Free Bear Spinner Multiplication Chart Printable
A fun way to work on multiplication is with the bear spinner multiplication chart. You can work on finding and coloring or writing out the multiplication chart.
This makes a great multiplication center for kids. You can work on different levels with two charts and have loads of fun learning the multiplication facts.
The Bear Spinner Multiplication Chart Printable is part of the 20 Free Printables for September.
The Bear Multiplication Table Printable is a great addition to the forest math printables and multiplication printables on the site.
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So What is Multiplication?
Multiplication is one of the basic math operations that kids learn.
Multiplication is the adding of equal groups together. So you would be adding groups of 2 together.
You multiply these numbers together to get an answer.
An example is 2 x 3 = 2 + 2 + 2 = 6
Bear Spinning Multiplication Chart Printable
The bear spinning multiplication chart printable is a great way to work on multiplication. You have a set of bear spinners and bear multiplication charts for coloring or writing.
Bear Spinner Printable
You have two bear spinners on a page. Each spinner has numbers 1 to 12 for kids to use.

Bear Multiplication Chart Printables
You have two multiplication charts to use. You have a version with color the numbers and a multiplication cart with writing the numbers.
You can use the multiplication chart that works best for where you are at.

Bear Spinning Recording Sheets
You have a set of recording sheets for the multiplication equations that kids spin. This is a great use for when you reused the pages or extra practice writing the equations out.
Things to use with the Bear Spinner Multiplication Chart Printable
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How to use the ear Spinning Multiplication Chart
You are going to spin both of the spinners.
Then you are going to look at the numbers. You can see we have a 9 and a 6. We are using the first number for the horizontal numbers and the second number for the vertical numbers.
You find both numbers on the chart, and you follow the numbers until they both meet. That number will be what 9 x 6 equals.
You can see we marked the number between 9 and 6 with an eraser. You can say the multiplication equations that 9 times 6 equals 54.
You repeat the steps above to color it or mark more of the multiplication chart.

You can see more about how to use the spinners and more information below.
Ways to Use the Bear Spinning Multiplication Chart Printable
You are going to see several ways to use these multiplication printables.
Using Clear Spinner on the Bear Spinners
You have the bear spinners with the two numbers. One reason to use two spinners is to be able to leave the spinner on the number, so they have an easier time remembering both spins.
The clear spinners make this really easy. You can place them right over the middle of the circle.
You could also use a pencil and paperclips to make the spinners.

Setting Up a Bear Spinning Multiplication Chart Center
Here is a simple way to set up the Bear Spinning Multiplication cart activity. You have the spinners and the chart and something to color the numbers.
We are using the mini dot marker for the coloring. They are smaller than the normal size and work great for coloring each number.

Dotting or Coloring the Chart Using a Die
If you don’t want to use the spinner you could always use a 12-Sided Double Dice. This allows you to do one die roll to get two numbers. It is a great way to work on math facts as well.
You can see we used the mini dot marker and the die to roll and mark the numbers on the multiplication chart.

Reuse the Coloring Multiplication Chart
If you want to reuse the multiplication chart, you can. You just need something small to cover the spaces. Mini erasers work great for this. You could also use any small item you have to color the space.
If you do reuse, then it is recommended that you print on cardstock and laminate
the multiplication chart.

Spin & Write the Multiplication Chart
There is a version that allows you to write in the multiplication chart. This is great for older kids who know their multiplication.
You could do this chart several times until they fill in the chart. If they need help with multiplication then get out the multiplication bookmarks for a help.
A fun way to do this everyday would be to use a different colored markers every day. You can set a time and have them spin and fill out the chart for 10 minutes.

Use Multiplication Flashcards with the Multiplication Chart
You love the chart but want to avoid the spinning, then use the multiplication flashcards. That way you give them several flashcards and they fill out the chart. You can give them new cards each day.
It uses the same printable but changes it up slightly for kids.
What you will find in the Free Bear Spinning Multiplication Chart Printable
- Bear Spinners with numbers 1 to 12
- Bear Multiplication Chart for coloring the Numbers
- Bear Multiplication Chart for writing the Numbers
- Recording sheet for spins
- 4 pages
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