Free CVCC Word Family Dot Marker: -AST, -EST, -IST, -OST, -UST
It is time for the next printable in the CVCC set. This time we have Dot Marker Words for -AST, -EST, -IST, -OST, -UST. We use dot markers for a lot of our learning. There is always a fun and different want to us them with. Plus they can be made to be flexible as well.

There are many different ways to use these pages. Here are just a few of the items we use with these pages:
- dot markers
- abc stamps – matching stamp to the circle on the letter
- transparent counters
- stickers
- glass stones
- finger prints
I always vary how we use them each time. This allows them to have fun with the pages and learn while having fun.

What you will find in these printables:
- 1 word per page
- CVC Word Family Words -ast, -est -ist, -ost, -ust.
- -AST words: bast, cast, fast hast, last, mast, past, vast, wast
- -EST words: best, fest, just lest, nest, pest, rest, text, vest, west
- -IST words: fist, gist, hist, list, mist, wist
- -OST words: cost, dost, host, lost, most, post, wost
- -UST words: bust, dust, gust, lust, must, rust

Click here to get the -est CVCC Word Family Dot Marker Words
Click here to get the -ist CVCC Word Family Dot Marker Words
Click here to get the -ost CVCC Word Family Dot Marker Words
Click here to get the -ust CVCC Word Family Dot Marker Words
What you will find in the CVCC Word Family Dot Marker Pages Selling Set
Don’t want to download the pdfs one of at time? Then grab the CVCC Word Family Dot Marker Selling Set. This has all the CVCC Word Family Dot Marker words in one pdf that is easy to use.

- 29 different word endings
- ACK Words, ALL Words, AMP Words, AND Words, ANG Words, ANK Words, AST Words, ECK Words, ELL Words, END Words, EST Words, ICK Words, ILL Words, IND Words, ING Words, INK Words, IST Words, OCK Words, OLL Words, OND Words, ONG Words, ONK Words, OST Words, UCK Words, ULL Words, UMP Words, UNG Words, UNK Words, UST Words
- 232 pages
- Price: $8
Check out these other CVCC Word Family Printables
- CVCC Word Family Cards & Writing: -AST, -EST, -IST, -OST, -UST
- CVCC Word Family Ladder Printables
- CVCC Word Family Wall Cards
Check out all the fun CVCC Word Family Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
If you are looking for additional fun ways to use these Dot marker CVCC words check out this great post that I did for the Sight Words!
We love using our dot art markers for learning!