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Free Flower Petal Counting & Math Printable

Flowers and counting petals are a great math activity. These fun flower petal counting and mat printables are great spring math printables you can do with kids.

You have two sets of flower math printables. You can work on counting from 1 to 10 and addition from 1 to 10.

Easy to use with color versions and black and white versions of the flower math.

Free Flower Petal Counting & Math Printable - counting pages from 1 to 10 and addition pages working on addition up to 10. Easy with color and black and white options. - 3Dinosaurs.com

The Flower Petal Counting & Math Printable is a great addition to the flower printables on the site.

Flower Petal Counting & Math Printable

The flower petal math and counting are great ways to work on addition and counting with kids in PreK (ages 4 to 5) and kindergarten (ages 5 to 6).

The flower petal count and math are available in color and black and white. Each version has 10 pages.

Flower Petal Counting Printable

The flower counting pages come in sets from 1 to 4 and 5 to 8 and 7 to 10. Easy wants to work on counting. Each page has 8 flowers on the pages for kids to work on their counting.

You have a color version with the number in the center of the flower and you build the petals around it. These are great to reuse in learning centers.

Free Flower Petal Counting & Math Printable - counting pages from 1 to 10 and addition pages working on addition up to 10. Easy with color and black and white options. - 3Dinosaurs.com

You can see the black and white version below. It has the same flowers and numbers as the color version but in black and white.

Free Flower Petal Counting & Math Printable - counting pages from 1 to 10 and addition pages working on addition up to 10. Easy with color and black and white options. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Flower Petal Math Printable

The flower petal math printables has addition from 1 to 5 and then 6 to 10. Each page has 8 flowers to work on addition. You have a mix of different equations for each page. You have the addition equation on the stem and leaves of the flower.

You can see the color flower petal math below. You have the color of the green stems and the center of the flowers.

Free Flower Petal Counting & Math Printable - counting pages from 1 to 10 and addition pages working on addition up to 10. Easy with color and black and white options. - 3Dinosaurs.com

You can see the black and white version below. This is a great for coloring and building the flowers in a learning center.

Free Flower Petal Counting & Math Printable - counting pages from 1 to 10 and addition pages working on addition up to 10. Easy with color and black and white options. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Things to use with the Flower Petal Counting & Math Printables

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Ways To use the Flower Petal Counting & Math

There are many different ways to use this flower math printable. And each of these ideas works great for the counting and the math pages.

Use Playdough on the Flower Petal Counting & Math Printable

Each of the flower math and counting work great for playoudgh mats. You can build the addition equation around the flower. Or just build the flower number with playoudgh petals.

You can see the flower math addition page below with playdough.

Free Flower Petal Counting & Math Printable - counting pages from 1 to 10 and addition pages working on addition up to 10. Easy with color and black and white options. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Use Clear Counters on the Flower Petal Counting & Math Printable

Another great hands-on idea is to use clear counters to make the flower petals. You can place the clear counters to make the petals to match the number or the addition on the flower.

You can see the flower counting page below with the clear counters.

Free Flower Petal Counting & Math Printable - counting pages from 1 to 10 and addition pages working on addition up to 10. Easy with color and black and white options. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Use Dot Markers on the Flower Petal Counting & Math Printable

We have used dot markers for the flowers petals. You can dot to match the number on the counting pages.

You can then dot the math pages as well. You can do the addition and then dot that many around the flower.

Free Flower Petal Counting & Math Printable - counting pages from 1 to 10 and addition pages working on addition up to 10. Easy with color and black and white options. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Or you can make the equation out of two colors of dot markers around the flower. It makes a pretty flower and shows the equation on the flower.

Free Flower Petal Counting & Math Printable - counting pages from 1 to 10 and addition pages working on addition up to 10. Easy with color and black and white options. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Use Finger Stamps on the Flower Petal Counting & Math Printable

You can use a stamp pad and fingers and make the petals out of finger prints. And this is a fun idea to do for kids. They will enjoy making the flowers.

Draw Petals on the Flower Petal Counting & Math Printable

You can use a crayons and draw on the flower petals. Kids will have fun building the equation or counting and drawing flower petals.

This makes a great spring learning center idea for kids. And you can do the color or the black and white for this.

Free Flower Petal Counting & Math Printable - counting pages from 1 to 10 and addition pages working on addition up to 10. Easy with color and black and white options. - 3Dinosaurs.com

You can also reuse these flower math mats by putting them in a sheet protector and then use a dry erase marker to make the equation or count for the flower petals. You can use lots of different colors for the petals as well.

Free Flower Petal Counting & Math Printable - counting pages from 1 to 10 and addition pages working on addition up to 10. Easy with color and black and white options. - 3Dinosaurs.com

All of these ideas have made these Flower Petal Math & Counting Printables lots of fun to do. Plus there are just a few ways you could do it. You could also use construction paper on for the petals or another type of material that you think would be fun to use.

What you will find in these Flower Petal Counting & Math Printables:

  • Color and black & white Flowers
  • Counting 1 through 10
  • Addition 1 through 5
  • Addition 6 through 10
  • 20 pages
Free Flower Petal Counting & Math Printable - 3Dinosaurs.com

More Flower Math Activities For Kids

Flower Ten Frame Set works on numbers 1 to 20 with cards, two flower ten frame easy reader books, and flower ten frame no-prep worksheets

Flower Counting Book is a great prewriting for working on tracing the number word in reading it in a simple sentence.

Flower Subtraction Task Cards is a great way to work subtraction during the spring. You have 12 task cards for working on subtraction. These are great for kindergarten and first grade.

Flower Telling Time Matching Card Printables has matching cards for digital clock and analog clocks.

Flower Skip Counting Mats is 12 fun skip counting mats for kids to learn with. It has numbers 1 to 12. These work great for learning skip counting in first grade, second grade, and third grade.

Check out all the fun Flower Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Flower Activities & Printables on 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com


  1. I love math printables. This is a great one. I am pinning it now.

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