Free CVCC Word Family Word Paths: -AST, -EST, -IST, -OST, -UST
Word paths are a great addition to literary centers. They are great for looking for the same word from the same word family. It give them a fun way to look at the words and find what word fits next in the same word family ending.
My girls love doing the word paths and they are loads of fun to learn with.
The CVCC Word Family Word Paths is a great addition to the CVCC printables on the site.
Each of these word path printables are very easy to use. There is a word in each square. You follow the words that belong to the CVCC word family are you working on. All the other words from the CVCC Word Family Cards & Writing and in the CVCC Word Family Wall Cards.
These also work great in literacy centers.

Things to use with the CVCC Word Paths
There are several different types of items you can use with these pages. Here are some of them that we use often with these word paths.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
- dot marker
- clear counters
- stickers
- glass gems
- stamps
- crayons
- pencils
- markers

These CVCC Word Family Word Path printables Ending in -ST
- 1 page for each word family ending
- The Following word families: -ast, -est -ist, -ost, -ust
Click here to get the Free -est CVCC Word Family Word Path
Click here to get the Free -ist CVCC Word Family Word Path
CVCC Word Family Path Selling Set
If you don’t want to download the CVCC Word Paths one at a time you can buy them at Teachers Pay Teachers for $3.

What you will find in these printables:
- The following word family endings: -all, -ill, -ell, -oll, -ull, -ing, -ang, -ung, -ong, -ast, -ist, -ust, -ost, -est, -ack, -ick, -ock, -uck, -and, -end, -ind, -ond, -und, ink, -unk, -onk, -amp, -imp, -ump.
- 30 pages
- Cost: $3
Check out these other CVCC Word Family Printables
CVCC -ST Word Family Cards, Writing & Tracing has -ast, -est, -ist, -ost, and -ust words with -st flashcards, -st tracing sheets and -st writing sheets. This is an ending blends printable.
CVCC Word Family Ladder Printables has several CVCC ending so that kids can build words with different beginning sounds for each ending. A great spelling activity plus works great as a CVCC learning center.
CVCC I Spy Selling Set has 40 pages of I spy printables with by ending and then by mixed ending. It is a great no-prep CVCC worksheet for kids.
CVCC Word Family Wall Cards has severe wall cards to and words with the VCC ending. You have a picture of the ending and several CVCC words for that ending.
Check out all the fun CVCC Word Family Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.