Free Easter ABC Color & Count Printable
The Easter ABC color and count printable is a great way to add some fun to the alphabet printables for Easter.
You can find and color the eggs. Then, work on counting on the same page. And each egg is a different color.
You can work on letters, colors, and shapes all at the same time. Plus kids love having fun and engaging printables to use. And I know my girls love this type of printable when they were younger.

The Easter ABC Color & Count is a great addition to the Easter printables on the site.
Easter Egg ABC Color & Count Printable
The Easter Egg ABC Color & Count printable works on finding and coloring uppercase letters or capital letters for kids. They color the letters using a color code on the top right side. Then, you count how many of each letter there are on the page and record their findings.
You have the following letters on the pages: ABCD, EFGH, IJKL, MNOP, QRST, UVWX, and WXYZ.
You have six color options: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Then, you have a section for counting the letters.
The Easter egg ABC Color & Count Printable is a great letter worksheet for prek (age 4 to 5) and kindergarten (5 to 6).

Scroll to the end to get this free printable.
Things to use with the Easter ABC Color & Count Printable
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
- printer
- white copy paper crayons
- markers
- colored pencils
- clear counters
- dry erase markers
- sheet protector
Ways to Use the Easter ABC Color & Count Printable
You can gong to see some suggestion or how to use the Easter letter color and count printable. These are suggest to see how to use the page and alternates to just the basic way to use the page.
Color the Letters on the Easter Eggs with Crayons
You can see below a complete worksheet. You have the eggs colored and counted. You can use any coloring item you like. Crayons, markers, and colored pencils all work great.
If kids just color the letter and not the whole egg. That is fine. The ideas it to identify the letters not have perfect coloring skills.
Then you can use the same color you colored the egg with to write the of that letter on the eggs.

Color the Letters with Dot Markers
Not everyone likes to color and it is not always easy for all kids to color. So changing it up to use dot markers instead of crayons or markers is fun.
This allows kids to still see find the letters but not have to worry about coloring the Easter egg. They can just dot or dot paint the eggs.

Cover the Letters with Clear Counters to Reuse the Printable
Not ever kid likes a worksheet and making it a hands-on activities is better for a lot of them.
Put the page in a sheet protectors and use clear counters on the page for covering the letters. Then you can se a dry erase marker to write the numbers for each letter. You could also just have them count the eggs and then tell you the numbers.
Printables can be flexible and fun. And this change makes it easier for kids. It also works great as a learning center for letters.

More Easter ABC Printables
Now if you are looing for more Easter alphabet printables you can check out the Easter ABC letter find. It has all 26 letters of the alphabet plus tracing and finding the letters.

Easter Egg ABC Letter Find Printable
A fun no-prep printable that kids can use to find their ABC letters with an Easter egg theme! It has all 26 letters in uppercase and lowercase.

What you will find in the Easter Egg ABC Letter Find Printable:
- All 26 letters in Uppercase and lowercase options
- Tracing section for each letter
- Several letters to dot on the Easter Eggs
- $3.50 for all 52 pages of printables
If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the pages.
What you will find in the Free Easter Egg ABC Color & Count Printable
- Color Easter Eggs by ABCs
- Four uppercase letters on each page: ABCD, EFGH, IJKL, MNOP, QRST, UVWX, WXYZ
- Color the letter code
- Count the letters
- 6 pages

More Easter Alphabet Printables
Easter ABC Themed Easy Reader Book is a simple 8 page book working on beginning sounds. This is a great Easter printable for kindergarten and prek.
Fun Easter Themed ABC Tracing Sheets In Print and Cursive has 7 fun pages for kids to use in print and cursive. It is a great way to work on handwriting letters.
Easter Egg ABC Tracing & Matching: Print & Cursive has all 26 letters of the alphabet in print and cursive with matching cards and tracing cards included.
Easter Egg ABC Letter Find is a fun way to review ABCs. There is uppercase and lowercase. This is a great Easter printable for Prek and kindergarten.
Check out all the fun Easter Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –