Free Bee Dot Marker Prewriting Printable
Not all kids are ready for prewriting with pencils and dot marker prewriting is a great way to work prewriting.
The bee dot marker prewriting strips printable helps kids learn directions for writing from left to write in a fun way. This can make working up to prewriting tracing lines so much more fun for kids.
Plus builds confidence while kids are working on fine motor skills. And they don’t have the feel of prewriting lines for younger kids.
The Bee Dot Marker Prewriting Printable is a part of the 20 Free Printables for April.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with the bee dot marker prewriting printable. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
This is part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the dot marker section on the subscriber freebie page.
The is a great addition to the dot marker printables, bug printables and prewriting printable on the site.
So what is pre-writing?
Pre-writing is the skill to build to work up to writing letters and other types of writing. It also teaches the direction that we read.
This dot marker prewriting activity works on prewriting for those kids that are not ready for tracing fine motor lines but need some extra help working on their fine motor skills.
Bee Dot Marker Prewriting Printable
You have twelve bee dot marker prewriting stirps. Each one has a different type of prewriting line. Each has the bee going to a flower.
This is a great way to start working on prewriting for smaller hands in a fun way.

Things to use with the Bee Dot Marker Prewriting Printable
- printer
- white copy paper
- white cardstock
- dot marker or bingo daubers (We love the dot markers better.)
- yellow glass gems
- 1 inch ring
- bug counters
- dot the pattern printable
Ways to Use the Bee Dot Marker Prewriting Strips Printable
You are going to see a few ways to use these fun dot marker printables. You are going to see prewriting with the dot markers and a few hands-on ways to use them.
Plus use the prewriting strips for patterns.
Dot Marker the Bee Dot Marker Prewriting Strips
One of the easiest ways to use these dot marker prewriting strips is with dot markers. You can put them on a ring and focus on one strip at a time.
You can see how fun the single line of dots in to do. It is just like a prewriting line just with dots.

Print the Bee Dot Marker Prewriting Strips on Single Page
Now you don’t have to use these as prewriting strips. You can print each of the pages and let them work on dotting each of the lines of dots.
You want to remind them we are going from the bee to the flower for our dotting. This helps get them ready for tracing from left to right.

Use the Bee Dot Marker Prewriting Strips as a Hands-on Center
You can make these into fine motor centers without the dot markers! Remember these can be flexible to meet different fine motor needs.
Setting up the Fine Motor Center
You can see we have the bee dot marker prewriting strips on a 1 inch ring. The strips are printed on cardstock to help them last longer. Then we have yellow glass gems to use with the circles.

Doing the Fine Motor Center
You can see how great the small glass gems work on the circles. You can have them do the whole line and it is fun. Once they finish a strip they can move on to the next dot marker strip and do it again!
You can see how this is still working on the idea of prewriting and is doing fine motor skills at the same time.

You could also use some of the following:
– Bug counters to fill in the dots
– clear counters on them
– unifix cube can work as well
– mini easers
Really any small item will work!
Setting up a Dot Marker Pattern Activity with the Bee Dot Marker Prewriting Strips
The bee dot marker prewriting printables are great for working on patterns as well. You get the make the patterns or you can use the pattern cards from the dot the pattern printable.
Use the Pattern Cards with Dot Marker Strips on a Single Page
You print off the pattern cards you want to use. There is AB patterns and ABC patterns. You can use what works best for your needs. You can give them a pile of the pattern cards for what they are working on.

Dot Marker the Pattern on the Bee Dot Marker Strips on a Single Page
After you have your stack of cards let them do the dot marker pattern. It is simple and works on going from right to left like tracing lines but dotting. And switching between markers adds another step for kids that need more fine motor work.
Plus it works on patterns for math.

Setting up a Hands-on Pattern Activity with the Bee Dot Marker Prewriting Strips
You can do as above with the dot markers but use the colored clear counters to make the patterns. You can use the pattern cards for them to see the color pattern you are going to do. You can pull all colors or just do one set of patterns on the cards.
You work on the pattern and fine motor while doing this. Plus work on moving from left to right like the reading direction.

More Dot Marker Prewriting Printable
Now if you are looking for more dot marker prewriting printables you can check out the Fine Motor Dot Prewriting Set. It has non-themed dot marker prewriting pages with worksheets, easy reader books, and more!
It comes with dot marker and q-tip pages for those that need extra help.

Fine Motor Dot Prewriting Printable Set
Looking for more dot pre-writing printables or want it just ready to print and use. Then check out the Fine Motor Dot Prewriting Printable Set.
This set includes some of the printables above in an easy no-prep printable set. Plus additional and new printables. The sets include dot marker and q-tip no-prep pages, prewriting strips, easy reader books, and more!
What you will find in the Fine Motor Dot Prewriting Printable Set Printable:
- Dot marker Prewriting Lines with start and stop
- Dot marker Prewriting Lines with start and stop with lines types mixed together.
- Dot Marker Prewriting Fonts with start and stop.
- Dot Marker Shapes – two shapes per page: circle, square, triangle, oval, rhombus, heart, crescent, rectangle
- Q-Tip Prewriting Lines with start and stop
- Q-Tip Prewriting Fonts with start and stop with guidelines
- Q-Tip Prewriting Shapes – four shapes per page: circle, square, triangle, oval, rhombus, heart, crescent, rectangle
- Q-Tip Prewriting Fonts with stop and start with guidelines.
- Q-Tip Prewriting Fonts with stop and start no guidelines.
- Q-Tip Prewriting Fonts with one example and one for them to make on their own with start and stop
- Q-Tip Prewriting Fonts mixed up in patterns in guidelines
- Q-Tip Prewriting Fonts in continues pattern in guidelines.
- Dot Marker Prewriting Line Strips
- Dot Marker Prewriting Font Strips
- Dot Marker Prewriting Font Strips with colored stop and start.
- Q-Tip Prewriting Lines Strips
- Q-Tip Prewriting Fonts with Guidelines
- Q-Tip Prewriting Fonts with Guidelines with colored stop and start.
- Prewriting Easy Reader Books Dot Marker lines – Single Print
- Prewriting Easy Reader Books Dot Marker lines – Teacher Print
- Prewriting Easy Reader Books Q-Tip Lines – Single Print
- Prewriting Easy Reader Books Q-Tip Lines – Teacher Print
- 154 pages
- Price: $8
What you will find in the Free Bee Dot Marker Prewriting Printable
- bee to flower dot marker printable theme
- 12 dot marker prewriting strips
- 4 dot marker prewriting strips on each page
- 3 pages
More Bug Dot Marker Printables and Dot Marker printables for Kids
These are a few fun dot marker printables that go great with the bee dot marker prewriting strips!
Fine Motor Dot Prewriting Set has loads of dot marker prewriting printable for kids to work on fine motor skills. A great way to work on more dot marker prewriting.
Bug Dot Marker Printables have 27 pages of fun Dot marker activities. You will find just bugs and some with the letter the bug or insect starts with. These go great with the bee dot marker prewriting printables.
Ladybug Number Dot Marker & Counting has number from 0 to 20 with dot marker number and counting the dots on the ladybug. Another great bug dot marker printable.
Prewriting Dot Marker Printables are easy to use dot marker prewriting themed printables.
Check out all the fun Bug & Insect Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –