables
The set has two shape tracing pages. The pages come in a thick line or a thin dotted lined to trace. You can see how we took one of the pages and put it in a sheet protector and traced some of the shapes. Another fun trick with the two pages is to cut the dotted shapes out and match them to the thick line shapes.

Dot the Letter S, W, B, & M
The tot pack also has a fun dot marker letter page! These had the big letter to dot, a picture and a matching word to trace. We used spider erasers on the letters. But you can also use dot marker on them.

Web and Moon Lacing Cards
These are pictures that you cut out and use hole punch on the circles and then use strip to lace the moon and the web. You print these on cardstock to help them last longer.
Free Bat & Spider Pack contains over 70 pages:
(part 1) 3 Part Cards, What Comes Next?, Prewriting Practice, Pattern Cards, Matching Cards, Size Sequencing, Sorting by Size, Writing Pages, Trace & Color, Cutting Practice, Bats 7 Spider Sorting, 4 part cards, 10 Part Cards, Math Clip Cards, Coloring Even & Odd (part 2) Beginning Sound, Wall Cards, Writing Beginning Sounds, Tracing Words, Writing Words, Matching Mixed up Words, Color the Same, Bat Color By Size, Count & Color Spider, Bat Math (Addition, Subtraction, Greater Than/Less Than, Counting), Dot the B & S, Math Matching, Roll & Count, Roll & Count Questions, Label Beginning Sound, Math Questions, Bat Writing, Spider Statement Writing, B & S Letter Tracing, Spider Web Shapes (part 3) Color the Pattern, Fill in the pattern, Letter Tiles Spider & Bats, Roll & Cover, Help Spider Make Some Words
Bat & Spider Tot Pack contains 36 pages:
Solid Line Prewriting, Dashed Line Prewriting, Cutting Practice, Which One is Different, 2 Part Puzzles, Color the Spider Book, Match Cards, 9 Piece Puzzle, Single Page Matching, Roll & Count Dice & 1-5, Shape Tracing, Dot the Letter: S, W, B, & M, and Lacing Cards
More Bat and Spider Printables
I also have a Isty Bitsy Spider Pack you can check out.
Bat & Moon Activity Pack has prewriting, shapes, numbers and ABCs with easy reader book, clip cards, tracing strips and no-prep printables. These are all great and work together to make a fun learning pack.
Spider Themed Finds ABCs, numbers, shapes, and sight word finds with a fun spider theme. Each page has tracing, and then finding the letter, number shpae or sight word on the page.
Spider Web Fine Motor Mat Printables has 8 pages of fine motor activities that you can use with kids. It has templates, dot marker, tracing and more.
Bat & Moon Shape Easy Reader Book is a great book you can trace the moon shape around the bat. Each page has a different shape for kids to trace. This is a great kindergarten easy reader book for Halloween.
Bat Spinning Addition Printable is a fun addition printable that kids can work on addition with three levels of single digit, double digit, and triple digit.
Spider Themed Number Counting Mats work on numbers 1 to 20 with 4 types of ten frame mats. This works for a bug theme as well. You have a counting area ten frame and number cards. These work great for prek and kindergarten age kids.
Check out all the Bug & Insect Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs:
Check out all the fun Halloween Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –
Graphic purchased from Melonheadz Illustrating and Doodles
Thank you! Sadly I won’t be able to use this printable this year, but next year… I have it pinned so I won’t have to go looking! I just love your printables. We use them all the time!
What a great themed activity pack!! It has a lot of great elements and the subjects of bats and spiders are perfect for Halloween too! Thank you for sharing and for linking up this week to the Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop.
What a lovely pack! Thank you for sharing on We Love Weekends!
My three year old loves for me to print activities for him during Quiet Time. I’ll be returning to your packs often! Thanks for linking up with us.
Thanks for sharing ; it’s a lovely pack to use . greetings from Belgium