Free Elf Prewriting Printables
My girls just love our different Christmas Themes like Elves! As we are getting ready for another Christmas season, it was time for some more Christmas printables.
These printables match up with the Christmas Elf Pack. If you are looking for non-themed prewriting printables, there are some on the site.

The Elf Prewriting Printables is a great addition to the Christmas printables and prewriting printables on the site.
What is pre-writing?
I remember the first time I heard the word pre-writing in school. My first thought was writing a paper or starting a paper.
But for young kids, pre-writing is the skill to build to work up to writing letters and other types of writing. It also teaches the direction that we read.
You can start a lot of those skills with fine motor activities with playdough and other small motor movements. But a lot of those skills are working up to prewriting with lines. Then working on more fine motor skills that help to do better with writing and reading later in life.
You start out with thick prewriting lines and work to thinner prewriting lines. Then to prewriting patterns that work into writing letters.
Elf Prewriting Printables
We have loved reading the Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition. It has been a part of our house for the last few years, and it is tons of fun. These prewriting pages are a great addition for the Christmas Elf Packs.
My girls love having seasonal printables to work on. You can always pick out the pages in the printables that are you kids levels. There are two different types. There is a single thin line for those that are older and more skilled. Then there is a thick line that is solid and dashed for kids that are just starting out with their prewriting.
Elf Prewriting Thin Line Printables
You have 14 thin dashed prewriting line printables. You have several of the same lines on each page. This allows you to practice the lines over and over.

Elf Prewriting Thick Line Printables
You have 14 different elf prewriting thick lines to trace. They come in solid line and dashed line, but still in the thick line that is great for beginners. You can start with the solid and work to the dashed lines.

Things to use with the Elf Prewriting Printables
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
- printer
- white copy paper
- pencil – Beginner pencil
- pencil
- pencil grip
- crayons
- markers
- cotton swab
- pipsqueek markers
Ways to Use the Elf Prewriting Printable
Prewriting does not have to be boring. Be sure to change up the tools you use with your writing practice. Try using q-tip, triangular crayons or pip-squeaks markers. It should be tons of fun to do these activities.
You can see several ways below how the printables can be used.
Setting Up a Prewriting Center
You can see I have set up a simple prewriting center. It has our favorite pencil and a pencil grip to help hold the pencil.
You can do it without the grip but it is handy to have around for those that struggle to hold the pencil correctly.

Tracing the Prewriting Lines with Markers
You can trace the lines with pencil but some times marker is more fun!
You can see below a fine line marker was used to trace the prewriting lines. The fine line marker can make it a challenge for the thin lines.

You can also use a marker on the thick lines. And the bigger size of the marker might be easier for some kids to hold. And red and green are fun for this time of year.

Challenge Kids by Prewriting with Watercolors Painting
If you have someone who need help with prewriting but just tracing lines is boring for them check out this idea.
Paint the lines with watercolors. The small brush adds a different challenge to the prewriting and changes it from pencils they might find boring.

Use the Elf Prewriting Worksheets for Cutting Practice
Plus you can always use these pages cutting practice. Just print off the type of cutting you would like to do and give them some scissors.

Hands on with Mini Erasers
You can also use the lines for fine motor work by placing small items on the lines. You can use mini erasers. We get our mini erasers from Target.
These also make a great template for playdough lines as well.

Reuse the Elf Prewriting Printables
Now these prewiring worksheets are great to reuse. You can laminate them or put them in a sheet protector.
Love the sheet protector idea because you can put them in a binder. Then you can use them lines over and over and put several different lines for them to flip through and trace with dry erase markers.

More Prewriting Printables for Preschool and Kindergarten
If you are looking for more prewriting printables you have fun with the full set of prewriting printables in the Fine Motor Prewriting Printable Set. it has 174 pages of different levels of prewriting practice that kids can use.

What you will find in the Free Elf Prewriting Printables
- Single thin dashed lined 14 pages
- Thick solid line 7 pages
- Thick line dashed 7 pages

Fine Motor Prewriting Printable Set
Looking for more pre-writing printables or want it just ready to print and use. Then check out the Fine Motor Prewriting Printable Set.
This set includes some of the printables above in an easy no-prep printable set. Plus additional and new printables. The set includes big and thin dashed lines, no-prep prewriting worksheets, prewriting strips, easy reader books, and more!

What you will find in the Fine Motor Prewriting Printable Set:
- Big Solid and Dashes Prewriting Lines with a start and stop.
- Big Solid and Dashes Prewriting mixed with start and stop
- Thin Prewriting lines with start and stop.
- Thin Lines Prewriting mixed with start and stop.
- Prewriting Practice with prewriting fonts in guidelines with start and stop.
- Prewriting Practice with Patterns with prewriting fonts – Large Font
- Prewriting Practice prewriting fonts single repeated prewriting
- Prewriting Practice with prewriting fonts all fonts together
- Prewriting Practice Patterns with prewriting fonts – Single Pattern Repeated
- Prewriting Practice Patterns with prewriting fonts – mixed patterns together
- Prewriting Practice Patterns Finish the Patterns with prewriting fonts – mixed patterns together
- Prewriting Practice Spin & Trace Prewriting Fonts
- Prewriting Strips: Big Solid Prewriting Lines with Stop & Start – Color and Black & White
- Prewriting Strips: Big Dashed Prewriting Lines with Stop & Start – Color and Black & White
- Prewriting Strips: Prewriting thin lines with start and stop – Color and Black & White
- Prewriting Strips: Prewriting Practice with prewriting fonts in guidelines with start and stop – Color and Black & White
- Prewriting Strips: Prewriting Practice with prewriting fonts in guidelines.
- Prewriting Strips: Prewriting Practice Patterns
- Prewriting Easy Reader Books Big Dashes Lines – Single Print
- Prewriting Easy Reader Books Big Dashes Lines – Teacher Print
- Prewriting Easy Reader Books Thin Dashes Lines – Single Print
- Prewriting Easy Reader Books Thin Dashes Lines – Teacher Print
- 174 pages
- Price: $8
More Christmas Elf and Christms Fine Motor Printables
Easy To Use Christmas Tree Prewriting has 4 fun prewriting pages for kids to use during Christmas time. You a mix of different prewriting lines on the Christmas Tree.
Christmas Tree Fine Motor Mats has 11 Christmas tree mats with tracing, dot marker, template, and q-tip. All great ways to work on fine motor skills.
There is the Christmas Elf Pack that can be used with A Christmas Elf theme and was also a matching Set of Activities from Royal Baloo! This was a different and smaller learning pack.
There is also an Christmas Elf Pack Update. This one added 25 more pages of activities! Plus an updated Tot as well.
Check out all the fun Christmas Printables & Christmas Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –

I love your printables! Thanks for sharing them!