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Free CVC Word Family Bookmarks!

My youngest is really into her word family words right now. We are working on them a lot. To help her have some fun with the different words, I made these CVC Word Family Bookmarks.

These are great for reading practice of rhyming words from different short vowel word families.

Each of the CVC word family bookmarks is similar to the CVC Word Family Wall Cards. But they are the perfect size to use as a bookmark.

Free CVC Word Family Bookmarks. 4 Bookmarks per page - The following endings: -ad, -ag, -am, -an, -ap, -ar, at, -ed, -en, -et, -ig, -in, -ip, -it, -og, -op, -ot, -ow, -ox, -ug, -un, & -ut - 3Dinosaurs.com

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

CVC or Consonant Vowel Consonant words are some of the first words that kids work on when sounding out words. They hae short vowel sounds and often have a lot of similar words. It is fun to work on learing these words.

These bookmarks are a way to help kids practice word family words in a fun way!

You have a picture of the word family, the word family ending and several words with that word family ending. The words are in a line and that makes it easy for kids to read them. There are four bookmarks per page.

Free CVC Word Family Bookmarks. 4 Bookmarks per page - The following endings: -ad, -ag, -am, -an, -ap, -ar, at, -ed, -en, -et, -ig, -in, -ip, -it, -og, -op, -ot, -ow, -ox, -ug, -un, & -ut - 3Dinosaurs.com

Things to use with the CVC Word Family Bookmarks

There are a few items we used to prepare and used with the bookmarks.

Ways to use the CVC Word Family Bookmarks

I printed the bookmarks on cardstock and laminated them. I put them on a 1-inch ring for easy storage.

Free CVC Word Family Bookmarks. 4 Bookmarks per page - The following endings: -ad, -ag, -am, -an, -ap, -ar, at, -ed, -en, -et, -ig, -in, -ip, -it, -og, -op, -ot, -ow, -ox, -ug, -un, & -ut - 3Dinosaurs.com

We have been using them with the Bob Books, Set 1: Beginning Readers, Bob Books Set 2-Advancing Beginners, and Bob Books: Rhyming Words. I give my youngest a bookmark to use as she goes through the books. She can use it as a pointer or just to see if she can find the words on the bookmark as she goes.

Free CVC Word Family Bookmarks. 4 Bookmarks per page - The following endings: -ad, -ag, -am, -an, -ap, -ar, at, -ed, -en, -et, -ig, -in, -ip, -it, -og, -op, -ot, -ow, -ox, -ug, -un, & -ut - 3Dinosaurs.com

Here are some things we may use with these printables:

What are you going to find in the Free CVC Word Family Bookmarks:

  • CVC Words families: -ad, -ag, -am, -an, -ap, -ar, at, -ed, -en, -et, -ig, -in, -ip, -it, -og, -op, -ot, -ow, -ox, -ug, -un, & -ut
  • 4 bookmarks per page
  • 6 Pages of printables
Free CVC Word Family Bookmarks. 4 Bookmarks per page - The following endings: -ad, -ag, -am, -an, -ap, -ar, at, -ed, -en, -et, -ig, -in, -ip, -it, -og, -op, -ot, -ow, -ox, -ug, -un, & -ut - 3Dinosaurs.com

What is in the CVC Word Family Bookmarks Selling Set

This is a collection of the bookmarks above plus a whole lot more. It has 13 additional word families. There are cvc words sorting by beginning sounds. Plus there is a matching phonics ladder to use with the beginning sounds. Loads of fun for kids to work on their words.

CVC Word Family Bookmarks, Beginning Sounds & Phonics Ladder  -  -ad, -ab, -ag, - am, -an, -ap, -ar, -at, -ax, -eb, -ed, -eg, -em, -en, -et, -ib, -id, -ig, -im, -in, -ip, -it, -ix, -ob, -od, -og, -om, -op, -ot, -ox, -ub, -ud, -ug, -um, -un, -up, -us, -ut, -ux; plus words by beginning sounds plus phonics ladder - Cost: $3.50 - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the CVC Family Bookmarks Selling Set

  • CVC Word Family Bookmarks by word family
  • It has the following word families: -ab, -ad, -ag, -am, -an, -ap, -ar, -at, -ax, -ay, -ed, -em, -en, -et, -ib, -id, -ig, -im, -in -ip, -it, -ix, -ob, -od, -og, -op, -ot, -ow, -ox, -oy, -ub, -ud, -ug, -um, -un, -up -ut
  • CVC Bookmarks by Beginning Sounds
  • Phonics Ladders to use with Beginning Sound Bookmarks
  • Single and teach print options
  • 105 pages
  • price: $3.50

Check out these other CVC Word Family Activities:

Check out all the fun CVC Word Family Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

CVC Word Family Activities & Printables on 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

Free CVC Word Family Bookmarks. 4 Bookmarks per page - The following endings: -ad, -ag, -am, -an, -ap, -ar, at, -ed, -en, -et, -ig, -in, -ip, -it, -og, -op, -ot, -ow, -ox, -ug, -un, & -ut - 3Dinosaurs.com


  1. These are great! I have been searching for something like this to use with our budding reader to show how to read phonetic blends. It reminds me of LeapFrog Word Factory, his favorite show! Can’t wait to start using these, THANKS!

    1. Hi,

      You can find the link where you can download the printable in this post. The link takes you to a second page where you can download the printable.

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