Free Bird Themed CVC Beginning Sound Game
There are so many fun ways to work on learning CVC words and so why not add fun game kids can play with CVC beginning sounds.
You can work on looking at pictures and finding the beginning sound letter on the game board or use the matching CVC beginning sound worksheet for each game.
You will work on several beginning wounds with the two CVC beginning sound games. Plus have a fun while you learn these CVC words.
The Bird CVC Beginning Sound Game printables are a part of the 20 Free Printables for April.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
The Bird CVC Beginning Sound Game is part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the cvc section on the subscriber freebie page.
This is a great addition to the cvc printables on the site.
What are CVC words?
CVC words are words that have a consonant vowel consonant pattern. They have easy to sound out consonants with a short vowel sound in the middle. They don’t have any tricky blends or digraphs for kids to work around.
They are considered simple words that can be used with early readers to help sound out and decode words.
They have short vowel sounds that make sounding out words easy.
You are going to find words like cat. Kids can sound out the letters C A & T. And then blend the sounds together to make the word.
This bird game works on the beginning sounds of CVC words. You have two games and they work on the beginning sounds: B, D, C, G, F for game one and H, J, L, M, P for game two.
So you work on the initial sound of each CVC word. And you have a mix of the vowels in the games.
The Bird CVC Beginning Sound Game Board Printable
You have two board games. Each has a mix of letters with CVC words that begin with those words. You can see the board games has the letters around with a start and ending point.
I recommend that you print the board game on cardstock and laminate them.

The Bird CVC Cards Printable
You have 20 CVC word cards. There are 4 cards for each letter. The CVC picture cards have a mix of all the short vowel sounds.
If you plan on using the game a lot I recommend that you print the CVC picture cards on cardstock and laminate them.

The Bird CVC Beginning Sound Recording Printable
You have a recording sheet to match the pictures on the eggs. You can use just the CVC beginning sounds worksheets with or without the game. It is a great way to work on CVC words.

Things to use with the Bird CVC Beginning Sound Game Printable
- printer
- white copy paper
- white cardstock
- bird counters
- laminator
- laminating pouches
- pencil
- fine line markers
- 6-sided dice
- foldable number die
Ways to Use the Bird CVC Beginning Sound Game Printable
You are going o see a few ways to use the CVC beginning sound games! You will see with the cards, without the cards and how to use the CVC beginning sound worksheet with the game.
Setting up the Bird CVC Beginning Sound Game
You can see below a simple setup of the game. The cards on the nest on the board. You can use the cards face down or face up.
You have the board printable on cardstock and there is a bird from the pet counters for the piece to move around the board.

Using the CVC Beginning Sound Game
You will see a few ways to use the CVC beginning sound games. Remember you can be flexible in how you use the game.
Review the Sounds of the Letters
If this is the first time they are playing the game or are new to beginning sounds you can review the sounds of the letters before playing.
You could also review the picture cards before the game as well.
Using the CVC Picture Cards with the CVC Beginning Sound Game
You start the game by pulling one of the CVC picture cards. You look at the picture and say the beginning sound of the CVC word. You pulled the picture of a gap. So you find the letter G on the board game.

Writing the CVC Beginning Sounds on the Worksheet
As you play the game you can write in the beginning sound of the CVC words on the recording worksheet. You can see that we did gap and then the second card was cat. So we wrote the beginning sounds for each of those pictures.
This is a great way to keep track of what CVC picture cards they pulled while doing the game.

Using the CVC Beginning Sound Cards And CVC Beginning Sounds Worksheet
You don’t have to use the game with the beginning sounds worksheet. This is a great way to work on focusing on the sounds.
You can see we set it up with the cards on the side and the beginning sound worksheet. You can have kids pull a card and find the matching picture and write the beginning sound of the word.
This is also great because you see all the letters of the word together and you can use it to say the letter sounds for the CVC words.

Using the CVC Beginning Sound Game And CVC Beginning Sounds Worksheet
You don’t have to use the cards with this game. You can set up the game with a die, game piece and the CVC beginning sounds worksheet.
You play by rolling the die and moving around the board. As they land on a letter, they find a picture with the beginning sound of that letter. They can go through the game and find pictures with the beginning sound of the letter they land on.
If you don’t have a die you can grab a number die from my site.

More CVC Board Games
If you are looking for more CVC Board games get the CVC Sound Games with Bird themes. It has beginning sounds, vowel sounds and ending sounds for CVC words. You have a game board with letters, eggs with pictures of CVC words, and a recording sheet with CVC words and the missing part of the word for the game.

More CVC Beginnind Sound Printables
If you are looking for more CVC beginning sound printables then check out the CVC Write the Beginning Sound Printable. It has 4 pages for each vowel and 10 pages of mixed vowel sounds for kids.

CVC Words Write the Beginning Sounds Printable
You have fun no-prep CVC word worksheets with writing beginning sounds for each vowel sound and then mixed vowel sounds. There are 8 words on each page for kids to write.

What you will find in the CVC Words Write the Beginning Sounds
- 8 CVC Words on each page that work on writing beginning sounds of the pictures
- 4 Short A pages
- 4 Short E pages
- 4 Short I pages
- 4 Short O pages
- 4 Short U pages
- 10 Mixed CVC pages
- 32 pages of printables
- Price: $3.50
What you will find in the Free Bird CVC Beginning Sound Game
- CVC Beginning Sounds Game
- Game #1 – CVC Beginning sounds B, D, C, G, F
- Game #2 – CVC Beginning Sounds H, J, L, M, P
- Board game for playing
- Egg Cards for each game
- Recording Sheet for each game
- 6 pages
CVC Sound Games with a Bird Theme Selling Set

What you will find in the Bird themed CVC Sound Games
- 8 Bird themed CVC Sound Games: Beginning Sounds, Middle Sounds, and Ending Sounds
- 20 CVC picture cards – on eggs for each game
- Recording sheet for each game to write the missing sounds
- Game #1 – CVC Beginning sounds B, D, G, F
- Game #2 – CVC Beginning Sounds J, L, M, P
- Game #3 – CVC Beginning Sounds R, S ,T, W
- Game #4 – CVC Vowel Sounds A, E, I, O, U
- Game #5 – CVC Vowel Sounds A, E, I, O, U
- Game #6 – CVC Vowel Sounds A, E, I, O, U
- Game #7 – CVC Ending Sounds Sounds B, D, G, M
- Game #8 – CVC Ending Sounds N, P, T
- 24 pages
- Price: $3.50
More CVC Word Printables
CVC Words Write the Beginning Sounds works on writing beginning sounds with words by vowel sound and then words with mixed vowel sounds.
Pirate CVC Words Write Beginning Sounds Worksheet has several beginning sound worksheets for kids to write with a fun pirate map theme.
CVC Words By Beginning Sound Bookmarks are super fun to work on sounding out CVC words with lots of different CVC words in the set.
CVC Word Family Beginning Sound Clip Cards: Short A is a fun way to work on beginning sounds with clip cards!
Check out all the fun CVC Word Family Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –