Free Color Word Tracing Strip Printables
Color words and working on spelling of color words is a great activity for kids in kindergarten and first grade. These free color word tracing strips are great for working on those color words.
You have three tracing stirps with color word tracing, color words beginning letters, and color word tracing strips.
You can use the ones that work best for your kids and classrooms. And they have fun colors that are the same on each of the colors. These are just one of the fun ways to work on color words on the site.

The Coloring Word Tracing Strip Printables is a great addition to the color printable activities and the color printables on the site.
What are Tracing Strips?
Tracing strips are words or letters on a strip to focus on one handwriting item at a time. This allows you to put different areas of work on the rings.
Color Word Tracing Strip Printables
The Color Word Tracing strips focus on kids writing their color words. Each color word tracing strip has a picture that matches the color word.
You have the following color words: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, gray, brown, white, and pink.
The color word tracing strips come in tracing the color word, tracing the beginning letter and writing the color word.
Color Word Tracing Strip Printables
You can see the color word tracing strips below. You have the picture and then the color word in the guidelines to help with handwriting.

Color Word Beginning Sound Tracing Strip Printables
You can see the color beginning sound tracing strips. They have the picture of the color they are learning. Then you have the letter that starts the beginning of the word.

Color Word Writing Strip Printables
You can see the color word writing strips. These are great to use after the ones above. This is where they write the color word on the strip. And You have the picture of the color and then guidelines for writing the word.

Color Books to Use with the Color Word Tracing Strips
Monsters Love Colors is a great way to work see how colors are be mixed to make other colors. And it is fun to see the colors as they are mixed. And you can see the color words as you read the book
A Color of His Own is a book we love at our house. You can see how he wants to be many different colors and you see the chameleon change colors and then it is fun to see that it is okay to be your own color.
You can find more color books to read as well.
Things to use with the Color Word Tracing Strip Printables
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
Ways to Use the Color Word Tracing Strips Printable
You will see a few ways that we used these color word tracing strips to work on color words.
Laminate the Color Word Tracing Strips
You are going to want to prepare the color tracing strips. It is best to print the tracing strips on cardstock and laminate them. You can laminate and then cut out the strips or cut and them laminate the strips. Do what works best for you.
I really like to suggest laminating and then cutting if you have a good laminator. You can see below that we laminate first.

Store the Laminating Strips on a Ring
After you have the color tracing strips laminate and cut, then put them on a ring. A one inch ring is perfect for this. You can see below how well the tracing strips fit on the ring. It is a great way to keep the tracing strips together.
You can keep the colors together like all one color on a ring or keep the tracing words together. You can do this for what works best for what you learning.

Set Up A Color Word Handwriting Center
A fun way to set up a tracing center is to give is to put several of color word tracing strips on a ring. You can use what works best for your kids needs.

Trace Or Write the Color Words on the Tracing Strips
You are going to work on tracing the letters or words on the color strips. You can use a dry erase marker to trace the letters or color words. You might want to do just a few of the strips or all of them.
You can see that we traced the beginning sounds of the color words. You could use a color dry erase marker to trace the color word. It is always fun when you can add more color to working on color words.

You can use the color word writing strips to write the color words. These strips are great for kids working on spelling of color words. If you are having kids working on writing you can use the color word pocket chart cards to see the words spelled out for them to write the words.

Keep the Strips Together and Use as a Tracing or Writing Center
You can also keep the color word or letter tracing strips together on a single page and have kids use the dry erase marker on the whole page. You can see we have the page laminated and use the dry erase markers on them. You can put the page in a sheet protector as well.
You can do the writing or the tracing pages.

What you will find in the Free Coloring Word Tracing Strips
- Colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, gray, brown, white, pink
- 3 Writing Strips: tracing word, tracing beginning sound, and writing color word
- 5 color words per page

More Color Printables for Kids
Color Themed Wall Cards has 11 color words for kids to work on. A big picture for each color and the color word.
Color Word Dot marker Words with Coloring that has coloring with the dot marker word plus three pictures below to color for the color word.
Color Bookmarks has 11 colors for kids to learn with a color word and matching picture in the color.
Color Coloring Pages has 11 color words for kids to learn. You have the color words two ways on the page with coloring and tracing. Plus items to color that are the same color as the word.
Check out all the fun Color Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –