Free Flower Division Playdough Mat Printables
Division can be hard to learn, and have different types of division printables to help make learn division fun.
The Free Flower Division Playdough Mat Printables is a fun way to have a hands-on way to learn division facts.
You can have fun using these division mats with division problems for 1 to 12 for kids to build the answers to each division problem.
The Flower Division Playdough Mat Printables are a part of the 20 Free Printables for May.
The Flower Division Playdough Mat Printables are a great addition to the division printables and flower printables on the site.
The Flower Division Mat Printables is part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the division or flower section on the subscriber freebie page.
What is Division?
Math division is a method of distributing a group of things into equal parts. You can take 12 and make it into four groups of three items.
So when you divide you make equal parts of the same thing.
So when you have 25 ÷ 5. You make five groups of 5 out of 25. It can be a tricky thing to teach.
Flower Division Playdough Mat Printables
You have 12 flower division problems for each number. You have the center of the flower with the division problem for kids to solve.
Kids use the answer to the division problem to make the petals on the flowers. This is a great hands-on division activity that kids can use to work on division facts.
The flower division mats also lets kids see the answer to the division problem in a visual way. And some kids needs to see the answer in different ways.
The flower playdough division mats are also great for the kids that are hands-on learners.

Division Book to Use with This printable
If You Were a Divided-by Sign is a great book to use when learning division! It is a great visual book for learing division with kids.
Things to use with the Flower Division Playdough Mat Printables
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
- white cardstock
- printer
- laminator
- laminating pouches
- playdough
- unifix cubes
- clear counters
- binder
- sheet protectors
Ways to Use the Flower Division Playdough Mat Printables
You are going to see how to prepare, set and use the division playdough mats.
Preparing the Flower Division Playdough Mats Printables
Because the flower division mats are a fun playdough mat for kids it is recommended you print the division mats on cardstock and laminate. This will help the division mat printables hold up longer when kids use them.
I print and and then laminate them. I use a paper cutter to cut out the cards so I have individual pages.

Setting up a Division Playdough Mat Center
You can give kids a stack of the flowers for them to use in a learning center. You can do a mix of the division problems. You can have them make 12 playdough balls to use with the mat.

You can also give just one division at a time. You can see one division below with all the numbers on a ring. A ring is a great way to store the playdough mats as well.

Using Playdough with the Flower Division Playdough Mats
You can see below the division problem on the flower and the answer is made out of the playdough balls. You can talk about how many groups you can make out of each number.
Then you make the petals on the flower to match the answer.

Using Clear Counters with the Flower Division Playdough Mats
You can use other items on the division playdough mats. Clear counters are a great one because they are easy to have on hand to use with kids.

Using Flower Division Playdough Mats With Out Laminating
You can also just print the playdough mats on cards stock and use hands on items with them. You can clear counters above but you can also use unfix cubes, glass gems, and pattern blocks.
Another reusable idea is to put the division playdough mats in a sheet protector. They you could use playdough on it. You can put all of one division set in a binder to make a run center as well.

Division Helps to Use
Division bookmarks are a great division help. they have the answers for kids for all the problems. This can be a great took for kids just starting out to learn division.
Division Single Page Charts has all the division facts on one page to use with kids. It is a division help.
Multiplication & Division Number Bond Mat is a great mat to help kids make the groups of numbers on a 150 number chart.
You can find more division printables here.
What you will find in the Free Flower Division Playdough Mat Printables
- Division from 1 to 12 with 12 equations for each number
- 2 flower division mats on each page
- Equations on the flower for kids to build the answer with playdough
- 72 pages
More Flower Math printables for Kids
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Spring Themed Multiplication & Division Set that has a fun spring and flower theme to it. This is great for learning and reviewing multiplication and division for third grade and fourth grade.
Flower Skip Counting Mats is 12 fun skip counting mats for kids to learn with. It has numbers 1 to 12. These work great for learning skip counting in first grade, second grade, and third grade.
Flower Petal Counting & Math Printables has addition and counting math with hands on mats you can use. These are great for PreK and Kindergarten.
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Check out all the fun Flower Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –